Mau y Ricky - OUCH (Official Video)
Mau y Ricky – Ouch (Official Video)
Apple Music: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/applemusic
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/spotify
Amazon Music: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/az
YouTube: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/youtube
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/itunes
Deezer: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/deezer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mauyricky
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MauYRicky
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MauyRicky
#MauyRicky #Ouch #Rifresh
Official Music Video by Mau y Ricky performing “Ouch” © 2020 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
published: 17 Nov 2020
Miei cari fioi, ecco il primo best moments qui su YouTube. Ringrazio Aldo che, con mooolta calma, alla fine è riuscito a darvi codesto video, sperando che vi piaccia. BEA MORI!
TWITCH► https://goo.gl/j7F27o
CAPPELLI GHSBR►https://ilmasseo.com/
INSTAGRAM► https://goo.gl/cmP6UX
ANDREAS17► https://goo.gl/VuCBhi
FACEBOOK 0775►https://goo.gl/SbD2nk
I MANIACI DI FIFA►https://goo.gl/WTAq3a
FACEBOOK► https://goo.gl/g4vWto
published: 29 Aug 2019
Auch (Official Audio)
Auch (Official Audio)
Text/Voce: Tripp
Mix/Master: Zenk
Artwork: Tinolex
Prod: Blanq Beatz
Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes:
Coca frige nasu curge
Fiddy milioane nu mi ajunge
Am ak pe cruce
Am arma n rascruce
Scoate i l in fata pentru viata fuge
Aud girofare n stanga n dreapta nah
Trag in tine cum am tras si n fata ta
Te dai gangsta pici pici
You aint gangsta you s a bitch
Va dati gangsta tare n aveti glock u la picioare
Zici ca faci bani fratioare nu faci 20 milioane
Eu stau in casa si fac papachetete
Scopu meu e sa fac multi bani gen brd
Nu mor irelevant nu dorm in ghetete
Nu plange sterge apepepelele
Stiti ca sunt cel mai bun din oras
Fapte cunoscute ca am vandut iarba si has
Daca povestesti ce fac eu nu esti un borfas
published: 16 Jun 2020
Learn German | Auch Explained
Do you know all the meanings and uses of "auch" in German? No? Then this video will help you to master this word and get you one step closer to your language learning goal! Become a Deutsch expert and Get Germanized!
Subscribe here:
Take a look at the main channel here:
Support Get Germanized
Become a patron:
Donate on Paypal:
Check out a great collection of German (e)books, audio books, music and movies at my Amazon store:
published: 21 Sep 2014
Ciao Amici!
Siamo tornate con una challenge un po' particolare, infatti abbiamo deciso di mettere alla prova la nostra sincerità rispondendo a delle domande scomode utilizzando una macchina della verità comprata su internet!
Sinceramente, non sappiamo se funziona veramente, quello che sappiamo è che dà la scossa... Come sarà andata? Benvenuti nella MACCHINA DELLA VERITA' CHALLENGE!
❤️ Ascoltate il nostro primo disco qui : https://lnk.to/MiracleTunes
Seguiteci anche su Instagram:
published: 16 Jul 2019
Auch das noch: Blizzard wurde Opfer einer DDoS-Attacke - World of Warcraft-Spieler waren betroffen
Blizzard wurde gestern Opfer einer DDoS-Attacke. Die Folge: Manche Spieler konnten nicht ins Battle.net oder World of Warcraft einloggen.
► Abo und Like nicht vergessen!
► Kanalmitglied werden und exklusive Vorteile erhalten:
► Offizielle Facebook-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/TheGeezaxGaming
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeezaxGaming
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geezaxgaming/
► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/geezaxgaming
► WoW-Community: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/rDKYvataVk?region=EU&faction;=Horde
► Discord: https://discord.gg/eBTFUaDpRb
► Mein zweiter Account: https://bit.ly/3rYZcxg
published: 26 Nov 2021
Auch : au coeur de la Gascogne (Grand Site Occitanie)
André Daguin, Gascon émérite, nous raconte Auch avec l’accent du cœur.
Pour en savoir plus sur les Grands Sites d'Occitanie, rendez-vous sur : https://www.tourisme-occitanie.com/tous-les-grands-sites-occitanie
published: 08 Aug 2018
FNF but Funni: Неделя 2 - Мод для пятничного вечера Funkin ' https://gamebanana.com/mods/305724
mod creator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY2JxZoU3ZrysUBeQirhM8w
FNF https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin
published: 20 Jul 2021
Canción de boo boo | Musica para bebes | Educación | Boom Buddies Español | Dibujos animados
Hola niños, bienvenido a nuestro canal Boom Buddies Español - Canciones Infantiles!
Mira esta colección de las mejores canciones infantiles divertidas animadas y rimas infantiles para niños y muchos más con animación creativa y música pegadiza para niños aprender y cantar.
A los niños les encantará ver estas canciones de aprendizaje preescolar y videos educativos con la mejor colección de videos para niños.
Visit our website http://www.uspstudios.co/ for more Children’s Nursery Rhymes & Kids Videos
Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Studios™
Video: Copyright USP Studios™
Bob The Train App - Download Now https://goo.gl/6euK1b
Bob the Train Plush Toys now available on Amazon. Buy yours today! Bob the...
published: 10 Nov 2020
Auch that hurts! Morphle bumps his head and turns into a Ambulance! Vehicle videos for Kids!
Morphle Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmwpvieHKxgF2A7612PdKabO1EEjfe5aP In this episode of 'My Magic Pet Morphle' Morphle morphs into a ambulance to help lots of people get to the hospital!
In this many-episode compilation of the 'My Magic Pet Morphle' children's cartoon series, Morphle can morph into all sorts of things that kids love! Like dinosaurs, cars, trucks and other vehicles and cute animals. In these episodes Morphle morphs into a Ambulance, Elephant, Dinosaurs and many more things to help Mila and others.
Morphle TV is for toddlers and older kids, but because of its fun colors and sounds it is even popular with babies.
#kids #cartoon #Morphle
'Ambulance Again!' episode by:...
published: 24 Sep 2018
Mau y Ricky - OUCH (Official Video)
Mau y Ricky – Ouch (Official Video)
Apple Music: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/applemusic
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/spotify
Amazon Music:...
Mau y Ricky – Ouch (Official Video)
Apple Music: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/applemusic
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/spotify
Amazon Music: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/az
YouTube: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/youtube
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/itunes
Deezer: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/deezer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mauyricky
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MauYRicky
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MauyRicky
#MauyRicky #Ouch #Rifresh
Official Music Video by Mau y Ricky performing “Ouch” © 2020 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
Mau y Ricky – Ouch (Official Video)
Apple Music: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/applemusic
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/spotify
Amazon Music: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/az
YouTube: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/youtube
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/itunes
Deezer: https://smarturl.it/MyROUCH/deezer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mauyricky
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MauYRicky
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MauyRicky
#MauyRicky #Ouch #Rifresh
Official Music Video by Mau y Ricky performing “Ouch” © 2020 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
- published: 17 Nov 2020
- views: 14055632
Miei cari fioi, ecco il primo best moments qui su YouTube. Ringrazio Aldo che, con mooolta calma, alla fine è riuscito a darvi codesto video, sperando che vi p...
Miei cari fioi, ecco il primo best moments qui su YouTube. Ringrazio Aldo che, con mooolta calma, alla fine è riuscito a darvi codesto video, sperando che vi piaccia. BEA MORI!
TWITCH► https://goo.gl/j7F27o
CAPPELLI GHSBR►https://ilmasseo.com/
INSTAGRAM► https://goo.gl/cmP6UX
ANDREAS17► https://goo.gl/VuCBhi
FACEBOOK 0775►https://goo.gl/SbD2nk
I MANIACI DI FIFA►https://goo.gl/WTAq3a
FACEBOOK► https://goo.gl/g4vWto
Miei cari fioi, ecco il primo best moments qui su YouTube. Ringrazio Aldo che, con mooolta calma, alla fine è riuscito a darvi codesto video, sperando che vi piaccia. BEA MORI!
TWITCH► https://goo.gl/j7F27o
CAPPELLI GHSBR►https://ilmasseo.com/
INSTAGRAM► https://goo.gl/cmP6UX
ANDREAS17► https://goo.gl/VuCBhi
FACEBOOK 0775►https://goo.gl/SbD2nk
I MANIACI DI FIFA►https://goo.gl/WTAq3a
FACEBOOK► https://goo.gl/g4vWto
- published: 29 Aug 2019
- views: 4738506
Auch (Official Audio)
Auch (Official Audio)
Text/Voce: Tripp
Mix/Master: Zenk
Artwork: Tinolex
Prod: Blanq Beatz
Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes:
Auch (Official Audio)
Text/Voce: Tripp
Mix/Master: Zenk
Artwork: Tinolex
Prod: Blanq Beatz
Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes:
Coca frige nasu curge
Fiddy milioane nu mi ajunge
Am ak pe cruce
Am arma n rascruce
Scoate i l in fata pentru viata fuge
Aud girofare n stanga n dreapta nah
Trag in tine cum am tras si n fata ta
Te dai gangsta pici pici
You aint gangsta you s a bitch
Va dati gangsta tare n aveti glock u la picioare
Zici ca faci bani fratioare nu faci 20 milioane
Eu stau in casa si fac papachetete
Scopu meu e sa fac multi bani gen brd
Nu mor irelevant nu dorm in ghetete
Nu plange sterge apepepelele
Stiti ca sunt cel mai bun din oras
Fapte cunoscute ca am vandut iarba si has
Daca povestesti ce fac eu nu esti un borfas
Esti doar un copil topit cu arfe n anturaj
In decembrie ninge
Stii ca ma mpinge
Sparg piatra tare si curge n laringe
Zapada o minge
For real nu cringe
Odata aprins stii nimeni nu ma stinge
Am pachete de de de cash no no no
Rachete cu flash nu vezi esti un bou
Agarici tu fa pas cuz u's a hoe
U just a bitch easy come easy go
Tovarasii mei buni m au stresat
Nu mai vreau eu bad vibes ca m am periat
Veniti la usa ca nu m am speriat
Cand scot waltheru dao v ati tirat
Asta i inmormantarea ta ta ta
Nu te mai scapa nici ma ta ta ta
Nu e salvarea ca minte si ea
Stie si el
Stie si ea
Au sri dar ce oroare
Ti au pus in camera microfoane
Va prinde garda n aveti scapare
Uita te pe camere s aveti filmare
Aha va da la cap eroare
Trippy vin cu glocku faceti jocu de picioare
Fii baiat cuminte am cuvinte nu ma doare
Nu esti OBD ai stat prea mult cu capu n soare
Sunteti mult prea salty v ati luat prank cu sare
Nu l mai imprumutati p ala cand voi stiti ca n are
Am 420 tu fumezi legale
Call 112 va rog aduceti o salvare
(C) & (P) Tripp
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
Auch (Official Audio)
Text/Voce: Tripp
Mix/Master: Zenk
Artwork: Tinolex
Prod: Blanq Beatz
Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes:
Coca frige nasu curge
Fiddy milioane nu mi ajunge
Am ak pe cruce
Am arma n rascruce
Scoate i l in fata pentru viata fuge
Aud girofare n stanga n dreapta nah
Trag in tine cum am tras si n fata ta
Te dai gangsta pici pici
You aint gangsta you s a bitch
Va dati gangsta tare n aveti glock u la picioare
Zici ca faci bani fratioare nu faci 20 milioane
Eu stau in casa si fac papachetete
Scopu meu e sa fac multi bani gen brd
Nu mor irelevant nu dorm in ghetete
Nu plange sterge apepepelele
Stiti ca sunt cel mai bun din oras
Fapte cunoscute ca am vandut iarba si has
Daca povestesti ce fac eu nu esti un borfas
Esti doar un copil topit cu arfe n anturaj
In decembrie ninge
Stii ca ma mpinge
Sparg piatra tare si curge n laringe
Zapada o minge
For real nu cringe
Odata aprins stii nimeni nu ma stinge
Am pachete de de de cash no no no
Rachete cu flash nu vezi esti un bou
Agarici tu fa pas cuz u's a hoe
U just a bitch easy come easy go
Tovarasii mei buni m au stresat
Nu mai vreau eu bad vibes ca m am periat
Veniti la usa ca nu m am speriat
Cand scot waltheru dao v ati tirat
Asta i inmormantarea ta ta ta
Nu te mai scapa nici ma ta ta ta
Nu e salvarea ca minte si ea
Stie si el
Stie si ea
Au sri dar ce oroare
Ti au pus in camera microfoane
Va prinde garda n aveti scapare
Uita te pe camere s aveti filmare
Aha va da la cap eroare
Trippy vin cu glocku faceti jocu de picioare
Fii baiat cuminte am cuvinte nu ma doare
Nu esti OBD ai stat prea mult cu capu n soare
Sunteti mult prea salty v ati luat prank cu sare
Nu l mai imprumutati p ala cand voi stiti ca n are
Am 420 tu fumezi legale
Call 112 va rog aduceti o salvare
(C) & (P) Tripp
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
- published: 16 Jun 2020
- views: 16044
Learn German | Auch Explained
Do you know all the meanings and uses of "auch" in German? No? Then this video will help you to master this word and get you one step closer to your language le...
Do you know all the meanings and uses of "auch" in German? No? Then this video will help you to master this word and get you one step closer to your language learning goal! Become a Deutsch expert and Get Germanized!
Subscribe here:
Take a look at the main channel here:
Support Get Germanized
Become a patron:
Donate on Paypal:
Check out a great collection of German (e)books, audio books, music and movies at my Amazon store:
or shop with my support link on Amazon:
Grab some merch! It'll make you look geil!
Channel description
Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead!
My channel covers everything from beginners to expert lessons and even though I'm not a professional teacher you'll find that Get Germanized takes on a fresh approach and that looking at things from a different perspective can be key to making progress fast!
I'm a native speaker and started this channel to improve my English language skills but by now our community has grown into something that will help you reach your goals in no time and entertain you while doing so!
New videos every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday! Get ready and let's learn Deutsch together! Viel Erfolg and don't forget to Get Germanized!
For a more interactive approach check out my lessons on curious.com:
If you want to send me something (pretty much anything) you can do so at:
Dominik Hannekum
Packstation 109
Weher Straße 38-42
32369 Rahden
Find me on
Vuko or onkel_herzlos@web.de
Do you know all the meanings and uses of "auch" in German? No? Then this video will help you to master this word and get you one step closer to your language learning goal! Become a Deutsch expert and Get Germanized!
Subscribe here:
Take a look at the main channel here:
Support Get Germanized
Become a patron:
Donate on Paypal:
Check out a great collection of German (e)books, audio books, music and movies at my Amazon store:
or shop with my support link on Amazon:
Grab some merch! It'll make you look geil!
Channel description
Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead!
My channel covers everything from beginners to expert lessons and even though I'm not a professional teacher you'll find that Get Germanized takes on a fresh approach and that looking at things from a different perspective can be key to making progress fast!
I'm a native speaker and started this channel to improve my English language skills but by now our community has grown into something that will help you reach your goals in no time and entertain you while doing so!
New videos every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday! Get ready and let's learn Deutsch together! Viel Erfolg and don't forget to Get Germanized!
For a more interactive approach check out my lessons on curious.com:
If you want to send me something (pretty much anything) you can do so at:
Dominik Hannekum
Packstation 109
Weher Straße 38-42
32369 Rahden
Find me on
Vuko or onkel_herzlos@web.de
- published: 21 Sep 2014
- views: 12859
Ciao Amici!
Siamo tornate con una challenge un po' particolare, infatti abbiamo deciso di mettere alla prova la nostra sincerità rispondendo a delle domande sc...
Ciao Amici!
Siamo tornate con una challenge un po' particolare, infatti abbiamo deciso di mettere alla prova la nostra sincerità rispondendo a delle domande scomode utilizzando una macchina della verità comprata su internet!
Sinceramente, non sappiamo se funziona veramente, quello che sappiamo è che dà la scossa... Come sarà andata? Benvenuti nella MACCHINA DELLA VERITA' CHALLENGE!
❤️ Ascoltate il nostro primo disco qui : https://lnk.to/MiracleTunes
Seguiteci anche su Instagram:
Ciao Amici!
Siamo tornate con una challenge un po' particolare, infatti abbiamo deciso di mettere alla prova la nostra sincerità rispondendo a delle domande scomode utilizzando una macchina della verità comprata su internet!
Sinceramente, non sappiamo se funziona veramente, quello che sappiamo è che dà la scossa... Come sarà andata? Benvenuti nella MACCHINA DELLA VERITA' CHALLENGE!
❤️ Ascoltate il nostro primo disco qui : https://lnk.to/MiracleTunes
Seguiteci anche su Instagram:
- published: 16 Jul 2019
- views: 958377
Auch das noch: Blizzard wurde Opfer einer DDoS-Attacke - World of Warcraft-Spieler waren betroffen
Blizzard wurde gestern Opfer einer DDoS-Attacke. Die Folge: Manche Spieler konnten nicht ins Battle.net oder World of Warcraft einloggen.
Blizzard wurde gestern Opfer einer DDoS-Attacke. Die Folge: Manche Spieler konnten nicht ins Battle.net oder World of Warcraft einloggen.
► Abo und Like nicht vergessen!
► Kanalmitglied werden und exklusive Vorteile erhalten:
► Offizielle Facebook-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/TheGeezaxGaming
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeezaxGaming
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geezaxgaming/
► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/geezaxgaming
► WoW-Community: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/rDKYvataVk?region=EU&faction;=Horde
► Discord: https://discord.gg/eBTFUaDpRb
► Mein zweiter Account: https://bit.ly/3rYZcxg
Falls ihr meinen Kanal unterstützen möchtet, nutzt doch gerne die folgenden Links für euren nächsten Amazon-Einkauf. Für euch entstehen keine zusätzlichen Kosten und ich bekomme eine kleine Provision. Vielen Dank! Ihr könnt auch einfach beim Klick auf den Link nach einem anderen Produkt suchen.
Günstig 60 Tage Spielzeit erwerben*: https://amzn.to/3rBMAvh
Die Vorgeschichte zu Shadowlands*: https://amzn.to/2Z2aNyM
Der Lich-King für Zuhause*: https://amzn.to/3a3Lxyk
Die Tasse für echte Hordler*: https://amzn.to/3p9fm4F
Informiert euch über die Geschichte Azeroths*: https://amzn.to/3cXJ7D5
Meine Tastatur*: https://amzn.to/3cWZKir
Mein Headset*: https://amzn.to/36Xgz9k
Wenn ihr den Channel unterstützen möchtet, könnt ihr das hier tun: https://streamlabs.com/geezaxgaming
Musik von https://gemafreie-musik-online.de.
Die mit * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate Links durch die ich eine kleine Provision vom Händler erhalte. Das kostet euch keinen Cent mehr und unterstützt mich enorm. Danke!
Blizzard wurde gestern Opfer einer DDoS-Attacke. Die Folge: Manche Spieler konnten nicht ins Battle.net oder World of Warcraft einloggen.
► Abo und Like nicht vergessen!
► Kanalmitglied werden und exklusive Vorteile erhalten:
► Offizielle Facebook-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/TheGeezaxGaming
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeezaxGaming
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geezaxgaming/
► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/geezaxgaming
► WoW-Community: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/rDKYvataVk?region=EU&faction;=Horde
► Discord: https://discord.gg/eBTFUaDpRb
► Mein zweiter Account: https://bit.ly/3rYZcxg
Falls ihr meinen Kanal unterstützen möchtet, nutzt doch gerne die folgenden Links für euren nächsten Amazon-Einkauf. Für euch entstehen keine zusätzlichen Kosten und ich bekomme eine kleine Provision. Vielen Dank! Ihr könnt auch einfach beim Klick auf den Link nach einem anderen Produkt suchen.
Günstig 60 Tage Spielzeit erwerben*: https://amzn.to/3rBMAvh
Die Vorgeschichte zu Shadowlands*: https://amzn.to/2Z2aNyM
Der Lich-King für Zuhause*: https://amzn.to/3a3Lxyk
Die Tasse für echte Hordler*: https://amzn.to/3p9fm4F
Informiert euch über die Geschichte Azeroths*: https://amzn.to/3cXJ7D5
Meine Tastatur*: https://amzn.to/3cWZKir
Mein Headset*: https://amzn.to/36Xgz9k
Wenn ihr den Channel unterstützen möchtet, könnt ihr das hier tun: https://streamlabs.com/geezaxgaming
Musik von https://gemafreie-musik-online.de.
Die mit * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate Links durch die ich eine kleine Provision vom Händler erhalte. Das kostet euch keinen Cent mehr und unterstützt mich enorm. Danke!
- published: 26 Nov 2021
- views: 103
Auch : au coeur de la Gascogne (Grand Site Occitanie)
André Daguin, Gascon émérite, nous raconte Auch avec l’accent du cœur.
Pour en savoir plus sur les Grands Sites d'Occitanie, rendez-vous sur : https://www.tour...
André Daguin, Gascon émérite, nous raconte Auch avec l’accent du cœur.
Pour en savoir plus sur les Grands Sites d'Occitanie, rendez-vous sur : https://www.tourisme-occitanie.com/tous-les-grands-sites-occitanie
André Daguin, Gascon émérite, nous raconte Auch avec l’accent du cœur.
Pour en savoir plus sur les Grands Sites d'Occitanie, rendez-vous sur : https://www.tourisme-occitanie.com/tous-les-grands-sites-occitanie
- published: 08 Aug 2018
- views: 5291
FNF but Funni: Неделя 2 - Мод для пятничного вечера Funkin ' https://gamebanana.com/mods/305724
mod creator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY2JxZoU3ZrysUBeQir...
FNF but Funni: Неделя 2 - Мод для пятничного вечера Funkin ' https://gamebanana.com/mods/305724
mod creator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY2JxZoU3ZrysUBeQirhM8w
FNF https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin
FNF but Funni: Неделя 2 - Мод для пятничного вечера Funkin ' https://gamebanana.com/mods/305724
mod creator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY2JxZoU3ZrysUBeQirhM8w
FNF https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin
- published: 20 Jul 2021
- views: 480876
Canción de boo boo | Musica para bebes | Educación | Boom Buddies Español | Dibujos animados
Hola niños, bienvenido a nuestro canal Boom Buddies Español - Canciones Infantiles!
Mira esta colección de las mejores canciones infantiles divertidas animadas ...
Hola niños, bienvenido a nuestro canal Boom Buddies Español - Canciones Infantiles!
Mira esta colección de las mejores canciones infantiles divertidas animadas y rimas infantiles para niños y muchos más con animación creativa y música pegadiza para niños aprender y cantar.
A los niños les encantará ver estas canciones de aprendizaje preescolar y videos educativos con la mejor colección de videos para niños.
Visit our website http://www.uspstudios.co/ for more Children’s Nursery Rhymes & Kids Videos
Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Studios™
Video: Copyright USP Studios™
Bob The Train App - Download Now https://goo.gl/6euK1b
Bob the Train Plush Toys now available on Amazon. Buy yours today! Bob the Train Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/2PCeSDS
Hola niños, bienvenido a nuestro canal Boom Buddies Español - Canciones Infantiles!
Mira esta colección de las mejores canciones infantiles divertidas animadas y rimas infantiles para niños y muchos más con animación creativa y música pegadiza para niños aprender y cantar.
A los niños les encantará ver estas canciones de aprendizaje preescolar y videos educativos con la mejor colección de videos para niños.
Visit our website http://www.uspstudios.co/ for more Children’s Nursery Rhymes & Kids Videos
Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Studios™
Video: Copyright USP Studios™
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Bob the Train Plush Toys now available on Amazon. Buy yours today! Bob the Train Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/2PCeSDS
- published: 10 Nov 2020
- views: 12762358
Auch that hurts! Morphle bumps his head and turns into a Ambulance! Vehicle videos for Kids!
Morphle Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmwpvieHKxgF2A7612PdKabO1EEjfe5aP In this episode of 'My Magic Pet Morphle' Morphle morphs into a ambu...
Morphle Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmwpvieHKxgF2A7612PdKabO1EEjfe5aP In this episode of 'My Magic Pet Morphle' Morphle morphs into a ambulance to help lots of people get to the hospital!
In this many-episode compilation of the 'My Magic Pet Morphle' children's cartoon series, Morphle can morph into all sorts of things that kids love! Like dinosaurs, cars, trucks and other vehicles and cute animals. In these episodes Morphle morphs into a Ambulance, Elephant, Dinosaurs and many more things to help Mila and others.
Morphle TV is for toddlers and older kids, but because of its fun colors and sounds it is even popular with babies.
#kids #cartoon #Morphle
'Ambulance Again!' episode by: Danne Bakker
Produced by: Van Merwyk Media
Mila: Sabrina Glow ( http://www.glowgirlskidvoiceover.com )
Other episodes: Danne Bakker, Mark Bastiaan, Nicole Derksen, Jessy Suharyanto, Jesse Tamerius, Merel Hamers, Etienne van Emden, Ruben Zaalberg, Jeroen Koffeman, Jip Jansen
Backgrounds: Jan-Jaap Schraverus
Character Designs: Jan Jaap Schraverus, Stein Louisse , David Muchtar
Rigging: Stein Louisse, Jeroen Koffeman, David Muchtar, Jan Jaap Schraverus
Sound Design & Music: Spoon-sound
( http://www. spoon-sound.com )
Morphle Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmwpvieHKxgF2A7612PdKabO1EEjfe5aP In this episode of 'My Magic Pet Morphle' Morphle morphs into a ambulance to help lots of people get to the hospital!
In this many-episode compilation of the 'My Magic Pet Morphle' children's cartoon series, Morphle can morph into all sorts of things that kids love! Like dinosaurs, cars, trucks and other vehicles and cute animals. In these episodes Morphle morphs into a Ambulance, Elephant, Dinosaurs and many more things to help Mila and others.
Morphle TV is for toddlers and older kids, but because of its fun colors and sounds it is even popular with babies.
#kids #cartoon #Morphle
'Ambulance Again!' episode by: Danne Bakker
Produced by: Van Merwyk Media
Mila: Sabrina Glow ( http://www.glowgirlskidvoiceover.com )
Other episodes: Danne Bakker, Mark Bastiaan, Nicole Derksen, Jessy Suharyanto, Jesse Tamerius, Merel Hamers, Etienne van Emden, Ruben Zaalberg, Jeroen Koffeman, Jip Jansen
Backgrounds: Jan-Jaap Schraverus
Character Designs: Jan Jaap Schraverus, Stein Louisse , David Muchtar
Rigging: Stein Louisse, Jeroen Koffeman, David Muchtar, Jan Jaap Schraverus
Sound Design & Music: Spoon-sound
( http://www. spoon-sound.com )
- published: 24 Sep 2018
- views: 25637108