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Odd-Even II: Women, VIPs exempt again

The exemption granted to certain VIPs as well as two-wheelers would also continue in the forthcoming phase, said Transport Minister Gopal Rai.

By: Express News Service | New Delhi | Updated: April 9, 2016 8:37 am
odd even, women and odd even policy, odd even policy in new delhi The second phase of the government’s pollution-control plan will be back on April 15. Praveen Khanna

The Delhi government has decided to exempt women from the second phase of odd-even, its vehicle rationing scheme to control pollution in the capital, which starts on April 15.

At a meeting of the odd-even coordination committee and the cabinet Wednesday, chaired by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, it was decided that women would continue to be exempted from the ambit of the pollution control plan as safety of women was still a matter of concern in the capital.

Watch video Odd-Even Phase II Scheme: Ex-Servicemen March In Unison For Odd-Even Role

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The exemption granted to certain VIPs as well as two-wheelers would also continue in the forthcoming phase, said Transport Minister Gopal Rai. “In our surveys, people were against the exemption granted to VIPs, but we do not want to create any political controversy. So, the exemption will continue,” said Rai.

During the meeting, senior officials from the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), Delhi Metro and the Revenue Department assured the CM that they were ready for the implementation of the pollution-control plan.

The cabinet also wanted to exempt parents taking their children to schools, said Rai. “We are wondering how parents, who are taking their children to school, will avoid getting challaned. We will work something out,” said the minister.

Schools that use DTC buses to ferry their students “have been asked to give back the buses by 8 am,” said the minister.

Rai said the registration of almost 400 private buses under the Paryavaran Bus Sewa service was ongoing. These buses will cater to the additional load of commuters. “Last time, there wasn’t enough publicity about the buses but this time, conductors have been asked to announce at every stop that the buses will be used to ferry the public,” said Rai.

Rai also shared information about the various events that will be held in the run-up to the second phase of odd-even plan. On April 12, the chief minister is going to administer the ‘oath of odd-even’ to school students and the next day, civil defence volunteers will take the same pledge.