The Elders February
The Pyramids of
Light ~
The Pyramid Above the
Middle East
By Anrita
Mp3 download
Artwork by Endre Balogh
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of February as you experience both a deeper sense of the knowing of yourselves as Initiates of Light and these sacred transfiguring flames of
Divine Love creating
Pathways of Light for yourselves and others. And as you know, sweet ones, for the first three weeks in January of this year of
2015, a greater level of Light frequencies activated through the
Unity Grid of Divine Love and within the crystalline matrix at a cellular level within each one of you, sweet ones. This brought up for many of you a sense of feeling unsafe, or increased levels of perceived challenges as all that you were working with in terms of your own individual Light remodulation and frequency amplified for you. This energy has settled once more, sweet ones, but this crystalline matrix that activates through the Sun, the
Central Sun and the
Great Central Sun continues to expand in increased Light frequencies for all those ready to anchor and activate a greater level of their blossoming and their Light. And part of this experience, sweet ones, is the knowing of the many tools and gifts that you have been given through your own wisdom and knowledge and assistance from the many Legions of Light from
On High. And we present you too, with an understanding of the twelve etheric
Pyramids of Light that we started with in the transmissions of January. Before we take you into a deeper understanding of these Pyramids of Light, sweet ones, activating simply a remembrance and a knowing of how you assist
Mother Earth and all her life in these beautiful planetary activities of Light, let us set a sacred space, coming together as One
Unified Cosmic
So, wherever you are, sweet ones, within your sacred space, simply center yourselves, breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out. Coming into the stillness within, the stillness and the wisdom of your soul note, as you take yourselves deeper into the heart, sweet ones, visualizing now this beautiful diamond golden and white flame of Divine Love. The diamond aspect representing the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God, the innocence, the purity, and the magnificence of your Light. The white Light representing the Christed
Nature, sweet ones, of every single one of you, touched in the innocence of creation, and aligning you deeper into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God in the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and
Master Beings of Light; and the beautiful golden aspects of Unity
Consciousness, of the knowing that you are one with God, that God and You are One. And you can take a moment too, to place your hands upon your heart energetically or physically and just say to yourselves “
I Love you”, giving your full name now, “I Love you
.….. I Love you
Wonderful, sweet ones.
And now you are wrapped in the beautiful silver-gold flame of
Galactic Christ Consciousness, brought in by the Sirian Archangelic
League of the Light who Overlight this sacred year of 2015. This beautiful silver-gold flame takes you deeper into the healing of the wounds of your relationships, into a greater level of
the re-balancing of the Divine Masculine and
Feminine archetypes, into an understanding of Tantra ~
Union with the Divine ~ the
Yin and Yang, the polarities that create balance; and further to this, sweet ones, takes you into a deeper sense of the knowing of yourselves as Initiates of Light. Activating now many of the memories of ancient
Egypt as Initiates of Light, as we take you further into an understanding of these etheric Pyramids of
- published: 19 Feb 2015
- views: 6346