Finally a Debate Worth Having – The Smurfs: Communist Paradise or National-Socialist Nightmare?

Finally, after several rather irrelevant deviations, whatshisname tries to bring back some „seriousity“ into our posts. And while Bensons untimely death has of course struck all of us deeply, it is greatly overshadowed by the burning controversy of our age. Here for your discussing convenience are Positions A and B neatly presented.

My position is that what one of the alkis who usually (meaning always) sits on the stairs at the entrance to my home said seems to be correct: They are both one and the same, both anti-semitic trash, since we all know that communism in its correct form was invented sometime in the early 1990s by Stephan Grigat (Bruno thinks he is the greatest Austrian superstar since Hitler….but everybody knows Grigat is waaaaay cooler). Everything that came before that (or has yet to accept that) was just Nazis with different flags.

Position A: The Smurfs as Marxist-Leninist Societal Model

-All resources in the Smurf village are collective, and they all have houses of similar quality.
-The smurfs reject money and all the negatives it brings with it (reference: „Der Finanzschlumpf“)
-All Smurfs dress the same, imatating a popular fashion statement from the times of Maoist China.
-While all Smurfs represent different trades (which speaks poorly for their understanding of the struggle against division of labor), there is no „Priest“ Smurf, instead there are only „natural forces“ such as nature and time, which are viewed as „friends“ and not „rulers.“
-The Party is Always Right Comrade: The „Worker“ Smurf represents the socialist worker and soldier, who unquestionably follows the lead of the Party (Papa Smurf).
-“Philosopher“ Smurf represents Leon Trotsky. Questions his comrades, always seeks to be on par with Papa Smurf (who can be seen either as Lenin or Marx, yet that alone would be the next debate), shows megalomaniac tendencies, and in several episodes is even cast into exile (Trotsky…Mexico…icepick…).
-Gargamel represents capitalism. He is greedy and stingy, mistreats his worker (Azrael). Seeks personal gratification (gold) through the destruction of the „collective joy“ (the Smurfs and their little Utopia).
-Azrael represents the worker in capitalist society who lacks class consciousness: Blindly following his master/employer, willing to risk his life, and yet devoid of any possessions.

Position B: The Smurfs as National-Socialist Propaganda

-Autarchic/Führer based society.
-All members of this „race“ are perfectly identical…and blue. Not red, not black, not brown…blue.
-There is one woman, and she is not only blue, but also blonde.
-The figure of Gargamel represents a classic anti-semitic stereotype, as often represented by NS propaganda. A prominent and „hooked“ nose, greedy, deceitful, and above all determined to destroy the Smurf „race.“
-The name Asrael ends with „el,“ a common ending of names of Jewish provenance…Miguel, Angel, Gabriel, etc.
-Asrael….Israel: How much more obvious does it have to be?
-“Der Finanzschlumpf“: The evil of capitalism personified into the greedy and „amoral“ role of one individual.

A Croatian Nazi Smurf Aufmarsch.

4 Antworten auf „Finally a Debate Worth Having – The Smurfs: Communist Paradise or National-Socialist Nightmare?“

  1. 1 Entdinglichung 06. August 2009 um 16:24 Uhr

    can remember, that we with our Antifa groups came more than 15 years ago after a discussion in the pub to the conclusion, that the term „patriarchal anarchy“ may be appropriate ;-)

  2. 2 human 12. August 2009 um 22:18 Uhr
  1. 1 Nazi-Schlümpfe, Pflasterstrand und Riot-Porn « meta.blogsport Pingback am 06. August 2009 um 15:15 Uhr
  2. 2 wenn schlümpfe schlümpfe schlümpfe nennen « trial on error – widerspruch zwecklos. Pingback am 08. August 2009 um 13:19 Uhr
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