Choose the Thesis Option that’s Right for You

Over 57,830 people trust Thesis to keep their websites on the cutting edge.

Basic Plus
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With Your Purchase, You Get…
Licensed domains 1 1 Unlimited 1
Product updates 2 12 months Lifetime 12 months
Email support 12 months Lifetime 12 months
Members-only forum access 12 months Lifetime 12 months
Included Skins (Mobile-responsive, Customizable Web Designs)
Classic Responsive Skin
Pearsonified Skin
Social Triggers Skin
Add-on Boxes (Extra Functionality for Successful Websites)
Email Optin Boxes (MailChimp & AWeber)
Social Media Sharing Boxes 3
Thesis Developer Tools Box 4
1 “Domain” refers to any domain that you (or your company) own.
2 Updates are for all future versions of Thesis 2 (all 2.x releases).
3 Twitter with Twitter Card, Facebook with Open Graph, Google +1, LinkedIn Share, and Pinterest Pin It!
4 Unleash advanced Thesis functionality with the Developer Tools Box.

FAQ: Got questions about Thesis?
We’ve got answers.

Can I use Thesis on my site?

No—you must have a installation in order to run Thesis.

Can I upgrade from Thesis Basic or Basic Plus to Thesis Professional?

Yes! As long as you have an active Thesis Basic or Basic Plus license, you can upgrade to Thesis Professional for the difference in cost between the two licenses ($110 for Basic to Professional, $33 for Basic Plus to Professional).

Can I use Thesis on sites for clients?

Yes! If you have a Thesis Professional license, you are eligible to purchase Client Site Licenses for each client site where you’d like to use Thesis. Depending on how many licenses you choose to buy at a time, the price ranges from $32–$40 per site.

A Client Site License enables you to use Thesis on one site for your client, and it does not provide your client with a account, support access, or members-only forum access.

Can Thesis be translated?

Yes! Thesis, Skins, and Boxes are completely internationalized and ready for translation.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, but only under certain circumstances as outlined in the Thesis Refund Policy. Please note that by purchasing Thesis, you are agreeing to the terms outlined in the Thesis Refund Policy.

Still have questions?

If you still have questions about purchasing Thesis, feel free to email us:

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