Top News

Trump and Clinton Look for a Rebound in New York

Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton, who still maintain delegate leads, hope to blunt the momentum of Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders in the New York primary on April 19.

The shrine, in Jerusalem’s Old City, has become an uncomfortable symbol of Christian divisions. Credit Gali Tibbon/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Jerusalem Journal

Risks to Jesus’ Tomb Unites Rival Christians

Three branches of Christianity are undertaking a $3.4 million renovation of the shrine holding Jesus’ tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

Your Evening Briefing

Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day.

From the Magazine

The New Europeans

As refugees stream into Europe, and terror attacks spark security fears, one Bavarian village grapples with newcomers — and with the question of what it means to be German.

Contributing Op-Ed Writer

The Art of Reading Russian Obituaries

A man is found dead at home with no sign of forced entry? He was gay and was killed by someone he brought home.

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