Haley James Scott (née Haley Bob James) is a fictional character from the CW television series One Tree Hill, portrayed by Bethany Joy Lenz. Haley is initially introduced as Lucas Scott's best friend and eventual sister-in-law upon her marriage to Nathan Scott in their junior year of high school. Along with Nathan, Haley is the mother to James "Jamie" Lucas Scott and Lydia Bob Scott.
Haley Bob James was raised by James "Jimmy" and Lydia James (née Brigard) in a very large family; the youngest of seven children, Haley's siblings are: Vivian, Taylor, Quinn, and three older brothers. Her best friend was Lucas Scott, whom she has been friends with since her childhood, all through high school and beyond. When Lucas joined the Tree Hill Ravens, his half-brother, Nathan Scott, vows to torment Lucas and targets Haley in his plans. However, Nathan and Haley fall in love with each other; which results in their marriage and Haley losing her virginity to him. Through Lucas and Nathan, she also becomes close friends with Tree Hill High cheerleaders, Peyton Sawyer and Brooke Davis.
James Haley may refer to:
(It's all they possess)
Some people want to find a place among the rest
(It's all that's left)
There's a face
In the windows of the world
There's a voices
In the pages of their heart that says
I don't want to be lonely anymore
I need something I can live for
Anyone can see I want to be
Wanted for love
I want to be
'Cause I'm reaching out to be
Wanted for love
Some people drift along in emptiness
(It's all they possess)
Some people want to find a place among the rest
(It's all that's left)
There's a face
In the deserts of the world
There's a voice
In the mountains of their heart that says
I don't want to be lonely anymore
I need something I can live for
Anyone can see I want to be wanted
Wanted for love
I want to be
'Cause I'm reaching out to be
Wanted for love
To sleep
Crowned with tomorrow
To dream
And wake up with sorrow
Anyone can see
I want to be
Wanted for love
I want to be
'Cause I'm reaching out to be