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Article Has Moved

Article Has Moved


Lindsey Carlton
By: Lindsey Carlton
Posted: July 9, 2015

In an effort to better serve the retail industry, we are rebranding to focus more on our popular interviews and in-depth company profiles. As part of this effort, the article previously at this URL is in the process of moving to our new brand.

The articles on have always been a major part of what our readers love and we want to do more of that. In reality, it is the people, the technology, and the companies that make this industry great, and we want to bring those stories to light.

To learn more about our rebranding effort or this article in particular, please contact our editor at

About This Author
Lindsey Carlton
Lindsey Carlton
Lindsey Carlton is the editor-in-chief at With a passion for savings, she's always hunting down the latest retail news and ways to save on every purchase. Carlton is dedicated to writing about the best steals and deals on The Daily Dish and saving money for thousands of readers. Connect with Lindsey Carlton on .