
A journal committed to conservative values and the principles of conservatism.

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Latest Blog Posts for American Conservative Values Journal

  • Understanding the Basics of Collective Bargaining (Video)
    on Mar 4, 2011 in Labor Unions
    If you’re not acquainted with collective bargaining or you don’t quite understand how collective bargaining works, no fears because posted a spectacular video today breaking down the basics of collective bargaining.  This is...
  • Gingrich Launches Newt Explore 2012
    on Mar 3, 2011 in 2012 Elections
    Although former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich didn’t make an official announcement he intends to seek the Republican nomination in 2012, neither did announce the formal formation of a 2012 exploratory committee to pursue the nomination. Ho...
  • Herman Cain Defends American Exceptionalism
    on Mar 3, 2011 in United States
    Herman Cain has written a brilliant piece on American exceptionalism.  Herman Cain starts out by saying, “There is no denying it: America is the greatest country in the world. We are blessed with unparalleled freedoms and boundless prosperity...
  • Wisconsin Senate Issues Arrest For 14 Missing Democrats
    on Mar 3, 2011 in Politics
    This is big news coming out of Wisconsin; the Wisconsin Senate GOP ordered the arrest of their 14 missing Democratic colleagues, who fled the state two weeks ago to avoid a vote on Governor Scott Walker’s controversial budget repair bill. There see...
  • Judiciary Committee approves bill that denies federal funding for abortion
    on Mar 3, 2011 in Abortion
    Wow, what a difference the 112th Congress is making! The House Judiciary Committee voted to approve a bill that would deny federal funding for an abortion.  The vote was largely along party lines 23-14.  Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said during the...
  • In Obama’s World, Racism Is Driving Force in Tea Party
    on Mar 3, 2011 in Tea Party
    Barack Obama believes the Tea Party movement is racially motivated and that there is a “subterranean movement” of those who oppose him.  Only a narcisisst like President Obama would believe such a thought.  We are opposed  to him on the basis...
  • Video: Barbara Boxer: Republicans have vendetta against Elmo
    on Mar 2, 2011 in Budget
    I honestly believe when it comes to Democrats like Senator Barbara Boxer, we are dealing with people who have a child-like mentality. Senator Barbara Boxer positioned a new theory that only an immature adult could conceive. Barbara Boxer said what li...
  • Eric Holder: Focusing on Black Panther Case Demeans “My People”
    on Mar 1, 2011 in Corruption
    Appearing before House Appropriations subcommittee, Attorney General Eric Holder unleashed his frustration and revealed that his Justice Department is not colorblind.  Eric Holder has an obligation to provide equal justice for all under the law rega...
  • Robert Reich: Redistribute your wealth or face an angry populace
    on Mar 1, 2011 in Socialism
    Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich made an appearance on Cenk Uygur’s MSNBC show and pretty much threatened the evil rich people who refuse to voluntarily succomb to the Democrats ultimate goal of redistribution of wealth. And if the evil rich...
  • 49.8 percent of abortions performed in NYC were black babies
    on Mar 1, 2011 in Abortion
    In 2007 there were 87,527 abortions performed in New York City and of that number 43,568 innocent black babies were aborted, which translates into 49.8 percent of the abortions performed were African-American babies.  What is even more tragic, the C...
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