
Thoughts supporting limited government, the free market and smart policy.

Owner: michaelfoster

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Latest Blog Posts for Defensible Conservatism

  • Reflections on Conservatism ebook available on Amazon
    on Jan 21, 2014 in Uncategorized
    Reflections on Conservatism ebook available on Amazon In order to compile a great deal of my content in one concise, convenient form, I’ve published a collection of my political essays on Amazon.
  • Reflections on Conservatism ebook available on Amazon
    on Jan 21, 2014 in Uncategorized
    Reflections on Conservatism ebook available on Amazon In order to compile a great deal of my content in one concise, convenient form, I’ve published a collection of my political essays on Amazon.
  • Ushering in the New Year
    on Jan 1, 2014 in Uncategorized
    In 2013, the public witnessed the inevitable short-comings of an executive branch that finally shed its messianic mystique. The administration’s crowning piece of legislation, The Affordable Care Act, was disingenuous in its conception, controv...
  • Ushering in the New Year ’14
    on Jan 1, 2014 in Uncategorized
    In 2013, the public witnessed the inevitable short-comings of an executive branch that finally shed its messianic mystique. The administration’s crowning piece of legislation, The Affordable Care Act, was disingenuous in its conception, controv...
  • Ushering in the New Year ’14
    on Jan 1, 2014 in Uncategorized
    In 2013, the public witnessed the inevitable short-comings of an executive branch that finally shed its messianic mystique. The administration’s crowning piece of legislation, The Affordable Care Act, was disingenuous in its conception, controv...
  • Celebrating the Pioneers of Conservative Thought
    on Dec 14, 2013 in Uncategorized
  • Celebrating the Pioneers of Conservative Thought
    on Dec 14, 2013 in Uncategorized
    Earlier today I unveiled this collage as part of my social media strategy, which centers around the flourishing twitter page @conthoughts . After reevaluating this blog’s purpose, I realized that I wanted to write an apology for, and a redefini...
  • The Need for an Alternative to Obama Care
    on Dec 5, 2013 in Uncategorized
               Since the early quarrels between the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans over the course our fledgling Republic would take, American politics has been plagued by partisan conflict, a bane that led many of the framers to discourag...
  • The Need for an Alternative to Obama Care
    on Dec 5, 2013 in Obama Care
    Since the early quarrels between the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans over the course our fledgling Republic would take, American politics has been plagued by partisan conflict, a bane that led many of the framers to discourage the formation o...
  • The Rush to Reform
    on Dec 3, 2013 in Uncategorized
    Misleading optimism fueled projections of the streamlined health care marketplace envisioned by Obama Care proponents, whose hopes have been dashed by the administration’s failures in implementing the new law. The President employed this optimi...
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