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Truth concerning politics, conservatism, christianity, humor , humilty, forgiveness, motcycles and.. guitar playing

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Other Tags: conservatism, truth, christianity, forgiveness, humor

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  • Koran Teaches To Kill Christians and JewsHere ya go. From the KoranKoran 9:29This is what many of our enemies believe about the rest of the worlds population:“Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191“Make war on the infidels living in your neig...
  • Why Are Most Liberals So Stupid ?
    on Sep 20, 2009 in liberals grace common sense
    I am truly baffled about liberals. It seems most are lacking great dose of common sense.I wonder if this is from there families. Or are they truly stupid.I have a hard time believing GOD actually created these people.Maybe HE wants to show us how not...
  • Hello- Still Fighting
    on Sep 17, 2009 in dental work injustice racism
    Well wanted to let you know I am still alive. I have been going through physical therapy, and failed dental work.But hey I am alive. Still fighting for TRUTH. I have fought against racism, moral relativism, lack of common sense,injustice and politica...
  • Truth is Truth and Lies are LiesI posted most of this following post on Facebook. And boy did the proverbial crap fly.I am just bringing up a fact that when you stand by the TRUTH the opposition will change there view. It was beautiful. Sad but beautiful. Of course I was called Rac...
  • Mr. Obama It"s Not Your Fault
    on Sep 4, 2009 in president communist racist stupidity
    Mr. Obama its not your fault no one wants you talking to our students, or being our President. Its not your fault the USA does not want anything to do with you except get out of the way.It is the fault of the people who voted for you. That is one th...
  • The President Looks Just like Me
    on Aug 30, 2009
    I never thought I would even remotely look like someone famous.A friend of mine once called me Gollum and mumble about me being pretty- odd, and other wierd names. To him they were funny.Oh well.I was checking the news today and came across this arti...
  • My Last Surgery
    on Aug 23, 2009 in drugs surgery pain.batteries.
    Well I have been convalescing for a few days. I just got the battery taken out of my back. You know I didn't realize it was a 12volt Die Hard. Okay that was the Vicodin talking. Come on it was a little funny. It was not an automobile battery. It was...
  • My Bones have Fused
    on Aug 18, 2009 in grateful back Jesus surgery brace
    Well thats what my surgeon says which is great news. I do not have to wear my back brace anymore . I do have to wean myself off of it because my muscles have atrophied. So now I have surgery this Friday to remove the battery they installed in my back...
  • Obama Changed his Mind?
    on Aug 16, 2009 in Sick senior citizens Obama health care
    It seems Obama has taken the Public Option off the table. 8-16-09This is good news , however we must watch him closely. I know a snake when I see one.But if as he says then this is good news. I still believe we need health care reform, Medicalinsuran...
  • I Guess I Am A Racist
    on Aug 12, 2009 in cambridge racist police
    Well I just heard a definition of a racist from the liberal side and it fits perfectly.We have all seen the effects of the following ststement.A "Racist" is "someone who is winning an argument against a liberal."Well that fits me to a tee. If you've...
  • Healthcare Reform- Government Option NO.
    on Aug 9, 2009 in government. healthcare reform
    Well to my few readers, I am sorry I have not written much. It is not that I do not have much to say. I have felt alot of these topics have been handled quite well by more able bodied people than myself.Well I want to weigh in on Healthcare.I do beli...
  • Musicians Friend Is No Friend At AllI just got off the phone with Musicians Friend customer service and they said my son'sDimarzio pickup is still on back order and they will notify me.Interesting. We originally ordered the Dimarzio Evolution for Bridge, and PAF Profor neck. We got ou...
  • Website Reaches Celebrities And Others For Christ
    on Jul 30, 2009
    I came across an awesome site today that has incredible potential for reaching the world for Jesus Christ.It is called I Am Second at Click the title of this post and it will automatically take you there.Quite a few celebrities on here...
    on Jul 28, 2009 in traitors news Obama
    Well I am here to remind you that I am right.I'll tell you why. I said in my first post that started this blog that I cannot blame Obamafor the negative ungodly things that are happening.I have major network media coverage backing me up.Today July 28...
  • Government Healthcare Stupidity
    on Jul 27, 2009 in idiots bill of healthcare conyers
    Well, well , well.Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) says there is really no point in reading the HealthcareBill they are trying to ram down our throats before passing it.This is what you idiots voted for. Hope you can live with yourselves. Here is the link.h...
    on Jul 27, 2009 in comments guts easy
    This is not just about my blog but others as well. Although it started with mine.In my description of my blog it says to leave comments. Is it really that hard? This upsets me, because I have told people I like good and negative constructive criticis...
  • OBAMA Acted Stupidly
    on Jul 24, 2009 in idiot Obama sucks racist police
    Is this a surprise?Obama screwed up big time.His remarks in itself were racial.He did not even get all the details before giving his opinion on national television.He assumed race was involved. When assuming race is involved it is racist especially w...
    on Jul 24, 2009 in racially race profiling police
    Well I may very well have been. Every Black or Hispanic Police Officer who pulled me over for a traffic violation always gave me a ticket, not a warning.It sounds like I need to be on ABC, CNN, MS NBC- heaven forbid; CBS and Fox to show the world I h...
  • Just Found Out I Can Ride My Bike
    on Jul 23, 2009 in motorcycles honda happy vtx 1300 upset
    Okay,Just found out today I can ride my motorcycle. Normally this would be all positive.Problem is I am now under the impression I could have been riding for months.The reason I say this is when I asked my surgeons assistant she said oh yea , like yo...
  • The Right To Bear Arms- The Second AmendmentSecond Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.Yep this is the second amendment to our Bill of Rights.The right of the people to keep...


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