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21 year old college student writes about religion, politics anything else that crosses my mind from.. a conservative Christian perspective.

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Other Tags: Christianity, Politics, Conservatism

Latest Blog Posts

  • Sex Positivity and Conservatism
    on Jun 11, 2013 in Other Women
    I was wondering about something.  I wondered if sex positivity and conservatism could possibly go together.  Many more liberal minded people would probably say no.  After all, conservatives want to take away birth control,  and ac...
  • My Coming Out
    on May 9, 2013 in Faith Personal Church
    Wasn't quite sure how to start this one but I felt the need to get something off my chest.  I am not sure what I believe.  Scary, isn't it?  For some people, yes, for other people, no.  It comes naturally to some to question and n...
  • Objectification of Women
    on Apr 23, 2013 in Women Feminism
    Saw this cartoon on Pinterest and thought it was interesting.  Got a laugh out of it but at the same time I actually found it fairly thought provoking.  How we view women's rights and objectification is actually fairly dependent on culture.
  • Shame and Guilt as Motivators
    on Apr 19, 2013 in Church
    Too often people use shame and guilt as motivators.  Advertising, work, relationships and religion.  I see this big time in Christianity.  How often is this used, especially when talking about sexuality?  People often shame other...
  • Boston and Faith
    on Apr 15, 2013 in Faith
    As we all know, today was a horrible day.  One of my favorite events, the Boston Marathon, was overtaken by senseless violence.  It just boggles my mind how people could do such a thing and inflict so much suffering on a group of people. &n...;
  • How to Disagree
    on Apr 5, 2013 in Other
    Lurking around the internet you often see some vile things.  People take the masks off and their true nature comes out.  People suddenly lose their kindness and civility, it seems.  What triggered this was seeing a nasty comment left o...
  • Women Should be Silent in the Church
    on Apr 3, 2013 in Faith Women Church
    Anybody ever heard that one?  Of course, I heard it so many times growing up Baptist.  Now the phrase kind of makes my scalp itch.  This single verse has been used more times than I can count to put down women and refuse to listen to t...
  • As Things Become More Gray
    on Mar 17, 2013
    I know, it has been over a year since I have written anything.  But something, not sure what exactly, has inspired me to begin again.  This has been a year of a lot of changing ideas.  I blame it on reading too much philosophy.  T...
  • GOP "War on Women"
    on Mar 4, 2012 in Pro life Politics Feminism
    I am sure everyone has heard about the "war on women."  The one where a lot of women on the left claim that republicans want to take away their birth control and force them to give birth to tons of children.  Obama wanted to make it require...
  • Why I Will Never Be a "Good" Christian
    on Dec 31, 2011 in Faith Personal
    Wait...this is not as depressing as it sounds.There are some reasons why according to some I will never be a good Christian.  I listen to secular music.  I occasionally drink a wine cooler.  Talk about some Christian subjects do not ex...
  • Snow Update and Myths about Conservatives
    on Oct 30, 2011 in Politics
    Well, the big "nor'easter" was a total fail.  Our predicted 4-6 inches of snow was more like an inch, and is already melting.  The less snow, the less I have to shovel! Now to my real point.  Myths about conservatives.Myth 1: Conservat...
  • Nor'easter in October!
    on Oct 29, 2011 in Other
    A little different post from normal, but I am kind of a weather enthusiast.  I am a resident of the northeast, so we are expecting a big snow storm.  It seems like we didn't even have fall, and now we are being forced into winter.  Of...
  • Occupy Wall Street
    on Oct 28, 2011 in Politics
    I thought this video summed it up pretty well. I would also like to point out that many conservatives, especially tea part conservatives were against these bank bailouts just as these self-described socialists are.  I realize that not all these...
  • Lying About Military Medals
    on Oct 17, 2011 in Politics
    That is right folks, there is actually going to be a court case about whether lying about obtaining military medals is a crime.  Here it is for your reading pleasure. I will summarize, with my commentary of course.  A man from California is...
  • My High School Self
    on Oct 15, 2011 in Personal
    Who was I in high school? Pretty much the same person that I am today (with a little more maturity I hope!).  Probably could have called me a geek, dork, or perfectionist.  I was that shy, reserved person with the good grades, yet totally o...
  • Protect Life Act
    on Oct 14, 2011 in Abortion Politics
    You know the bill otherwise known as "Let Women Die Act." When I saw Nancy Pelosi on CNN saying that I couldn't help but think how dramatic that sounded.  Despite what the left may say this bill would not leave women to die on the floor in emerg...
  • A Little Political Humor...
    on Oct 6, 2011 in Politics
    How to be a good......Democrat:...Republican:You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread because people are evil and should be punished.You have to believe that the...
  • Feminism: A Criticism
    on Oct 4, 2011 in Feminism
    Yeah, I am gonna go there.  Just so people don't get upset, I do actually understand the meaning of that word.  I understand that feminism is supposed to be about equal rights for women, but does it benefit women as much as it purports to?
  • What I Think About the Purity Movement
    on Oct 1, 2011
    Anyone heard of those purity balls, you know the ones where the fathers and daughters dress up and go on a "date"?  Yeah I think it's odd.  Some of these girls are not even teenagers.  This is coming from a person who doesn't believe i...
  • Shyness and Introversion: The Same Thing?
    on Sep 29, 2011 in Shyness Introversion
    I would like to start off with a resounding: No!  Although I consider myself to be both there is a difference. Introversion has to do with how much time you like spending with people.  For example, I have few friends and I like it that way...


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