Blogging Tips and Tools

Common factors of a productive blog

Posted in Blogging Tips

You might be thinking what common factors has a big impact on the overall productivity of a blog. Things may not be the same for each and every blog even if it has the same niche. But these factors below are ones of the most common fundamentals you need to consider when building up and making your blog work the way it should be.


It's the primary factor of starting a blog, You will always need to choose a niche that will be the main topic on your blog. Focusing and targeting a niche is way more better than making a blog with "whatsoever" content. In this way, you will easily determine the nature of your readers and that they as well has the passion for the topic you are discussing on your blog.


This big factor is undoubtedly being taken for granted by many...

Facebook Comment Plugin For Blogger

Posted in Blogging Tips

 Facebook, the talk of the world social networking site has not just been titled as the king of connecting people but also as the king of connecting websites.Facebook offers features for a third party site to use so that it can easily connect to facebook and one of that features is the Facebook Comment Plugin.

Facebook comment plugin can serve wel as your blog or website's comment system as it offers a unique and trusted way to make your readers indulge on your blog's activities.


So here are the steps on How you could instal the facebook comment system plugin on your blogger blog:



1.) Firstly, Go to to login and create a new application,

Yes! you'll be making an application since facebook treat websites as an application.



2.) Then click...

The fundamentals of increasing your site's SEO

Posted in Blogging Tips

Search engine optimization, just thinking of it pops a lot of things for you to do like getting backlinks, keyword mashing, on page SEO, off page SEO, etc..It's like a never ending task just to achieve the position you've always wanted for your blog on search engines.

But going back to the basics, have you done the foundation of your site's SEO? Many forgot to lay out their blog's SEO foundation and get directly to more complex ones and in turn it gives bad results. Search engine optimization might be a difficult task but as you break it down into "simple to do" steps, You'll get far more better results! And that's what we are going to learn in this post.


The list below is a basic checklist and breakdown of  complex SEO techniques:

Get your site listed on search engines


Some tips for obtaining more feedbacks

Posted in Blogging Tips

As a blogger, you may observe that sometimes there were less feedbacks on your post than what you’d expect to obtain. There are lots of possible reasons why it is happening. There are also lots of ways to encourage the readers to leave their feedbacks. One of the most common ways of encouraging more readers to leave their feedback is to improve your ability to socialize with the community and the network.

If you don’t have this ability the reader may think that their feedbacks are not that important and they will also feel that they are no longer member of your blogging community. So they will think that “what’s the use of my feedback”. When you make your readers think that their feedbacks are important, you can have the possibility to obtain more feedback. Below are some ways on how...

Places to find great photos for your blog post

Posted in Blogging Tips

No doubt, photos make your blog posts more alive. Having your posts accompanied with great photos will make a great and attractive post. But the challenge is where to find those great photos that are suitable or related to your post.

For an image search engine like Google Images, photo search results will just include any image uploaded by anyone that uses Google's image hosting solutions (like Picasa). That means, you'll get a lot of crappy images and with the addition that you might violate someones image copyright.

For alternative solutions, here we list out some of the web's best free image search engines and directories that have great looking royalty free images .



openphoto is a free image directory that showcases a lot of eye popping images listed to...

What is a Backlink?

Posted in Blogging Tips

After discussing What is a Pagerank, What is On Page SEO, and What is Off page SEO and knowing some  basic terms and fundamental things on SEO. It's now time to discuss a very important factor of a site's search engine optimization; Backlinks.

A backlink is a link from another site (such as a blog) that leads to your own blog or site, it is important to gather a large number of relevant backlinks to your site because of several reasons.

First, search engine optimization (SEO) or part of the sorting algorithm of the page in the search engines is determined by the number and quality of backlinks to your website, and are naturally occurring and have not been purchased. Second, backlinks determine how popular or known a certain page on your blog is. if many other sites provide a link to...

Some Viewpoints of a Successful Blogger

Posted in Blogging Tips

You have something to express and tell, You love sharing your thoughts and have the ability to write and read, great! these are just the minimum requirements for blogging. But what qualities and viewpoints should every blogger have if He wants success to his blogging career? It would be wise to know some blogging thoughts and fundamentals if you want to develop and climb your way through the blogosphere ladder.


Your Blog Your Home

At first impression of a blog when you would want to create one is that you might think of it as a book, but no! Your blog should be viewed as your home, as the place where you would want to write the things about yourself and share some ideas that's quite pleasing and interesting for you.

 Developing Yourself

Every time you blog, try not just to stick...

Is Blogging Only For Making Money?

Posted in Blogging Tips

Profit does not always refer to money

When one gives a quick look at the articles written on blogging, the common theme seems to be making money from blogging. The authors invariably talk about adsense and how we can make money from blogs. Is blogging only for making money? Did blogs begin with that idea? Are we losing the direction somewhere?

The freedom to express

A blog gives an opportunity to everyone to express himself/herself on the Internet. We feel that we are sharing our deepest thoughts with other members of the world. Blogging is bringing the world nearer to each other like never before. In certain cases, a blog is a great therapy for venting out anger, frustration and other negative feelings, which can otherwise damage the psyche. Blogging was never started with the...

Choosing the right colors for your blog

Posted in Blogging Tips

Knowing what a blog theme signifies, you might want to choose and design a theme for your blog now,

but the problem is, you may find a hard time on choosing what theme will be bet suited for your blog.


Then don't worry, as these tips and points below will help you choose the right theme that's best for your blog,

It is reasonable to learn what's best suited for your blog, as a wrong theme can wreck

and make your blog's content non-sensible.


The Color

Determine what color would be best suited for your blog, make sure that it associates to

what's on your blog or what is it all about, to give you an example::


Restaurant or Food related: Red Robin, Famous Dave's

As you can observe, these websites has a Reddish color scheme. based on research; Red,Orange and...

Social Connect Advantage

Posted in Blogging Tips

After the post about BlogTopSites Social Connect, it's now time to get to know more on how BlogTopSites' Social Connect Works

and the advantages of using it as a tool for making your blogging life more easy.


Why does BlogTopSites' offer Social Connect feature as a free tool?

Simple! Our mission is to connect bloggers and readers in a meaningful and natural way.
We are continuously looking to develop tools for blogs, to expand their reach and widen their exposure.


How it Works?

When you submit and add your blog to BlogTopSites' Directory, (depending on the time the system records your blog's feed) your Blog's posts or updates feed will automatically

be recorded and will be posted automatically on your Facebook and Twitter Account

(Note: You need to have an RSS...
