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Saturday, May 08 2010 @ 05:55 AM UTC

Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows

Breaking News

ASHEVILLE — Police were scouring downtown Asheville looking for a horde of people suspected of breaking out multiple car and storefront windows.

Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows

By Mike McWilliams, Jason McGill and Thomas Fraser
Asheville Citizen-Times
May 2, 2010

ASHEVILLE — Police were scouring downtown Asheville looking for a horde of people suspected of breaking out multiple car and storefront windows.

About 10:45 p.m. Saturday, a group of between 20-30 people wearing dark clothing, some wearing masks and carrying backpacks, threw items, including newspaper boxes, through windows of several businesses along O'Henry Avenue. A front window of the Asheville Citizen-Times was shattered, as were multiple storefronts at the Grove Arcade. An ATM was smashed at the RBC on O'Henry.

Multiple cars parked on Battery Park had their windows smashed.

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Here's what others have to say about 'Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows':

Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows …
[...] car windows … by admin on 2. Mai 2010 About 10:45 p.m. Originally posted here:  Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows … Tagged as: carrying-backpacks, html, montreal, pages-hosting, parallelof-two, [...] [read more]
Tracked on Sunday, May 02 2010 @ 06:09 PM UTC

[...] Filed Under : Bez kategorii by Łukasz maj.2,2010 windows. About 10:45 p.m. Więcej: Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows … Tags : avenue-, between-20-30, dark-clothing, henry-avenue-, including-newspaper, [...] [read more]
Tracked on Sunday, May 02 2010 @ 07:29 PM UTC

Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows …
[...] windows of several businesses along O’Henry Avenue. … See more here: Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows … by admin | category: windows | tags: between-20-30, dream, dreamscene, [...] [read more]
Tracked on Sunday, May 02 2010 @ 10:42 PM UTC

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Vandals destroy downtown Asheville storefronts, car windows
Authored by: Admin on Sunday, May 02 2010 @ 03:42 PM UTC