Written by avl11defense

June 11, 2010 at 9:13 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

what happened at court… May 25, 2010

…was pretty much nothing. Everyone got continuances, the majority of them for July 16th, but three for July 30th. Thanks to everyone who came out for your support!

The 11 still need more money than most people we know make in a year, and anything you can do to help with that will help them more than anything. Again, benefits, donations, making things to sell on their behalf, or anything else you can think of are all extremely welcome.

Thanks to those who’ve done things already, and let’s not stop now!

Written by avl11defense

May 27, 2010 at 2:45 am

Posted in Uncategorized

court date

The 11’s next courtdate is Tuesday the 25th at 9am, in courtroom 2. If you’re planning to come to court, please dress as respectably as possible, and be quiet and chill in the courtroom, phones silenced or off. You might want to show up a bit early to account for getting through the metal detectors, and please remember that no knives, not even multitools, are allowed in the courthouse.

Hope to see you there!

Written by avl11defense

May 23, 2010 at 9:29 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

money money money

We’re so, so grateful for all of the donations and fundraising people have been doing, as are the arrestees. But, as buds turn into flowers, arrestees turn into defendents, and bail costs turn into legal fees. We need all the money you can possibly throw at us. We know that everyone’s broke these days, so here are a few ideas to get you started…

If you have time on your hands, benefits are a fun thing to do. Shows, parties, making things to sell, barbecues, cakewalks–all fun and easy ways to make a buck for these folks. Had an idea for cafepress shirt that the kids would go wild for? This is your moment. (Too bad someone else is already making “Free Weezy” shirts.) If you work full-time and don’t have the energy for something like that, how about one of those just a dollar a day schemes that nonprofits are always doing? Drink bad coffee instead of a nice latte, or have one less beer, and set that money aside for the cause of these cuties. We know it sounds cheesy,  but if ten people did this for three months, we’d have almost a grand right there.

You can donate any money you come across by clicking the paypal button on the left. For those of you are broke and busy at once, we feel your pain, and we ask you to just keep the 11 in your thoughts and conversations. Please remind people that the trial hasn’t happened yet, and that people should be considered innocent until proven guilty… which these folks won’t be.


Written by avl11defense

May 15, 2010 at 1:20 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Come to the Next CourtDate May 25th! in Asheville!

The defendants next court date is May 25th in Asheville. It would be great to have friendly faces in the court room! Please dress and act ‘politly.’

Stay tuned for more information about location and time.

Written by avl11defense

May 12, 2010 at 4:07 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Everyone is Out!

Good news!  All of the remaining arrestees have been released from the Buncombe County Detention Center!  A BIG thank you for all your support and well-wishes, as well as the generous donations that we’ve been receiving.

These folks may be out of jail, but their legal battle is far from over.  As the defense team is prepared, we will need all your support and assistance.  Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated, please consider sending money to our PayPal account by clicking on the donate button.  We’ll need your help in the months to come, so stay tuned and keep the Asheville 11 close to your hearts.

Written by avl11defense

May 8, 2010 at 1:08 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Another Incident

Asheville citizen Eleanor Margulies was also arrested walking downtown on Saturday night and excessive force was used by the police. She was released and is doing okay now, but is looking for free or cheap legal help to address the brutality. Contact us at if you have any information or to offer assistance.

Asheville 11 Legal Defense

Written by avl11defense

May 6, 2010 at 3:43 pm

Posted in Uncategorized


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