Cuban Book Burning Book Club

Getting together to discuss books, criticism fuelled by rum based cocktails. Guest speakers and gourmet snacks. If they don’t stack up, they get burnt. A credible effort to read the book essential before burning. For example, if you want to burn Ben Elton’s Stark, (and you really should) you will have to endure every single smug phrase. There are some works and authors that no longer deserve their reputation. Some have held up well. Let’s see which ones.dirtpemberley fragment shell deersaloon corris

17 Responses to Cuban Book Burning Book Club

  1. Book burning season is nearly on us again, (so soon?). Moving the Cuban Book Burning Book Club to TWOP. Next event to be advised.


  2. rottobloggo says:

    YES. As you can see, the participants are devastatingly handsome. I have a tome or two ready to go. Kosher Commune Casa Cohen this weekend?
    (DFOC, stinking up the library).


  3. rottobloggo says:

    I may have a prime Macca ready for some extra hot coals.


  4. Lovely book burning weather. Trouble is, I’ve burnt almost everything that deserved it on my shelves. I actually threw ben Elton’s Stark in the bin after reading 1/3 of it, before book burning became this cool thing to do. Do I have to rebuy it to burn it?


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