Category Archives: worst shop design

The Turning

Freo’s Krazy Tees gone? Say it not so! How will we discern the six different types of farts from info on another’s shirt??? Will Ugg boot emporiums be next. Can the bankrupt and empty shops also close? Is this the … Continue reading

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One assumes another small bar? Mosman Park. Pete F.    

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Beneath the Valley of the Dolls

Several people sent me this, first being Daniel.The unholy marriage of Vox Adeon and Archie Martin now barely remembered. This is some kind of reno of The Carrillon.Home to more useless Perth bells. Still home to Lovely pancakes, too I … Continue reading

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Outrage Overseas no war today

The country that gave us Shakespeare, Austen, Dickens, Woolf, and Orwell has degenerated to using phrases such as “adverse weather conditions” on signs. Mind you in Teh Pert these days we say “weather event”. Please, William, could your Norman and … Continue reading

Posted in *Worst of The World, Uncategorisable Worsts, worst shop design, worst sign | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Carpet Brain, Smart Place

Mug Punter documents the  incredible transformation of Carpet Space to Smart Space. It’s like some kind of transformer – that had a minor rebadging and ended up as a carpet shop. A recycling of letters is suggested, but wherefore the … Continue reading

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Wipe it on the Curtains

I have always thought there’d be more worsts from Gosnells, but people generally don’t like going there, don’t want to admit they live there, are too scared to go there, or are too scared to take out a camera if … Continue reading

Posted in worst shop design, worst sign | Tagged | 32 Comments

Weekend Worstoff 59

A few more from my China trip. La Pavoni in Nanjing could be a little slice of Midland. Apart from the artistic impreetion, which Midland definitely doesn’t have. And can someone tell me what the little lion is doing? It … Continue reading

Posted in *Worst of china, worst shop design, worst sign | Tagged , , | 24 Comments