Category Archives: worst kerning


By NF#1. Maybe fuckets are a thing. In which case, your kerning is a disgrace. I SAID GOOD DAY. Although even Buckets for Jesus would have been worst worthy. Northbridge.

Posted in worst kerning, worst of perth | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

A nother Day

Pat Seed. I’m just worried a little about the kerning of that A. It looks fine at first blush, but…it’s ok isn’t it? Or is it? 

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All kerning is local

Is it a good thing or bad thing when protest graffiti is kerned well? There’s a fucking colon! I say just chuck in a couple of c&bs and let the devil take the kernmost. Fremantle 

Posted in worst graffiti, worst kerning | Tagged , , | 9 Comments


I weep in kerning shops. Truly I do. You could get a truckload of colons in there. Come on! by Pete F. Tawarri, Dalkeith.

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T alone

Bento sees the mainland’s worst kerning.

Posted in worst graphic design, worst kerning, worst of perth | Tagged , , , , | 20 Comments

Kern Wedge

You’re not going to get our support to keep your private exclusive holiday homes with that kind of kerning. Does anyone who hasn’t tried to claim public land as their own holiday home have any kind of sympathy for these … Continue reading

Posted in worst kerning, worst sign | Tagged , , , | 15 Comments