Category Archives: worst garden

Register or Perish

A mighty lawn registry. By Slanderer. Leederville. As usual the quality of the registration is the inverse square of the reality of the lawn. None shall pass. True story.  

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The Fence of St. Paul

Bunbarian had a road to Damascus moment. He was all set to condemn a half arsed fence, a relentless blue sky and some crappy palms in Bunbury, when he fell to the ground sobbing. He loved it all, and wouldn’t … Continue reading

Posted in not worst, worst garden, worst of perth | Tagged , , , , | 17 Comments

Keep Off

You can take my cold dead shrub from my cold dad registered lawn. By NF#1. Embleton.    

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Outrage Sunday 196 karesansui Edgewater

Thanks to Snuff I have been boning up on the epic art of Japanese rock gardens, or karesansui. I went back to Edgewater – the very name hints at the art – to immerse myself in the verge masterpieces. There … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts, worst garden | Tagged , , | 24 Comments

World Cup Vibrancy

i can’t tell if this is soooo previbrant that it actually goes beyond Post Vibrancy.  

Posted in PoVi (Post Vibrancy), worst garden | Tagged , | 12 Comments

Edge of reality

TONSKI sends in the al fresco area of a Henderson lunch bar as a worst. But I love it. I would totally eat a (possibly still slightly frozen in the centre) Chiko Roll here.

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Form and function

And for every step forward the city takes, some verges are still rooted in the past, unable to shake of their registering ways. Nice bonus dead tree too. By JaneZ.

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