Category Archives: worst brothel

Boom Time Dreaming

Proof that the mining boom is over. Knock shop at 835 on the arrondissement seems to be gone. We’ve had six good years. And the hi vis Hard Yakka shop opposite Galleria is going out of business. – Where I … Continue reading

Posted in worst brothel, worst fashion | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Missing text, missing brothel

A  great find from Bento in the Borders “bargain” bin. Wouldn’t you just pulp a book that had missing text? Are you saying good riddance to the text Bento? Twighlight is a kiddies vampire book. The missing text included the … Continue reading

Posted in vanished worst, worst brothel | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Jaded House

Rachel enquires about the sad state of brotheldom on William Street Northbridge. Rachel says… This one at 395 William street has been converted to an asian supermarket ( i remember when i worked at City Fresh next door when i … Continue reading

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Bad House, Bad Brothel

Guest: Kahuna. Area: Town of Cambridge. In further correspondence, Kahuna goes on to condemn virtually the whole Town of Cambridge and the council. But I want to know, why you would change “The Boulevard” to “Veryward Terrace”? Kahuna says… Here’s … Continue reading

Posted in worst architecture, worst brothel, worst house | Tagged , , , , , | 34 Comments

The real brothel is HERE Damn you!

Worst Brothel (architecture that is). Minor adult satire warning. Since a post on The Worst Brothel Conversion, search engines have been directing a torrent of search results for “Perth Brothel, Brothels in Perth…etc, etc, etc” to Worst of Perth. So … Continue reading

Posted in worst architecture, worst brothel | Tagged , , , , , | 73 Comments

The Knock Shop of Broken Dreams

Worst Brothel Conversion Long time Perth residents will remember this building on the corner of Guilford and Garrett road Bayswater as one of Perth’s most famous brothels, The Happy Haven . Obviously some of us will remember the inside, others … Continue reading

Posted in worst architecture, worst brothel, worst of perth | Tagged , , , , | 30 Comments