Category Archives: worst band

The Worst of Perth Irrational Hatreds. The Triffids

Isn’t it time to admit that The Triffids were kind of – not really that interesting? Certainly not legendary. Is there a category for “Mildly competent local band still listened to for some reason?”

Posted in worst band, worst music | Tagged , , | 52 Comments

Outrage Sunday 123 poor show

A very poor show indeed from youths in Peppermint Grove on Halloween when it came to egg selection. The list was eggscised from my final report, but as well as the Pioneer Farm cage eggs you see here, there were … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts, worst band, worst food, worst newspaper, worst people | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Smells like teen spirit

Regime change is commonly followed by a good dose of nepotism – 8 out of 10 former Local Government CEOs agree.  And I am a traditionalist, if also a metrocentric twat (TM).  So, let’s open the account with a marvellous … Continue reading

Posted in Uncatetorisable worsts, worst band, worst graffiti | Tagged , , , , | 27 Comments

Outrage Sunday 16 Detritus

“Labradors are eating my baby!” That might have been the heart-rending desperate cry in Guildford yesterday morning (if the mother had been there). As this sickening sequence of shots shows: Krazy Kym spotted a baby in the grass. It was … Continue reading

Posted in Uncatetorisable worsts, worst animal, worst band, worst drink, worst food, worst objects | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 38 Comments

Justin Bieber poster boy

“I spotted this while reading The Sunday Times,” says TM. “It’s one half of the I Love Justin Bieber poster. Very fitting for JB.” Yes: the Canadian actor and crooner loves his flower pots. Update: a young person alleges the … Continue reading

Posted in worst advertising, worst band, worst entertainment, worst movie, worst music, worst people | Tagged , | 39 Comments


From Michael. It twould be hard to resist pushing an empty sound deadening  pie bag into this Bose bin, especially if Eros “The Armpit” Ramazzotti was playing. Since this is Beeches Tavern in Beechboro, it may well be a worse … Continue reading

Posted in worst band, worst music, worst sign | Tagged , , , | 33 Comments

V Capri

Johnny Scrotum over at Young White Lesbians came through with the picture below from Inglewood. I can’t believe the quality of worsts coming in at the moment. It’s as if all of Perth suddenly realised, “Hey, we know shit. We … Continue reading

Posted in worst band, worst name | Tagged , , | 35 Comments