Category Archives: C&B

Outrage Overseas Hoi Anh C&B

From Renmark to Indochine. Krazy Kym got stuck into this, let me tell you. I trust Reign of Error is satisfied with the luxuriant pubes.

Posted in *Worst of The World, C&B, worst of perth | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Outrage Denunciation

Well if only 380 (at time of writing) want Outrage Cohen out of journalism, then he is not doing his job! And therefore should be out of journalism. Surely we can get this above 10,000, where he could be proud … Continue reading

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Outrage Sunday 192 more please

They always want more. They never have enough milk or money or socks or sex or holidays or first editions or solitude or gramophone records or free meals or real friends or guiltless pleasure or neckties or applause or unquestioning … Continue reading

Posted in C&B, Uncatetorisable worsts, worst of perth, worst sign | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Afternoon Delight

Despite the possibility of constructed worsts, I’m going to allow ex Perthonian Ian B’s Brisbane skies. Because he says he,”Saw this and thought of you guys”.

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Rex A decries Manjimup morons, but I think it has a kind of ethereal beauty.

Posted in C&B, worst graffiti | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments