Outrage Overseas Hoi Anh C&B

From Renmark to Indochine. Krazy Kym got stuck into this, let me tell you. I trust Reign of Error is satisfied with the luxuriant pubes.hoian

About The Lazy Aussie

Commended Haiku writer. A lover of The West's Worst. Perth stand-up comedian, photographer and writer.
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3 Responses to Outrage Overseas Hoi Anh C&B

  1. you'll get wet says:

    Wow point plantain at porcelain! I just love those cool oriental strategy games, you put the plate on a footpath spin it and see who runs off with it a Buddhist monk or a monkey. While watching the footy on a big screen and drinking Bintang!


    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      Not to mention the unexpected surprise of finding your hot date from the bar is sporting an extra plantain when you get back to the hotel. Flight Centre never mentioned that in the brochure.


  2. Diddy Kong says:

    If you added a dog turd and some soiled panties you could have a Tracey Emin.


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