I’m not going to celebrate Easter this year. I’m going with  BIAF – Bayswater International Arts Festival. It’s a thing. A better thing than your so called “easter” will ever be. Free wifi. By #NF#1.Your gozlemes will be powerful and unelected.biaf

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts, worst of perth | Tagged , , | 5 Comments


Oh my god! At least he didn’t have it tattooed.Right? By Pete F. A vehicle that must be constantly followed by guffaws.  


Posted in worst car | Tagged | 20 Comments

Beyond dreams of mediocrity

Is living in South Perth really beyond the dreams of others? Is that the limit of dreams in Perth? If you have to ask how much it takes to be a wanker, you can’t afford to be one.  (7m). Would be nice to buy and ignore the fireworks. By TH. 



Posted in Worst suburb | Tagged , , | 21 Comments

In Memory

Are all of these roadside memorials terrible? Or are they culturally important? It seems like a more private memorial would be more appropriate, especially as they begin to degenerate. I guess it might be good to note a dangerous piece of road, but most seem to be on innocuous stretches. This one by Orbea. Pinjar. Is it really what he would have wanted?memorymemory2

Posted in worst of perth | Tagged , | 29 Comments

Or a coma

So snooze all tyrants. 

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts | Tagged | 10 Comments

Outrage Overseas Cambodge

A delightful evening tonk up the river from Kampot. We anchored to watch the sunset. There were young things on top (tony English and American accents: Ivy League types on NGO work?); silent and seething Frenchmen (reflecting on lost rubber plantations?); smoking Chinese. Then we saw SUPpers! Gaaaah. If someone had laid down yoga mats on the shore I would’ve got out the AK47. 

 We dined at Kep…aka Crabtown! Cambodia has a Crabtown! The seafront is vibrant. Beach chairs for hire, street food, toilets where you pay. Never happen at Cottesloe.  

 In fact Cambodge is on the ball when it comes to big things. This roundabout – as well as rivalling anything in Bunbury – features a durian and the other Kampot fruits (mangosteen, rambutan, pineapple). 
 Ciao for now! I’m off to watch a trash movie about heroic media workers: nice!  


Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

He was the King of the whole damn thing

By Bento. Leederville. – I tell a lie, WEST Leederville.  Whether Boll Kent is also C&B royalty is not clear. 


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