- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 4430
Testability, a property applying to an empirical hypothesis, involves two components:
In short, a hypothesis is testable if there is some real hope of deciding whether it is true or false of real experience. Upon this property of its constituent hypotheses rests the ability to decide whether a theory can be supported or falsified by the data of actual experience. If hypotheses are tested, initial results may also be labeled inconclusive.
Mod-08 Lec-04 Testability Measures (SCOAP)
Visualizing Testability
6 1 Testability Intro
Design Tech Talk Series Presents: OO Design for Testability
Architecture qualities Testability
Test and Testability — Avery Yen
GTAC 2013 Day 2 Keynote: Testable JavaScript - Architecting Your Application for Testability
GTAC 2010: Special Lightning Talk - Testivus on Testability
DFT/Testability for PCBA
Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Circuits by Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka, Dr. Santosh Biswas, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
"Visualizing Testability" by Maria Kedemo The simplest way Maria Kedemo knows of describing testability is “How easy it is to test a specific product”. Low testability would be anything that slows you down or makes it harder to test. Frustrated testers might be a symptom of such. A high degree of testability helps not only testers, but everyone involved in the development of the product. Through out her career as a test manager she has seen her fellow testers suffer daily from things affecting their testing negatively. Flaky test environments, buggy code, exclusion from relevant information, difficulties in creating test data and lack of knowledge in a specific domain were only a few of the problems. The suffering was not the testers’ alone. It affected the project, the development team...
Google Tech Talk October 6, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Miško Hevery. We design our code for performance, maintenance, simplicity, extensibility and other goals, but most of us do not think about testability as a design goal, yet verifying the correctness of our code is of great importance. What does it mean to have testable code, and what kind of trade offs does one have to think about when designing for testability. Turns out that testable code is well designed code, and it has many of the characteristics we search for such as low cohesion, separation of concerns, proper encapsulation and many others.
How can a software architecture enable and support a highly testable system
Descubre la estabilidad que Volkswagen Vehículos Comerciales puede ofrecer a tu negocio. Conoce nuestra gama de vehículos en www.vwcomerciales.com.mx
Writing code is hard. But with a focus on testability and testable software design, we can make it less hard! Avery shares some tips on software design learned in the trenches of having practiced Test-Driven Development for several years. Speaker: Avery Yen, Software Engineer, Pivotal
http://g.co/gtac2013 Slides: http://goo.gl/E1v14 Mark Trostler, Google Testable JavaScript is a process. Whether starting with a blank slate or an already implemented application (or somewhere in-between) being able to test your JavaScript code simply, cleanly, and effectively is a necessary feature. Code that cannot be tested will be rewritten. While JavaScript is unique due to the myriad of environments within which it runs, there are several tried and true 'testable' methodologies from other languages which also hold true for JavaScript. And of course there remain the unique challenges that JavaScript developers must face while writing and testing their code. What patterns make code testable? Which anti-patterns hinder testing? What metrics and common sense guideposts can be used...
Google Test Automation Conference 2010 October 28-29, 2010 Special Lightning Talk - Testivus on Testability by Alberto Savoia The Way of Testivus: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B4fT-BFGDnQkMTEyZGViYjAtNDM4Yi00MTg2LTkzYTAtMWQ3Y2NjZmUwYmM4
Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Circuits by Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka, Dr. Santosh Biswas, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
"Visualizing Testability" by Maria Kedemo The simplest way Maria Kedemo knows of describing testability is “How easy it is to test a specific product”. Low testability would be anything that slows you down or makes it harder to test. Frustrated testers might be a symptom of such. A high degree of testability helps not only testers, but everyone involved in the development of the product. Through out her career as a test manager she has seen her fellow testers suffer daily from things affecting their testing negatively. Flaky test environments, buggy code, exclusion from relevant information, difficulties in creating test data and lack of knowledge in a specific domain were only a few of the problems. The suffering was not the testers’ alone. It affected the project, the development team...
Google Tech Talk October 6, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Miško Hevery. We design our code for performance, maintenance, simplicity, extensibility and other goals, but most of us do not think about testability as a design goal, yet verifying the correctness of our code is of great importance. What does it mean to have testable code, and what kind of trade offs does one have to think about when designing for testability. Turns out that testable code is well designed code, and it has many of the characteristics we search for such as low cohesion, separation of concerns, proper encapsulation and many others.
How can a software architecture enable and support a highly testable system
Descubre la estabilidad que Volkswagen Vehículos Comerciales puede ofrecer a tu negocio. Conoce nuestra gama de vehículos en www.vwcomerciales.com.mx
Writing code is hard. But with a focus on testability and testable software design, we can make it less hard! Avery shares some tips on software design learned in the trenches of having practiced Test-Driven Development for several years. Speaker: Avery Yen, Software Engineer, Pivotal
http://g.co/gtac2013 Slides: http://goo.gl/E1v14 Mark Trostler, Google Testable JavaScript is a process. Whether starting with a blank slate or an already implemented application (or somewhere in-between) being able to test your JavaScript code simply, cleanly, and effectively is a necessary feature. Code that cannot be tested will be rewritten. While JavaScript is unique due to the myriad of environments within which it runs, there are several tried and true 'testable' methodologies from other languages which also hold true for JavaScript. And of course there remain the unique challenges that JavaScript developers must face while writing and testing their code. What patterns make code testable? Which anti-patterns hinder testing? What metrics and common sense guideposts can be used...
Google Test Automation Conference 2010 October 28-29, 2010 Special Lightning Talk - Testivus on Testability by Alberto Savoia The Way of Testivus: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B4fT-BFGDnQkMTEyZGViYjAtNDM4Yi00MTg2LTkzYTAtMWQ3Y2NjZmUwYmM4
Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Circuits by Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka, Dr. Santosh Biswas, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
"Visualizing Testability" by Maria Kedemo The simplest way Maria Kedemo knows of describing testability is “How easy it is to test a specific product”. Low testability would be anything that slows you down or makes it harder to test. Frustrated testers might be a symptom of such. A high degree of testability helps not only testers, but everyone involved in the development of the product. Through out her career as a test manager she has seen her fellow testers suffer daily from things affecting their testing negatively. Flaky test environments, buggy code, exclusion from relevant information, difficulties in creating test data and lack of knowledge in a specific domain were only a few of the problems. The suffering was not the testers’ alone. It affected the project, the development team...
Google Tech Talk October 6, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Miško Hevery. We design our code for performance, maintenance, simplicity, extensibility and other goals, but most of us do not think about testability as a design goal, yet verifying the correctness of our code is of great importance. What does it mean to have testable code, and what kind of trade offs does one have to think about when designing for testability. Turns out that testable code is well designed code, and it has many of the characteristics we search for such as low cohesion, separation of concerns, proper encapsulation and many others.
Writing code is hard. But with a focus on testability and testable software design, we can make it less hard! Avery shares some tips on software design learned in the trenches of having practiced Test-Driven Development for several years. Speaker: Avery Yen, Software Engineer, Pivotal
http://g.co/gtac2013 Slides: http://goo.gl/E1v14 Mark Trostler, Google Testable JavaScript is a process. Whether starting with a blank slate or an already implemented application (or somewhere in-between) being able to test your JavaScript code simply, cleanly, and effectively is a necessary feature. Code that cannot be tested will be rewritten. While JavaScript is unique due to the myriad of environments within which it runs, there are several tried and true 'testable' methodologies from other languages which also hold true for JavaScript. And of course there remain the unique challenges that JavaScript developers must face while writing and testing their code. What patterns make code testable? Which anti-patterns hinder testing? What metrics and common sense guideposts can be used...
Dorit Aharonov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Complexity Meets Condensed Matter http://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/dorit-aharonov-2014-03-25
Join us as we look at unit tests in Apex - what they are and where they fit within an efficient and effective testing strategy. We'll also consider the demands that implementing such a strategy makes on how Apex code is structured in a Force.com application. You'll leave with an appreciation of the test pyramid, and some specific examples of mocking techniques.
Als ich wieder mal das Testbild seh,
fällt die Bude mir auf den Kopf.
Ich kämpfe mich durch meinen Müll,
renn aus dem Haus wie schon so oft.
Einen Haufen falscher Freunde,
eine Arbeit, die mir nicht passt
und ich frage mich seit heute,
wie ich's so lang ausgehalten hab.
Heute nacht werde ich losziehn,
ich verlasse diese Stadt.
Alles was ich hab, lass ich hier stehn,
fang woanders von vorne an.
Ich renn wie ein Sträfling auf der Flucht,
ich halte nie wieder an.
Es ist die letzte Chance, sie ist nicht sehr groß,
doch es gibt keine andere Wahl.
Ich freu mich auf mein neues Leben,
auf alles, was noch vor mir liegt.
Ich habe nur noch einen einzigen Wunsch,
nie wieder stillzustehn.
Heute nacht werde ich losziehn,
ich verlasse diese Stadt.
Alles was ich hab, lass ich hier stehn,
fang woanders von vorne an.
Jemand reißt mich hoch, schreit mir ins Gesicht:
'Es ist halb sechs und wir machen jetzt zu!'.
Auf dem Nachhauseweg dreht sich alles um mich
und das Testbild rauscht immer noch.
Niemals werde ich von hier gehn,
komme nie aus dieser Stadt.
Jeden Abend rede ich vom Fliehn,
lüge mich von Vorne an.