Reveal date: Jan 12 2016 Status: Complete Partners: Greek MEP Stelios Kouloglou Tagged: Brussels, terrorism

In the European Parliament in Brussels, a "defense and security consultant" presented an "industrial solution to terrorism" which—unlike all other military and securi

Reveal date: Oct 12 2015

When Edward Snowden made his first in-person public appearance on U.S. soil since receiving a Presidential pardon, a bi-partisan crowd went wild. Sadly it wasn't true.

Reveal date: Jun 16 2015 Status: Complete Partners: Courage Campaign, FunnyorDie Tagged: California, drought, food, water

In drought-ravaged California, producing one pound of beef requires 1,799 gallons of water. Moby and some friends found a way meat-loving Californians can find a way to sustainably enjoy their locally-raised cattle products: stop showering.

Reveal date: Apr 30 2014 Status: Complete Partners: Idle No More, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Tito Ybarra, Yansa, Black Mesa Water Coalition, CODEPINK, Greenpeace, The 1491s Tagged: climate change, Department of Energy, fracking, Homeland Security, Keystone XL

Environmental and indigenous rights activists team up with the Yes Men to impersonate the U.S. Department of Energy, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Department of Defense, and announce the nation's new energy plan.

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