on the street

You'll see and hear the darnedest things.

Chevron's $50 million ad campaign gets flushed

October, 2010 |

Chevron's newest greenwashing attempt was completely derailed when the Yes Men teamed up with Rainforest Action Network and Amazon Watch to create a satirical version of their "We Agree" street-artist ad campaign. Thanks to a PR leak, activists were able to send out their fake press release hours before Chevron could send out their real announcement of the campaign, resulting in a comedy of errors between many media outlets and resulting in a truer-to-life poster and tv ad campaign. Visit the Yes Lab for more on this project.

Global warming petitions, Cleveland

May, 2004 |
We have been out for half an hour, and already we have collected a dozen on-camera signatures supporting Bush's new pro-America ice age.
Dow Annual Meeting

Politely requesting remedy

May, 2005 |

Dow wasn't taking any chances at this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM). For the first time in Dow's existence, each and every shareholder was being searched on entry. A phalanx of guards had been hired, and a battery of eight metal detectors were set up at the entrance to the Midland, Michigan Center for the Arts. Every one of the two thousand shareholders who would show up had to empty pockets, check cellphones, get wanded. Old ladies had to let guards rifle through their purses.


Captain Euro

June, 1999 |
Twelve Stars is a PR agency that has helped to promote some of the largest companies in the world. They created Captain Euro in 1998 to sell the ideas of European unification and free trade to children. Unlike Captain America, who was created to hurt Hitler, Captain Euro was created to help him - or at least to leverage some of his nasty racist ideas to promote corporate free trade.
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