Paris, (UrduPoint / PakistanPointNews - 21st Apr, 2021 ) .Detect harmful radiation, pilot a rover module, learn better sleep and body maintenance ... "It's like a wave, and it takes roughly an hour to swell before it reaches its maximal flow," said Nicolas Balcon, a radiative environment engineer at CNES ... ....
AFP, PARIS. Detect harmful radiation, pilot a rover module, learn better sleep and body maintenance ...Crew members on the ISS get some protection from Earth’s magnetic shield ... “It’s like a wave, and it takes roughly an hour to swell before it reaches its maximal flow,” said Nicolas Balcon, a radiative environment engineer at CNES ... .
Detect harmful radiation, pilot a rover module, learn better sleep and body maintenance ...Crew members on the ISS get some protection from Earth's magnetic shield ... "It's like a wave, and it takes roughly an hour to swell before it reaches its maximal flow," said Nicolas Balcon, a radiative environment engineer at CNES ... International Space Station ... ....