- published: 22 Jun 2015
- views: 75375
Hugo or HUGO may refer to:
Notre Dame commonly refers to:
It may also refer to:
Marie-Georges-Jean Méliès, known as Georges Méliès (/meɪˈljɛs/;French: [meljɛs]; 8 December 1861 – 21 January 1938), was a French illusionist and filmmaker famous for leading many technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of cinema. Méliès was an especially prolific innovator in the use of special effects, popularizing such techniques as substitution splices, multiple exposures, time-lapse photography, dissolves, and hand-painted color. His films include A Trip to the Moon (1902) and The Impossible Voyage (1904), both involving strange, surreal journeys somewhat in the style of Jules Verne, and are considered among the most important early science fiction films, though their approach is closer to fantasy.
Marie-Georges-Jean Méliès was born 8 December 1861 in Paris to Jean-Louis-Stanislas Méliès and his Dutch wife, Johannah-Catherine Schuering. His father had moved to Paris in 1843 as a journeyman shoemaker and began working at a boot factory, where he met Méliès' mother. Johannah-Catherine's father had been the official bootmaker of the Dutch court before a fire ruined his business. She helped to educate Jean-Louis-Stanislas. Eventually the two married, founded a high-quality boot factory on the Boulevard Saint-Martin, and had sons Henri and Gaston; by the time of third son Georges' birth, the family had become wealthy.
Leonidas Frank "Lon" Chaney (April 1, 1883 – August 26, 1930) was an American stage and film actor, director and screenwriter. He is regarded as one of the most versatile and powerful actors of early cinema, renowned for his characterizations of tortured, often grotesque and afflicted characters, and his groundbreaking artistry with makeup. Chaney is known for his starring roles in such silent horror films as The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) and The Phantom of the Opera (1925). His ability to transform himself using makeup techniques he developed earned him the nickname "The Man of a Thousand Faces."
Leonidas Frank Chaney was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado to Frank H. Chaney and Emma Alice Kennedy. His father was of English and French ancestry, and his mother was of Scottish, English, and Irish descent. Chaney's maternal grandfather, Jonathan Ralston Kennedy, founded the "Colorado School for the Education of Mutes" (now, Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind) in 1874, and Chaney's parents met there. Both of Chaney's parents were deaf, and as a child of deaf adults Chaney became skilled in pantomime. He entered a stage career in 1902, and began traveling with popular Vaudeville and theater acts. In 1905, Chaney, then 22, met and married 16-year-old singer Cleva Creighton (Frances Cleveland Creighton) and in 1906, their only child, a son, Creighton Tull Chaney (later known as Lon Chaney, Jr.) was born. The Chaneys continued touring, settling in California in 1910.
Hunchback is derogatory term for a person who has severe kyphosis.
Hunchback or The Hunchback may also refer to:
Alex met son plancher de niveau et installe un sous-plancher
MS VICTOR HUGO annoncé à l'écluse de La Plante (Namur)
Le Diable Noir by Georges Melies (1905)
Las Huellas Aduaneras del Mercosur
Les Rénos d'Alex commence bientôt!
Il gobbo di Notre Dame (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - ノートルダムの鐘
Une scène mémorable dans "Watatatow"
Ah les crocodiles!
Frame by Frame: Georges Méliès
Neuvy-Pailloux : Stramentech, fabricant de panneaux de paill
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1923 (with Lon Chaney)
Prolessa Duo
Dans cette capsule, Alex poursuit la rénovation de sa salle de bain. Il explique comment il s'y prend pour mettre son plancher (qui était plutôt croche) de niveau. Il installe également un sous-plancher en OSB qui lui permettra par la suite d’accueillir avec solidité la future céramique.
POUR VENIR VOIR MON SPECTACLE → http://tiny.cc/0t10gx :) MON FACEBOOK: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/NormanFaitDesVideos MON INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/normanthavaud MON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NormanDesVideos Comédienne: Paõla Duniaud Photos à la Cigale by Benjamin Boccas !
A traveler at an inn is harassed by a mischievous devil in his room. (In 1913 Georges Méliès' film company was forced into bankruptcy by the large French and American studios and his company was bought out of receivership by Pathé Frères. After being driven out of business Méliès became a toy salesman at the Montparnasse station. In 1932 the Cinema Society gave Méliès a home in Chateau D'Orly. Melies did not grasp the value of his films, and having some 500 films recorded on cellulose the French Army seized most of this stock to be melted down into boot heels during World War I. Many of the other films were sold to be recycled into new film. As a result many of these films do not exist today.) Director: Georges Méliès Producer: Georges Melies Production Company: Star Film Paris Mu...
LAS HUELLAS ADUANERAS DEL MERCOSUR Video educativo del Dr. Héctor H. Juárez en donde se relata la evolución del proceso aduanero de integracion MERCOSUR, resaltando lo realizado, y aquellos aspectos pendientes de desarrollo para lograr el objetivo fundacional de conformar un MERCADO COMUN. Contenido: I.- Introducción. II.- Antecedentes históricos. III.- Acuerdo sobre Transporte Internacional Terrestre. IV.- Arancel Externo Común. V.- Régimen de Origen MERCOSUR. VI.- Áreas de Control Integrado. VII.- Áreas Aduaneras Especiales. VIII.- Régimen de Equipaje MERCOSUR. IX.- Código Aduanero del MERCOSUR. X.- Conclusiones. Para mayor información, dirigirse a las siguientes publicaciones: http://www.academia.edu/25251188/Las_Huellas_Aduaneras_del_Mercosur_-_Guia_Práctica_-_Ed._Tarifar ...
Les Rénos d'Alex est un projet de capsules web sans prétention, spécialisées en rénovation écologique, vous permettant de réaliser vos projets vous-même!
Il gobbo di Notre Dame è un film muto del 1923 con Lon Chaney nel ruolo di Quasimodo, liberamente tratto dal romanzo Notre-Dame de Paris di Victor Hugo pubblicato nel 1831. Il film venne diretto dal regista Wallace Worsley e prodotto da Carl Laemmle e Irving Thalberg. Gli avvenimenti narrati nella storia si svolgono a Parigi dieci anni prima della scoperta dell'America da parte di Cristoforo Colombo. L'opera è probabilmente il secondo più celebre adattamento cinematografico del romanzo di Victor Hugo, dopo l'acclamato Notre Dame del 1939 prodotto dalla RKO. Il film è notevole per il grande set che ricostruisce la Parigi del XV secolo e per l'interpretazione e lo spettacolare (per l'epoca) trucco di Lon Chaney nei panni del tormentato e deforme campanaro di Notre Dame. Il film elevò Chane...
Comptine "Ah les crocodiles" Un crocodile, S'en allant à la guerre, Disait au r'voir, à ses petits enfants, Traînant la queue, La queue dans la poussière, Il s'en allait combattre les éléphants Ah les cro cro cro, les cro cro cro, les crocodiles, Sur les bords du Nil ils sont partit n'en parlons plus Ah les cro cro cro, les cro cro cro, les crocodiles, Sur les bords du Nil ils sont partit n'en parlons plus Il fredonnait, une marche militaire, Dont il mâchait, les mots à grosses dents, Quand il ouvrait, la gueule tout entière, On croyait voir ses ennemis dedans, Ah les cro cro cro, les cro cro cro, les crocodiles, Sur les bords du Nil ils sont partit n'en parlons plus Ah les cro cro cro, les cro cro cro, les crocodiles, Sur les bords du Nil ils sont partit n'en parlons plus Un élépha...
Exercice de la "patate chaude". Matthieu Gaillard - Hugo Bravo - Ecole Emile Cohl 2010
UNL FIlm Studies professor Wheeler Winston Dixon takes a revealing look at the first "Cinemagician," French filmmaker, Georges Méliès. Georges Méliès (December 8, 1861 -- January 21, 1938), full name Marie-Georges-Jean Méliès, was a French filmmaker famous for leading many technical and narrative developments in the earliest cinema. He was very innovative in the use of special effects. He accidentally discovered the stop trick, or substitution, in 1896, and was one of the first filmmakers to use multiple exposures, time-lapse photography, dissolves, and hand-painted color in his films. Because of his ability to seemingly manipulate and transform reality through cinematography, Méliès is sometimes referred to as the First "Cinemagician." Méliès was born in Paris, where his family manufactur...
A Neuvy-Pailloux, l'usine Stramentech fabrique des panneaux de paille compressée à partir de paille produite exclusivement dans le Berry. Les panneaux, entièrement recyclables, sont utilisés dans l'habitat pour les cloisons, les sols et les plafonds.
WIDEN REALITY proudly presents a classic masterpiece of drama. ****************************************************** In fifteenth century Paris, the brother of the archdeacon plots with the gypsy king to foment a peasant revolt. Meanwhile, a freakish hunchback falls in love with the gypsy queen. ****************************************************** The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a 1923 American film directed by Wallace Worsley and produced by Carl Laemmle and Irving Thalberg. It stars Lon Chaney, Sr., Patsy Ruth Miller, Norman Kerry, Nigel de Brulier, Brandon Hurst. The film is probably the second most famous adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel, following the critically acclaimed, much reissued 1939 masterpiece by RKO Pictures. The film was Universal's "Super Jewel" of 1923 and was the...
LAS HUELLAS ADUANERAS DEL MERCOSUR Video educativo del Dr. Héctor H. Juárez en donde se relata la evolución del proceso aduanero de integracion MERCOSUR, resaltando lo realizado, y aquellos aspectos pendientes de desarrollo para lograr el objetivo fundacional de conformar un MERCADO COMUN. Contenido: I.- Introducción. II.- Antecedentes históricos. III.- Acuerdo sobre Transporte Internacional Terrestre. IV.- Arancel Externo Común. V.- Régimen de Origen MERCOSUR. VI.- Áreas de Control Integrado. VII.- Áreas Aduaneras Especiales. VIII.- Régimen de Equipaje MERCOSUR. IX.- Código Aduanero del MERCOSUR. X.- Conclusiones. Para mayor información, dirigirse a las siguientes publicaciones: http://www.academia.edu/25251188/Las_Huellas_Aduaneras_del_Mercosur_-_Guia_Práctica_-_Ed._Tarifar ...
Inspection de bâtiment avec Hugues Nadeau chroniqueur de Marina Orsini à radio-canada
WIDEN REALITY proudly presents a classic masterpiece of drama. ****************************************************** In fifteenth century Paris, the brother of the archdeacon plots with the gypsy king to foment a peasant revolt. Meanwhile, a freakish hunchback falls in love with the gypsy queen. ****************************************************** The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a 1923 American film directed by Wallace Worsley and produced by Carl Laemmle and Irving Thalberg. It stars Lon Chaney, Sr., Patsy Ruth Miller, Norman Kerry, Nigel de Brulier, Brandon Hurst. The film is probably the second most famous adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel, following the critically acclaimed, much reissued 1939 masterpiece by RKO Pictures. The film was Universal's "Super Jewel" of 1923 and was the...
SINOPSE: Indissociáveis de todos os capítulos da história da Humanidade, as fibras são assim dos materiais mais utilizados de sempre. Apesar de ter sido na natureza que inicialmente o Homem as descobriu, com o evoluir do tempo apareceram as primeiras fibras sintéticas e, após estas, fibras com propriedades inimagináveis. Que mais reserva o futuro para estes extraordinários materiais? Um Projecto Fibrenamics: www.fibrenamics.com FICHA TÉCNICA: Coordenação Científica: Raul Fangueiro, Escola de Engenharia - Universidade do Minho Equipa Fibrenamics: Carlos Almeida, Catarina Guise, Katherine Rosado, Rita Rebelo, Sílvia Carvalho Guião: Hugo Manuel Correia Imagem: Carlos Oliveira, Hélder Tavares, Joana Deusdado, José Lemos, Rui Costa, Sérgio Morgado, Tiago Mendes Montagem: Joana Deusdado Grafi...
Fritz Haber was a German chemist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918 for his invention of the Haber–Bosch process, a method used in industry to synthesize ammonia from nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas. This invention is of importance for the large-scale synthesis of fertilizers and explosives. The food production for half the world's current population depends on this method for producing nitrogen fertilizers. Haber, along with Max Born, proposed the Born–Haber cycle as a method for evaluating the lattice energy of an ionic solid. Haber is also considered the "father of chemical warfare" for his years of pioneering work developing and weaponizing chlorine and other poisonous gases during World War I, especially his actions during the Second Battle of Ypres.... _______________...
Il gobbo di Notre Dame è un film muto del 1923 con Lon Chaney nel ruolo di Quasimodo, liberamente tratto dal romanzo Notre-Dame de Paris di Victor Hugo pubblicato nel 1831. Il film venne diretto dal regista Wallace Worsley e prodotto da Carl Laemmle e Irving Thalberg. Gli avvenimenti narrati nella storia si svolgono a Parigi dieci anni prima della scoperta dell'America da parte di Cristoforo Colombo. L'opera è probabilmente il secondo più celebre adattamento cinematografico del romanzo di Victor Hugo, dopo l'acclamato Notre Dame del 1939 prodotto dalla RKO. Il film è notevole per il grande set che ricostruisce la Parigi del XV secolo e per l'interpretazione e lo spettacolare (per l'epoca) trucco di Lon Chaney nei panni del tormentato e deforme campanaro di Notre Dame. Il film elevò Chane...
Chapter 17. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mike Vendetti. Playlist for Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL752595FA3E1D6D74 Babbitt free audiobook at Librivox: http://librivox.org/babbitt-by-sinclair-lewis/ Babbitt free eBook at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1156 Babbitt at Wikipedia: http://goo.gl/986Dr View a list of all our videobooks: http://www.ccprose.com/booklist
The Great Gildersleeve (1941--1957), initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. Built around Throckmorton Philharmonic Gildersleeve,...
Part 4. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mike Vendetti. Playlist for Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7754E57A9802517D Babbitt free audiobook at Librivox: http://librivox.org/babbitt-by-sinclair-lewis/ Babbitt free eBook at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1156 Babbitt at Wikipedia: http://goo.gl/986Dr View a list of all our videobooks: http://www.ccprose.com/booklist