Bodil Rosing - Life and career
#Trump clone will be permanently on #twitch , feel free to live chat with him :
published: 06 Feb 2017
Hearts in Bondage (1936) [Drama] [War]
This 1936 film is in black and white and is a drama based on events in the American Civil War and starts with citizens choosing loyalty to the Confederate States of America or to the Union in the first days of the crisis. Early scenes show the burning of the USS Merrimack by its Union crew to prevent it from falling into Confederate hands. However, the Merrimack, which had been burnt down to the waterline, was later rebuilt by the Confederacy, as an ironclad, and was renamed the CSS Virginia.
The film shows that, during the war, the Union built its own ironclad, the USS Monitor. When the Virginia emerged on its sortie in the Battle of Hampton Roads it inflicted major damage on the Union fleet in the harbor. Subsequent scenes show the arrival of the Monitor and its battle with the Virginia...
published: 17 Dec 2016
AMANECER (Sunrise A Song of Two Humans 1927) (Sub. Español)
Dirección: F.W. Murnau
Reparto: George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald
Un cuento alegórico sobre un hombre que lucha contra el bien y el mal dentro de él. Ambos lados se hacen carne: uno es una mujer sofisticada que le atrae y el otro su esposa.
An allegorical tale about a man fighting the good and evil within him. Both sides are made flesh - one a sophisticated woman he is attracted to and the other his wife.
published: 13 Feb 2021
Sunrise (1927) // F.W. Murnau
*aka "Amanecer", "Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans"
*ft. George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing & J. Farrell MacDonald
published: 25 Jul 2021
Amor eterno -1929 -HD (CINE CLASICO de CULTO)
Romance. Drama | Drama romántico. Cine mudo. Siglo XIX
Ciglia (Camilla Horn) es una joven que vive en una pequeña aldea de los alpes suizos. El pueblo ha sido ocupado por los franceses, y todos los habitantes del pueblo han entregado las armas. Sólo Marcus (John Barrymore) se niega a hacerlo... Dirección
Ernst Lubitsch Reparto
John Barrymore, Camilla Horn, Victor Varconi, Hobart Bosworth, Bodil Rosing, Mona Rico, Evelyn Selbie, Constantine Romanoff
published: 11 Aug 2021
Восход солнца, Sunrise 1927
( RU ) Восход солнца
История убийства, которое молодой крестьянин совершает ради своей городской возлюбленной, вскружившей ему голову. Убийства его собственной, мешающей ложному счастью жены...
Жанр: драма, мелодрама
Год выпуска: 1927
Режиссеры: Фридрих Вильгельм Мурнау
Сценарий: Карл Майер, Герман Зудерман, Кэтерин Хилликер
Композиторы: Шелдон Мировиц, Вилли Шмидт-Гентнер, Р.Х. Бассетт, Хуго Ризенфельд
Операторы: Карл Страсс, Чарльз Рошер
Продюсеры: Уильям Фокс
Актеры: Джанет Гейнор, Джордж О’Брайен, Маргарет Ливингстон, Бодил Росинг, Дж. Фаррелл, МакДональд, Ральф Сипперли, Джейн Уинтон, Артур Хаусман, Эдди Боланд, ... [актеры и роли]
Страна: США
Премьера в мире: 17.11.1927
Премьера в США: 04.11.1927
Кинокомпания: Fox Film Corporation
(EN) Sunrise
History of the murder, which the young f...
published: 14 Mar 2016
Silent Film Critique: Ladies of the Mob (1928)
A Clara Bow lost film, centered around gangsters
More information - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladies_of_the_Mob
Clara Bow - Yvonne
Richard Arlen - Red
Helen Lynch - Marie
Mary Alden - Soft Annie
Carl Gerard - Joe
Bodil Rosing - The mother
Lorraine Rivero - Little Yvonne
James Pierce - The officer
Don't forget to like and subscribe!
The fan fic Bunhead was challenged to write - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13369012/1/
Official site - https://tarynsullivan.blogspot.com/
Official needlework site - https://bunheadgeekstitch.blogspot.com/
New Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/TarynIsBunhead/
Twitter - @Taryn_Sullivan or @SW_Bunhead
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/princess_bunhead/
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/princess_bunhead/
Deviantart - https://www....
published: 14 Sep 2019
Adelanto - Filmoteca - Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
Filmoteca dedica una nueva semana a la obra del director alemán Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.
Lunes 03: “Nosferatu” (1922) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim, Greta Schröeder, GH Schnell, Ruth Landshoff, John Gottowt, Gustav Botz
Martes 04: “Fausto” (1926) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Emil Jannings, Gösta Ekman, Camilla Horn, William Dieterle, Yvette Guilbert, Frida Richard, Eric Barclay, Hanna Ralph, Werner Fuetterer, Hans Brausewetter.
Miércoles 05: “Tabu” (1931) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Matahi, Anne Chevalier, Bill Bambridge, Hitu, Jean.
Jueves 06: “Amanecer” (1927) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con George O’Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald.
published: 04 Aug 2015
Sunrise - Official 15 Second Movie Trailer HD - Trailer Puppy
Visit http://www.trailerpuppy.com to find good movies to watch.
Sunrise 15 second movie trailer. A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman from the city, who tries to convince him to drown his wife. Starring George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing. Visit http://www.trailerpuppy.com to set a reminder when Sunrise is released.
Let us know what you think of the Sunrise 15 second trailer in the comments below.
published: 22 Jun 2016
Preview Clip | Why Be Good? | Warner Archive
Why Be Good? (1929) #WarnerArchive #WarnerBros #WhyBeGood
“Why be good when it’s so much more thrilling to be bad?” asked the ad campaign for this slightly naughty and oh-so-knowing silent-movie celebration of the flapper era.
The star of Flaming Youth — vivacious Colleen Moore — again captures the rebellious flamboyance of the Twenties in Why Be Good? She plays Pert Kelly, a shopgirl who wins the heart of the boss’ son (Neil Hamilton, The Dawn Patrol). The boss, however, doubts that Pert is virtuous. His love-struck son wonders if perhaps Dad could be right and sets up a little test for his sweetie by taking Pert to a raucous roadhouse where he rents a private room and makes a most ungentlemanly suggestion. Will Pert be good? Or, with Prince Charming in her grasp, will she decide it’s b...
published: 28 Oct 2014
Bodil Rosing - Life and career
#Trump clone will be permanently on #twitch , feel free to live chat with him :
#Trump clone will be permanently on #twitch , feel free to live chat with him :
#Trump clone will be permanently on #twitch , feel free to live chat with him :
- published: 06 Feb 2017
- views: 16
Hearts in Bondage (1936) [Drama] [War]
This 1936 film is in black and white and is a drama based on events in the American Civil War and starts with citizens choosing loyalty to the Confederate State...
This 1936 film is in black and white and is a drama based on events in the American Civil War and starts with citizens choosing loyalty to the Confederate States of America or to the Union in the first days of the crisis. Early scenes show the burning of the USS Merrimack by its Union crew to prevent it from falling into Confederate hands. However, the Merrimack, which had been burnt down to the waterline, was later rebuilt by the Confederacy, as an ironclad, and was renamed the CSS Virginia.
The film shows that, during the war, the Union built its own ironclad, the USS Monitor. When the Virginia emerged on its sortie in the Battle of Hampton Roads it inflicted major damage on the Union fleet in the harbor. Subsequent scenes show the arrival of the Monitor and its battle with the Virginia.
Scenes of the battle are dramatic and appear to have been done with actual sailing ships, not models.
Directed by Lew Ayres, produced by Nat Levine (producer) and Herman Schlom (executive producer), written by Written by Karl Brown (writer), Olive Cooper (writer), Wallace MacDonald (story) and Bernard Schubert (writer), starring James Dunn as Lieutenant Kenneth Reynolds, Mae Clarke as Constance Jordan, David Manners as Raymond Jordan, Charlotte Henry as Julie Buchanan, Henry B. Walthall as Captain Buchanan, Fritz Leiber, Sr. as Captain John Ericsson, George Irving as Commodore Jordan, Irving Pichel as Secretary of War Sumner Gideon Welles, J.M. Kerrigan as Paddy Callahan, Frank McGlynn Sr. as
Abraham Lincoln, Ben Alexander as Eggleston, Oscar Apfel as Captain Gilman, Clay Clement as Lieutenant Worden, Edward Gargan as 'Mac' McPherson, Russell Hicks as Senator Pillsbury, George "Gabby" Hayes as Ezra, Douglas Wood as Commodore David G. Farragut, Bodil Rosing as Mrs. Adams, Erville Alderson as Jefferson Davis, John Hyams as Bushnell
Etta McDaniel as Mammy, Warner Richmond as Bucko and Lloyd Ingraham as Timekeeper.
Source: "Hearts in Bondage" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 28 March 2016. Web. 17 December 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearts_in_Bondage
If you like this movie and our channel, please subscribe: https://goo.gl/0qDmXe
This 1936 film is in black and white and is a drama based on events in the American Civil War and starts with citizens choosing loyalty to the Confederate States of America or to the Union in the first days of the crisis. Early scenes show the burning of the USS Merrimack by its Union crew to prevent it from falling into Confederate hands. However, the Merrimack, which had been burnt down to the waterline, was later rebuilt by the Confederacy, as an ironclad, and was renamed the CSS Virginia.
The film shows that, during the war, the Union built its own ironclad, the USS Monitor. When the Virginia emerged on its sortie in the Battle of Hampton Roads it inflicted major damage on the Union fleet in the harbor. Subsequent scenes show the arrival of the Monitor and its battle with the Virginia.
Scenes of the battle are dramatic and appear to have been done with actual sailing ships, not models.
Directed by Lew Ayres, produced by Nat Levine (producer) and Herman Schlom (executive producer), written by Written by Karl Brown (writer), Olive Cooper (writer), Wallace MacDonald (story) and Bernard Schubert (writer), starring James Dunn as Lieutenant Kenneth Reynolds, Mae Clarke as Constance Jordan, David Manners as Raymond Jordan, Charlotte Henry as Julie Buchanan, Henry B. Walthall as Captain Buchanan, Fritz Leiber, Sr. as Captain John Ericsson, George Irving as Commodore Jordan, Irving Pichel as Secretary of War Sumner Gideon Welles, J.M. Kerrigan as Paddy Callahan, Frank McGlynn Sr. as
Abraham Lincoln, Ben Alexander as Eggleston, Oscar Apfel as Captain Gilman, Clay Clement as Lieutenant Worden, Edward Gargan as 'Mac' McPherson, Russell Hicks as Senator Pillsbury, George "Gabby" Hayes as Ezra, Douglas Wood as Commodore David G. Farragut, Bodil Rosing as Mrs. Adams, Erville Alderson as Jefferson Davis, John Hyams as Bushnell
Etta McDaniel as Mammy, Warner Richmond as Bucko and Lloyd Ingraham as Timekeeper.
Source: "Hearts in Bondage" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 28 March 2016. Web. 17 December 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearts_in_Bondage
If you like this movie and our channel, please subscribe: https://goo.gl/0qDmXe
- published: 17 Dec 2016
- views: 25157
AMANECER (Sunrise A Song of Two Humans 1927) (Sub. Español)
Dirección: F.W. Murnau
Reparto: George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald
Un cuento alegórico sobre un hombre que lu...
Dirección: F.W. Murnau
Reparto: George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald
Un cuento alegórico sobre un hombre que lucha contra el bien y el mal dentro de él. Ambos lados se hacen carne: uno es una mujer sofisticada que le atrae y el otro su esposa.
An allegorical tale about a man fighting the good and evil within him. Both sides are made flesh - one a sophisticated woman he is attracted to and the other his wife.
Dirección: F.W. Murnau
Reparto: George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald
Un cuento alegórico sobre un hombre que lucha contra el bien y el mal dentro de él. Ambos lados se hacen carne: uno es una mujer sofisticada que le atrae y el otro su esposa.
An allegorical tale about a man fighting the good and evil within him. Both sides are made flesh - one a sophisticated woman he is attracted to and the other his wife.
- published: 13 Feb 2021
- views: 1176
Sunrise (1927) // F.W. Murnau
*aka "Amanecer", "Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans"
*ft. George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing & J. Farrell MacDonald
*aka "Amanecer", "Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans"
*ft. George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing & J. Farrell MacDonald
*aka "Amanecer", "Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans"
*ft. George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing & J. Farrell MacDonald
- published: 25 Jul 2021
- views: 5
Amor eterno -1929 -HD (CINE CLASICO de CULTO)
Romance. Drama | Drama romántico. Cine mudo. Siglo XIX
Ciglia (Camilla Horn) es una joven que vive en una pequeña aldea de los alpes suizos. El ...
Romance. Drama | Drama romántico. Cine mudo. Siglo XIX
Ciglia (Camilla Horn) es una joven que vive en una pequeña aldea de los alpes suizos. El pueblo ha sido ocupado por los franceses, y todos los habitantes del pueblo han entregado las armas. Sólo Marcus (John Barrymore) se niega a hacerlo... Dirección
Ernst Lubitsch Reparto
John Barrymore, Camilla Horn, Victor Varconi, Hobart Bosworth, Bodil Rosing, Mona Rico, Evelyn Selbie, Constantine Romanoff
Romance. Drama | Drama romántico. Cine mudo. Siglo XIX
Ciglia (Camilla Horn) es una joven que vive en una pequeña aldea de los alpes suizos. El pueblo ha sido ocupado por los franceses, y todos los habitantes del pueblo han entregado las armas. Sólo Marcus (John Barrymore) se niega a hacerlo... Dirección
Ernst Lubitsch Reparto
John Barrymore, Camilla Horn, Victor Varconi, Hobart Bosworth, Bodil Rosing, Mona Rico, Evelyn Selbie, Constantine Romanoff
- published: 11 Aug 2021
- views: 117
Восход солнца, Sunrise 1927
( RU ) Восход солнца
История убийства, которое молодой крестьянин совершает ради своей городской возлюбленной, вскружившей ему голову. Убийства его собственной,...
( RU ) Восход солнца
История убийства, которое молодой крестьянин совершает ради своей городской возлюбленной, вскружившей ему голову. Убийства его собственной, мешающей ложному счастью жены...
Жанр: драма, мелодрама
Год выпуска: 1927
Режиссеры: Фридрих Вильгельм Мурнау
Сценарий: Карл Майер, Герман Зудерман, Кэтерин Хилликер
Композиторы: Шелдон Мировиц, Вилли Шмидт-Гентнер, Р.Х. Бассетт, Хуго Ризенфельд
Операторы: Карл Страсс, Чарльз Рошер
Продюсеры: Уильям Фокс
Актеры: Джанет Гейнор, Джордж О’Брайен, Маргарет Ливингстон, Бодил Росинг, Дж. Фаррелл, МакДональд, Ральф Сипперли, Джейн Уинтон, Артур Хаусман, Эдди Боланд, ... [актеры и роли]
Страна: США
Премьера в мире: 17.11.1927
Премьера в США: 04.11.1927
Кинокомпания: Fox Film Corporation
(EN) Sunrise
History of the murder, which the young farmer commits for the sake of his beloved city, went to his head. The murder of his own, which prevents false happiness of his wife ...
Genre: Drama, Romance
Year: 1927
Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
Script: Carl Mayer, Herman Zudermana, Katherine Hilliker
Composers: Sheldon Mirovice, Willy Schmidt-Gentner, BC Bassett, Hugo Rizenfeld
Operators: Karl Strass, Charles Rosher
Producer: William Fox
Starring: Janet Gaynor, George O'Brien, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald, Ralph Sipperli, Jane Winton, Arthur Housman, Eddie Boland ... [actors and roles].
Country: USA
Premiere World: 17/11/1927
Premiere in the USA: 11/04/1927
Production company: Fox Film Corporation
(AZ) günəşin doğuşu
gənc fermer onun sevimli şəhər naminə öhdəliyini qətl, tarixi, başını getdi. həyat yoldaşı saxta xoşbəxtliyini qarşısını alır, öz cinayət ...
Janr: Drama, Romantik görüşlər
Buraxılış ili: 1927
Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau: Rejissor
Script: Carl Mayer, Herman Zudermana, Katherine Hilliker
Bəstəkarlar: Sheldon Mirovice, Willy Schmidt-Gentner, BC Bassett, Hugo Rizenfeld
Operatorlar: Karl Strass, Charles Rosher
İstehsalçı: William Fox
Rollarda: Janet Gaynor, George O'Brien, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald, Ralph Sipperli, Jane Winton, Arthur HOUSMAN, Eddie Boland ... [aktyor və rolları].
Ölkə: Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Premiere World: 17/11/1927
ABŞ-da Premiere: 11/04/1927
İstehsalçı şirkət: Fox Film Corporation
( RU ) Восход солнца
История убийства, которое молодой крестьянин совершает ради своей городской возлюбленной, вскружившей ему голову. Убийства его собственной, мешающей ложному счастью жены...
Жанр: драма, мелодрама
Год выпуска: 1927
Режиссеры: Фридрих Вильгельм Мурнау
Сценарий: Карл Майер, Герман Зудерман, Кэтерин Хилликер
Композиторы: Шелдон Мировиц, Вилли Шмидт-Гентнер, Р.Х. Бассетт, Хуго Ризенфельд
Операторы: Карл Страсс, Чарльз Рошер
Продюсеры: Уильям Фокс
Актеры: Джанет Гейнор, Джордж О’Брайен, Маргарет Ливингстон, Бодил Росинг, Дж. Фаррелл, МакДональд, Ральф Сипперли, Джейн Уинтон, Артур Хаусман, Эдди Боланд, ... [актеры и роли]
Страна: США
Премьера в мире: 17.11.1927
Премьера в США: 04.11.1927
Кинокомпания: Fox Film Corporation
(EN) Sunrise
History of the murder, which the young farmer commits for the sake of his beloved city, went to his head. The murder of his own, which prevents false happiness of his wife ...
Genre: Drama, Romance
Year: 1927
Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
Script: Carl Mayer, Herman Zudermana, Katherine Hilliker
Composers: Sheldon Mirovice, Willy Schmidt-Gentner, BC Bassett, Hugo Rizenfeld
Operators: Karl Strass, Charles Rosher
Producer: William Fox
Starring: Janet Gaynor, George O'Brien, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald, Ralph Sipperli, Jane Winton, Arthur Housman, Eddie Boland ... [actors and roles].
Country: USA
Premiere World: 17/11/1927
Premiere in the USA: 11/04/1927
Production company: Fox Film Corporation
(AZ) günəşin doğuşu
gənc fermer onun sevimli şəhər naminə öhdəliyini qətl, tarixi, başını getdi. həyat yoldaşı saxta xoşbəxtliyini qarşısını alır, öz cinayət ...
Janr: Drama, Romantik görüşlər
Buraxılış ili: 1927
Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau: Rejissor
Script: Carl Mayer, Herman Zudermana, Katherine Hilliker
Bəstəkarlar: Sheldon Mirovice, Willy Schmidt-Gentner, BC Bassett, Hugo Rizenfeld
Operatorlar: Karl Strass, Charles Rosher
İstehsalçı: William Fox
Rollarda: Janet Gaynor, George O'Brien, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald, Ralph Sipperli, Jane Winton, Arthur HOUSMAN, Eddie Boland ... [aktyor və rolları].
Ölkə: Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Premiere World: 17/11/1927
ABŞ-da Premiere: 11/04/1927
İstehsalçı şirkət: Fox Film Corporation
- published: 14 Mar 2016
- views: 465
Silent Film Critique: Ladies of the Mob (1928)
A Clara Bow lost film, centered around gangsters
More information - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladies_of_the_Mob
Clara Bow - Yvonne
Richard Arlen - Red
A Clara Bow lost film, centered around gangsters
More information - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladies_of_the_Mob
Clara Bow - Yvonne
Richard Arlen - Red
Helen Lynch - Marie
Mary Alden - Soft Annie
Carl Gerard - Joe
Bodil Rosing - The mother
Lorraine Rivero - Little Yvonne
James Pierce - The officer
Don't forget to like and subscribe!
The fan fic Bunhead was challenged to write - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13369012/1/
Official site - https://tarynsullivan.blogspot.com/
Official needlework site - https://bunheadgeekstitch.blogspot.com/
New Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/TarynIsBunhead/
Twitter - @Taryn_Sullivan or @SW_Bunhead
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/princess_bunhead/
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/princess_bunhead/
Deviantart - https://www.deviantart.com/princess-bunhead
Tumblr - https://tarynisbunhead.tumblr.com/
Bunhead Merch:
Bookstore - https://www.amazon.com/author/tarynsullivan
Print Shop - https://www.redbubble.com/people/princessbunhead
Etsy Store - https://www.etsy.com/shop/TarynSullivan
eBay - https://www.ebay.com/usr/misspoprocks
A Clara Bow lost film, centered around gangsters
More information - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladies_of_the_Mob
Clara Bow - Yvonne
Richard Arlen - Red
Helen Lynch - Marie
Mary Alden - Soft Annie
Carl Gerard - Joe
Bodil Rosing - The mother
Lorraine Rivero - Little Yvonne
James Pierce - The officer
Don't forget to like and subscribe!
The fan fic Bunhead was challenged to write - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13369012/1/
Official site - https://tarynsullivan.blogspot.com/
Official needlework site - https://bunheadgeekstitch.blogspot.com/
New Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/TarynIsBunhead/
Twitter - @Taryn_Sullivan or @SW_Bunhead
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/princess_bunhead/
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/princess_bunhead/
Deviantart - https://www.deviantart.com/princess-bunhead
Tumblr - https://tarynisbunhead.tumblr.com/
Bunhead Merch:
Bookstore - https://www.amazon.com/author/tarynsullivan
Print Shop - https://www.redbubble.com/people/princessbunhead
Etsy Store - https://www.etsy.com/shop/TarynSullivan
eBay - https://www.ebay.com/usr/misspoprocks
- published: 14 Sep 2019
- views: 112
Adelanto - Filmoteca - Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
Filmoteca dedica una nueva semana a la obra del director alemán Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.
Lunes 03: “Nosferatu” (1922) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murn...
Filmoteca dedica una nueva semana a la obra del director alemán Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.
Lunes 03: “Nosferatu” (1922) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim, Greta Schröeder, GH Schnell, Ruth Landshoff, John Gottowt, Gustav Botz
Martes 04: “Fausto” (1926) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Emil Jannings, Gösta Ekman, Camilla Horn, William Dieterle, Yvette Guilbert, Frida Richard, Eric Barclay, Hanna Ralph, Werner Fuetterer, Hans Brausewetter.
Miércoles 05: “Tabu” (1931) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Matahi, Anne Chevalier, Bill Bambridge, Hitu, Jean.
Jueves 06: “Amanecer” (1927) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con George O’Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald.
Filmoteca dedica una nueva semana a la obra del director alemán Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.
Lunes 03: “Nosferatu” (1922) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim, Greta Schröeder, GH Schnell, Ruth Landshoff, John Gottowt, Gustav Botz
Martes 04: “Fausto” (1926) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Emil Jannings, Gösta Ekman, Camilla Horn, William Dieterle, Yvette Guilbert, Frida Richard, Eric Barclay, Hanna Ralph, Werner Fuetterer, Hans Brausewetter.
Miércoles 05: “Tabu” (1931) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con Matahi, Anne Chevalier, Bill Bambridge, Hitu, Jean.
Jueves 06: “Amanecer” (1927) de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau con George O’Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing, J. Farrell MacDonald.
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 424
Sunrise - Official 15 Second Movie Trailer HD - Trailer Puppy
Visit http://www.trailerpuppy.com to find good movies to watch.
Sunrise 15 second movie trailer. A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman...
Visit http://www.trailerpuppy.com to find good movies to watch.
Sunrise 15 second movie trailer. A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman from the city, who tries to convince him to drown his wife. Starring George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing. Visit http://www.trailerpuppy.com to set a reminder when Sunrise is released.
Let us know what you think of the Sunrise 15 second trailer in the comments below.
Visit http://www.trailerpuppy.com to find good movies to watch.
Sunrise 15 second movie trailer. A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman from the city, who tries to convince him to drown his wife. Starring George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing. Visit http://www.trailerpuppy.com to set a reminder when Sunrise is released.
Let us know what you think of the Sunrise 15 second trailer in the comments below.
- published: 22 Jun 2016
- views: 16
Preview Clip | Why Be Good? | Warner Archive
Why Be Good? (1929) #WarnerArchive #WarnerBros #WhyBeGood
“Why be good when it’s so much more thrilling to be bad?” asked the ad campaign for this slightly nau...
Why Be Good? (1929) #WarnerArchive #WarnerBros #WhyBeGood
“Why be good when it’s so much more thrilling to be bad?” asked the ad campaign for this slightly naughty and oh-so-knowing silent-movie celebration of the flapper era.
The star of Flaming Youth — vivacious Colleen Moore — again captures the rebellious flamboyance of the Twenties in Why Be Good? She plays Pert Kelly, a shopgirl who wins the heart of the boss’ son (Neil Hamilton, The Dawn Patrol). The boss, however, doubts that Pert is virtuous. His love-struck son wonders if perhaps Dad could be right and sets up a little test for his sweetie by taking Pert to a raucous roadhouse where he rents a private room and makes a most ungentlemanly suggestion. Will Pert be good? Or, with Prince Charming in her grasp, will she decide it’s better to be bad?
Directed By William A. Seiter
Starring Colleen Moore, Neil Hamilton, Bodil Rosing
Subscribe to watch more Warner Archive videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/warnerarchive?sub_confirmation=1
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Warner Archive Collection is a branch of Warner Bros home entertainment that releases classic films and TV that were previously unreleased. Thousands of Films, TV movies and series on Blu-ray and DVD direct from the studio. WAC started as a MOD (manufactured on demand) eCommerce business in 2009 and have released over 2,500 titles spanning from the 1920s to present with distribution outlets that now include wholesale, licensee, and retail partners. Available at https://amzn.to/3gQeRvx.
Warner Archive
Why Be Good? (1929) #WarnerArchive #WarnerBros #WhyBeGood
“Why be good when it’s so much more thrilling to be bad?” asked the ad campaign for this slightly naughty and oh-so-knowing silent-movie celebration of the flapper era.
The star of Flaming Youth — vivacious Colleen Moore — again captures the rebellious flamboyance of the Twenties in Why Be Good? She plays Pert Kelly, a shopgirl who wins the heart of the boss’ son (Neil Hamilton, The Dawn Patrol). The boss, however, doubts that Pert is virtuous. His love-struck son wonders if perhaps Dad could be right and sets up a little test for his sweetie by taking Pert to a raucous roadhouse where he rents a private room and makes a most ungentlemanly suggestion. Will Pert be good? Or, with Prince Charming in her grasp, will she decide it’s better to be bad?
Directed By William A. Seiter
Starring Colleen Moore, Neil Hamilton, Bodil Rosing
Subscribe to watch more Warner Archive videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/warnerarchive?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warnerarchive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warnerarchive
Twitter: https://twitter.com/warnerarchive
Warner Archive Collection is a branch of Warner Bros home entertainment that releases classic films and TV that were previously unreleased. Thousands of Films, TV movies and series on Blu-ray and DVD direct from the studio. WAC started as a MOD (manufactured on demand) eCommerce business in 2009 and have released over 2,500 titles spanning from the 1920s to present with distribution outlets that now include wholesale, licensee, and retail partners. Available at https://amzn.to/3gQeRvx.
Warner Archive
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 1858