- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 6892
Traditional Chinese characters (traditional Chinese: 繁體字; simplified Chinese: 繁体字; Pinyin: Fántǐzì) refers to Chinese characters in any character set which does not contain newly created characters or character substitutions performed after 1946. It most commonly refers to characters in the standardized character sets of Taiwan, of Hong Kong, or in the Kangxi Dictionary. The modern shapes of traditional Chinese characters first appeared with the emergence of the clerical script during the Han Dynasty, and have been more or less stable since the 5th century (during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.) The retronym "traditional Chinese" is used to contrast traditional characters with Simplified Chinese characters, a standardized character set introduced by the government of the People's Republic of China on Mainland China in the 1950s. Traditional Chinese characters are currently used in Taiwan (Republic of China), Hong Kong, Macau and in Guangzhou, although the number of printed materials in simplified characters is growing in Australia, USA and Canada, targeting or created by new arrivals from mainland China. A large number of overseas Chinese online newspapers allow users to switch between both sets. In contrast, simplified Chinese characters are used in mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia in official publications. The debate on traditional and simplified Chinese characters has been a long-running issue among Chinese communities.
XMTV透_恢复部分繁体字的建议,你支持吗? TV透 2015.3.6 - 厦门电视
【繁簡之辯】內地人5秒認出繁體字 為何總要香港遷就?
【禁闻】台湾网友要申遗 繁体字再引热议
書法一定用繁體 片名題字大師:用簡體我封筆
繁体字对比简体字 - traditional vs simplified characters
你認得幾個? 簡.繁體字差很大
VS Hot Talk 主流媒體與簡體字