- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 3945
Christian media can either refer to Christians who work in secular media, or media that is Christian, or refer to various aspects of mass media which is primarily targeting the Christian demographic. The conservative Christian right and fundamentalist Christians have been especially active with media ventures.
Christian media ministry – Anchored North (https://anchorednorth.org/) Right now, there is this massive problem: Millennials are leaving the church at an alarming rate. This current generation is also consuming online video like never before and believing information that is relative to them. Anchored North has embarked to reach this lost group with testimonies of Christ’s redemption through video so that their post-modern worldview will be challenged and they might come to know Jesus Christ as the savior of their souls. Time is short. Let’s go and reach the 1.6 billion online video viewers with the gospel.
Sorry for the sub-par audio levels on this video, friends. I was playing around with my mic before and forgot to change the levels. If you're looking for essay editing services contact Conor at conor.sweetman@gmail.com and check out his reviews at http://conorsweetman.com/essay-editing-services ! And I can vouch for him, guys. He's cool. Feel free to stalk my social media: http://instagram.com/katielizg http://twitter.com/katielizg http://facebook.com/katielizg Stay awesome, Katie xo
Reporter's Religious Awakening - Becoming A Devout Evangelical Christian - Media Buzz Tight Shot Kirsten Powers (Columnist)
A diverse panel at the National Religious Broadcasters’ 2016 International Christian Media Convention examine the issue of homosexuality at a public policy session titled “Cultural Controversy Through the Lens of Scripture: What does the Bible say about homosexuality?” Among the panelists were defenders of natural and biblical marriage — Michael Brown, President of the FIRE School of Ministry, and Anne Paulk, Executive Director of Restored Hope Network — and supporters of "gay marriage," Gay Christian Network Executive Director Justin Lee and Brandan Robertson, Executive Director of The RISE Network and spokesperson for Evangelicals For Marriage Equality. Moderating the panel was radio host Janet Parshall.
UCB is passionately committed to building communities of mature Christians through engaging media and resources.
Please SIGN THE PETITION and DONATE to offset this choir's legal expenses: http://www.AntiChristian.ca Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media says: Toronto's Yonge & Dundas Square is like Canada’s version of Times Square in New York. Sometimes it has concerts or festivals going on. There’s some religion down there too. Muslim men hand out free Korans and sell books advising Muslim men how to beat their wives. So it’s a real free speech zone. Earlier this year, TheRebel.media fought for -- and won -- the right of Rev. David Lynn to preach about Jesus in the same area. Islam was allowed by Toronto bureaucrats, but not Christianity, apparently. These anti-Christian bigots are back. Yonge and Dundas hosts lots of concerts. Voices of the Nations, for example, have performed Christian songs there for...
Leave in the comments below any good artists or ideas for Christian music and also go to my "Good Music Playlist" if you need some music to listen to! Building it up! Thanks
(MATURE LANGUAGE AND CONTENT WARNING:) Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media talks about the SCOTUS gay marriage decision, from the viewpoint of a Canadian. "We tried this experiment before. It's ten years old in Canada, and it's not what you think." He says the idea that gays are anxious to get married is a myth. He also notes that gay men don't generally value or practice monogamy -- and blames Baby Boomers for destroying the institution of marriage. JOIN TheRebel.media for more fearless news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else. http://www.TheRebel.media/ READ Gavin McInnes' "gut-punchingly hilarious" memoir, "The Death of Cool" https://tinyurl.com/TheDeathOfCool