I don't believe God wants humans to suffer. He's a gentleman, and He waits patiently for a response of love and therefor He gave us free will. (He doesn't want a robotic response). And just by the reality of humanity choosing to manage life their own way, they ended up turning to evil ways and all people have been separated from God.
And I don't believe God has a plan to specifically punish Non- believers.
Rather, God allows people to choose to stay away from Him. And when all these tangible, earthly things pass away (those things that replace
God's love) and when all souls face '
Forever' in the
Spiritual Realm, there'll be the side of eternity where
God's presence resides; where the lovers of Him will be. And there will be the opposite side of Him- which would be literally like an endless black
hole: an abyss void of any love- Because God's not there.
God is love and all
Good things are gifts from God. The lack of love would be severely painful and truly leave me to long for another way: i'd likely be weeping and gnashing my teeth (which is the scripture that makes people believe God is going to punish people.
Luke 13:28) There is a thought of how because there are realms and if one is 'under satanic influence' (which are the ways unlike God's) then all beings going in that direction would justifiably receive the same 'placement' for eternity. So being in the same living space as the
Demonic (fallen angels) would also be just terrible, because the reason the
Evil Angels rebelled against God and were cast out of His presence is likely because they were either jealous of 1. God's choice to create
Humans to have relationship with.
Angels would view humans as lesser, and maybe would be pissed because it's as though the angels weren't enough for God. But angels can't procreate and God the creator wanted fellowship with Beings He could be close to in a sense of appreciation.
OR 2. The angels rebelled against God because they wanted to be in control, and in charge. They wanted the power to Be God themselves. But wouldn't desiring to decide for God in saying He was wrong to make humans, be an attempt to play God? The
point is,
Demons despise humans, and they'll be in the place called hell as well. (and they are more powerful than our souls' capabilities) The reason I don't believe God inflicts pain on people is because of the inherent nature of darkness and light. God as one
Who is Perfect, and has an innate requirement to do what is
True and
Right. So light on one side, darkness on the other.
It's not about Him punishing us. But He just can't let those with darkness into heaven, or they'll likely just explode into thin air or be 'snuffed out' like a candle. These points need to have the reality of God's love next to them. God has made so many ways to reach out to humans about His forgiveness through the sacrifice of
Jesus when He replaced us in
Hell for 3 days- He filled our seats, paid the price, which bought the rights to take us to where He's going. He's crying out for personal relationship just by the availability of seeing the stars at night. He speaks to you when you watch your kid laugh, or when you fall in love, and yet you still choose for yourself whether you want Him or not. He prepared the lives of the
Israelites to prepare the way for the
Savior Jesus, in Whom God revealed His very character to all humanity. God provides the
Word of God (
The Bible) to feed our spirits. And if you were alive during Jesus' footsteps on earth, you'd see the many miracles He did to prove He's infinite God made temporarily finite. The miracle today is that God designed your heart to
Crave fulfillment and God designed us to never be satisfied fully with anything but God. Waking up to the fact that you may be looking for
Hope, and are not even aware that there's an emptiness inside of you -this is the miracle that God is allowing in your life, so you can finally run into His arms. God is calling you to finally be loved.
God bless.
- published: 27 Nov 2015
- views: 67