Tony Featherstone is a former managing editor of Business Review Weekly and Shares magazines. He is a specialist writer on small companies and entrepreneurs for The Age online, The Australian Financial Review and BRW. Tony's blog looks at the human side of entrepreneurship and business failure, a topic poorly understood in this country.
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The new technique to make you productive

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   ​Working in short bursts has benefits and risks for productivity and workplace flexibility.

Comments 4

How fast food is overtaking supermarkets

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featerstone   What happens when ordering food online or eating out each night becomes the norm for more people?

Comments 3

How do you handle pushy fundraisers?

Donation old fashioned method still overused.

Tony Featherstone   ​Charities must ask if the potential damage to their brand and public goodwill is worth the small amount raised.

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Free food fad a furphy

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Some businesses offer staff a virtual smorgasbord every day, but does it really enhance productivity?

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What a waste of talent

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Managing staff who are way too senior for their job is becoming a big challenge for many businesses.

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A management challenge for the ages

Robert De Niro showed old dogs sometimes have the best tricks in The Intern.

Tony Featherstone   Reporting to people much younger, or managing those much older, is beyond many employees.

Who is responsible for a healthy home workplace?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   As more companies encourage workplace flexibility, their safety policies may not be keeping up.

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The bias of head office

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   "Out of sight" could mean out of a job for more employees who work in satellite offices.

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Are double degrees worth it?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Too much education upfront and not enough during one's career is a risk to young employees and industry.

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Do parents get a better workplace deal?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Risks of more favourable treatment compared to singles, non-parents.

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Has workplace flexibility gone too far?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Companies should question whether entitlements are out of sync with a challenged white-collar employment market – and rorted by staff.

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Do companies still need to hire uni graduates?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Technology is forcing a rethink of business models and recruitment processes.

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Cash-only is the new black for more businesses

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   It's gone way beyond tradies, restaurants and service enterprises that offer generous "discounts" for cash payment.

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Watch out for fudged resumes

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Students and street-wise job seekers will always find ways to cheat the job-application system.

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Running a business on the side

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Work and personal time has never been so blurred, but entrepreneurship is all or nothing.

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Six ways to resurrect the conference

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Six ways to make industry events more engaging and productive.

When documents get lost for too many words

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Six tips to avoid the soul-destroying process of documents going round and round an organisation for review.

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Stop monkeying around with Chinese business

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   The Lunar New Year was an example of not enough retailers embracing other countries' traditions.

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Does having 43 universities add up?

Tony Featherstone.

Mergers are needed among second-tier universities so the university sector can rid itself of some dead wood.

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Separating real clients from the rest

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Six tips to avoid pretend clients and other time wasters.

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Farewell to the farewell event

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   The gold watch is long gone but is a simple farewell lunch too much to ask?

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Do you suffer from back-breaking work?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Lower back pain a bigger problem for business as an ageing workforce sits for more hours at a computer.

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Why do customers get lost in the mail?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Poor record-keeping and information management still a problem for business.

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Time to get serious about seniorpreneurs

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Governments must prepare for higher numbers of older business owners.

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Should weekend work be restricted?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   There's a lot to be said from a productivity perspective for banning staff from taking work home.

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Why flexible working can hurt your career

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Why do so many managers still have an antiquated 'bums on seats' mentality?

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Do marks still matter?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Are companies placing too much emphasis on the wrong things in recruitment?

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What Malcolm means for SMEs

Tony Featherstone.

Is he all talk or will the Prime Minister really be able to save our start-ups?

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Why do unis neglect small business?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   There's an opportunity to help millions of enterprises collectively become more innovative.

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Why we're lost for words

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Why is writing becoming a lost art?

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