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Hedge Funds are Part of a Tricky Money Maneuver to Put Hillary in the White House

At the Democratic debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on November 14, 2015, Hillary Clinton attempted to portray herself as the fierce enemy of hedge funds. She told the audience the following: “You have two billionaire hedge fund managers who started a Super PAC and they’re advertising against me in Iowa as we More

Disrespecting Obama: Race, Class, Empire, and Identity Politics

I wonder if anyone is enjoying the current endless quadrennial presidential electoral extravaganza more than Barack Obama. With the United States’ corporate-managed media and politics culture fixated on Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the Republican National Committee, Ted Cruz, and even sometimes the nominal socialist Bernie Sanders, Obama’s ongoing criminal record on behalf of corporate rule and American Empire has gone under the radar like no time in recent memory.

Beneath the hoopla over who will sit in the Oval Office in 2017, it becomes all too easy to forget that the current occupant persists in serial killing Muslims with a far-flung Drone War that Noam Chomsky has aptly described as “the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times.” Also nudged to the margins of public attention is Obama’s continuing quest to secure final passage of the Trans Pacific Partnership, a blatantly arch-corporatist, eco-cidal, regressive, and authoritarian measure that is disliked by the majority of the U.S. populace (all four of the top presidential candidates, including even its onetime leading champion Hilary Clinton, are technically opposed to the TPP because of popular dissatisfaction with such “free trade’ [investor rights] measures.) More

Israel’s Military-Civil Jihad Against Global BDS Leaders

On Monday March 28 the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronoth held a conference with Israeli government officials, including the President of Israel, The  Minister of Public Security, Strategic Affairs, and Information,President of the World Jewish Congress, President of Hebrew University, Ambassador of the United States to Israel  the Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy, and prominent business leaders in Israel, about how More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio
Alexander Reid Ross

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Alexander Reid Ross
  • TOPICS: The history and contemporary landscape of fascism in Europe and the US.

Billionaire Byron Allen Talks Charter Lawsuit and Black Wealth w/ Antonio Moore

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Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Screen Shot 2016-03-07 at 6.41.01 PMThe Torments of Scalia

Jeffrey St. Clair on the brutal jurisprudence of Antonin Scalia; Inside the CIA: Melvin Goodman recounts his battles with William Casey and Robert Gates; Prisoners of War: Jennifer Lowenstein on Syria, Iraq and the Silenced Majority; Steeltown, USA: Lee Ballinger on the collapse of the industrial midwest; Hillary in Honduras: Nick Alexandrov exposes Hillary Clinton’s nasty role in the Honduran coup; The Red-Baiting of Bernie Sanders: Yvette Carnell excoriates the black political class for turning its back on the rich history of black socialism; Holland’s Climate Crisis: Dave Lindorff reports from Amsterdam on how are the Dutch are taking action against rising sea levels; Populists United: Sam Husseini charts a way out of the two-party stranglehold on American politics. PLUS: Mike Whitney on the easy money con of the central banks; Chris Floyd on the rotten choices offered by democracy; Luciana Bohne on the films of Ettore Scola; and Javier Sethness Castro interviews Kim Stanley Robinson on radical politics and science fiction novels.
