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Leanne Lancaster Apr 11
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24/7 Miami Apr 11
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TotallyAwesomeTutor Apr 9
04/0916: Today, 5 days after , the date has only ! Plus, as a student reminded me, they are exactly in order!
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Alabama Liberal Apr 9
Happy Everyone! 4-9-16...Also, the only one this year with the first three roots in sequential order.
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BrokenFiction Apr 9
Dang, forgot it was 4/9/16
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Paul Laughlin Apr 9
Happy ! Will it succeed like Pi Day?
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Dr. John Bird Apr 6
To celebrate we followed a square root
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UI Engineering Lib Apr 6
Color by (square root) Number-Engineering Style! Will there be another grid?
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Sweet Pea Families Apr 6
Happy Square Root Day! Have some fun with your sweet peas celebrating this one :)
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nestor guillen Apr 5
Apparently today is , congrats specially to
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STEM-Works Apr 5
Yesterday was square root day! This only happens 9 times a century!
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Jay Vee Apr 5
My 8th block surprised me with a party for my birthday
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Daniel Sweeney Apr 5
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ℬ☪ Apr 5
4/4/16 ❤️👫 Best day of my life ❤️😘
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Deborah Ann Davis Apr 5
Happy ! Celebrate by eating some root vegetables!
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Math for America Apr 5
In honor of , spoke w/ MƒA President John Ewing to learn more about our great STEM teachers
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FireSpike LLC Apr 5
Add a little humor to your . Google celebrates
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Rachel Alter Apr 5
Guys it's 4/4/16. It's Square Root Day.
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BJ Pheasant Apr 5
Waited all day for to trend on Twitter. Happy square root day! Next occurs May, 5 2025.
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Emma Willder Apr 5
Being the maths geek I am I love this
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