- published: 09 Sep 2017
- views: 100
Tirana i/tᵻˈrɑːnə/ (Standard Albanian: Tiranë; regional Gheg Albanian: Tirona) is the capital and largest city of Albania.
Tirana became Albania’s capital city in 1920. The population of the city proper at the 2015 census was 610,070 and the municipality of Tirana, created in 2015, has a total population of 800,986 (2015 census).
The city is host to many public institutions and public and private universities, and is the centre of the political, economic, and cultural life of the country.
The Municipality of Tirana is located at (41.33°N, 19.82°E) in Tirana County, about 32 kilometers (20 mi) inland. Tirana's average altitude is 110 meters (360 ft) above sea level and its highest point measures 1,828 m (5,997.38 ft) at Mali me Gropa. The city is mostly surrounded by hills, with Dajti Mountain on the east and a slight valley opening on the north-west overlooking the Adriatic Sea in the distance. The Tiranë river runs through the city, as does the Lanë stream.
The city has four artificial lakes: the Tirana Artificial Lake around which was built the Big Park, Paskuqani Lake, Farka Lake, Tufina Lake, and other smaller lakes or reservoirs.
Vizion Plus is a satellite frequency, private television station founded in 1999 in Tirana, Albania, part of Edil-Al construction group and WAZ-Mediengruppe. Besides being found terrestrially throughout Albania, the station can be found in Europe through Tring Digital, North America on IPTV and around the world through its website's stream. At the end of 2007, the station unsuccessfully tried to obtain the third national coverage TV license in Albania. In 2002, it ranked sixth with 3.4% audience share. Latest opinion polls, have listed it as one of the favorite television channels of Albanians, on main top 3 TV channels in the Albanian Market.
Vizion Plus bought the rights to Zonë e Lirë, 2007-2011 considered as the highest rated talk show hosted by a former news editor, Arjan Çani. The channel collaborates with the most famous film studios, Sony Pictures Universal & Paramount Picture and has successfully fulfilled in the quality of media partner such activities as the editions of Miss Albania 2006, 2007 and 2008, Albanian Clip Nights, Miss Globe 2008, Editions of Shkodra Jazz Festival, Jazz Fest Tirana, the 5th edition of the Microphone Festival of Arts and editions of Cult Awards Academy. Recently, in collaboration with Tring Digital, Vizion Plus successfully bought the rights of the first Albanian edition of Dancing with the Stars and improvised comedy show Apartmenti 2XL. These two shows marked record audience.
Në kërkim të të fortëve, Shqiponjat kontrolle blic makinave luksoze në Tiranë. Ja çfarë është gjetur
Hapet “Unaza e Madhe” në Tiranë - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Këmbësorët në korsitë e biçikletave në Tiranë - Reporter.al
Tirana Today-Segmenti i ri i Unazës së Madhe në Tiranë
Report TV - Video ekskluzive/Ja si grabiten gomat e makinave në Tiranë
Report TV - Tiranë, mbetjet në Kasallë, prej 2 vitesh bashkia nuk i menaxhon
Punimet në Sheshin Skënderbej & Bulevardin e Ri, Tiranë [Drone | 4K]
Albanian Road Trip - Sezoni 2 / Tiranë
Grabitje e Dështuar ne Tiranë
14 Mars 2017 Dita e Veres Tirane by Drone 4k
Klipi i inaugurimit te Sheshit Skenderebj ne Tirane - DronAlb
Kontrolle të befasishme në Tiranë, shoqërohen 23 persona - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Report TV - Zonat ku zhvillohet prostitucion nëpërmjet internetit në Tiranë
Ja si duket Unaza e re ne Tirane
Report TV - Hapet parkingu nëntokësor publik te sheshi “Skënderbej” në Tiranë
Shqiptarët e jahtit me hashash, banues në Durrës e Tiranë - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Bulevardi i ri i Tiranes inagurimi HD
Albania( Tegu- Tirane- Rruga e Elbasanit) gushte 2017
Mama's Trip - Tiranë - EMISIONI I PLOTË 14.05.2017
Prostituta Tirane
Per me shume video dhe lajme klikoni Balkanweb.com , faqja me e klikuar shqiptare...
http://www.vizionplus.tv https://facebook.com/VizionPlusTV https://twitter.com/VizionPlusTV Hapet Unaza e Madhe që lidh zonën e “Pallatit me Shigjeta” me Farkën, duke zgjidhur problemin e trafikut të makinave që vijnë nga sheshi “Shqiponja” dhe Kombinati në drejtim të qendrës, si dhe të atyre që udhëtojnë drejt juglindjes. Kryebashkiaku Veliaj u bëri thirrje qytetarëve që të zgjedhin këtë segment të ri, çka ul qarkullimin e automjeteve në qendër të Tiranës. “Jam shumë i lumtur që sot mori fund një agoni shumëvjeçare në Njësinë 5. Dua t’u bëj thirrje të gjithë atyre që vijnë nga zona të tjera të Shqipërisë, që nëse hyjnë nga autostrada e Durrësit në drejtim Elbasanit, Librazhdit, Pogradecit, Korçës, të mos futen më në Tiranë, pasi mjafton të përdorin këtë segment të Unazës së Madhe për t...
Këmbësorët në korsitë e biçikletave bëjnë një vesh shurdh ndaj zileve të çiklistëve Shumë qytetarë në Tiranë zgjedhin të ecin në korsitë e destinuara për biçikleta, ndërsa çiklistët japin alarmin se kjo i detyron të ndajnë rrugën me makinat, duke nxitur kështu aksidentet e shpeshta.
Unaza e Madhe e Tiranës, e shumëpritur nga qytetarët, duket se shumë shpejt do të jetë gati për t’u hapur. Ajo kalon nga rrethrrotullimi i Shqiponjës deri te rrethrrotullimi i qendrës tregtare TEG, me një gjatësi prej 16.8 km dhe një vlerë ndërtimore rreth 14.3 miliardë lekë. Edhe pse Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar ka bërë me dije se inaugurimi i segmentit të ri rrugor të Unazës së Madhe ishte planifikuar të bëhej brenda qershorit, duket se kemi një shtyrje të tij, për shkak të disa punimeve të fundit. ‘‘Tirana Today’’ ju sjell pamje ekskluzive se si duket ky segment rrugor nga mbikalimi te “Qyteti i Nxënësve”, deri te “Komuna e Parisit”, i cili është mjaft i domosdoshëm për qytetarët, pasi shkurton një pjesë të madhe të rrugës, si dhe shmang trafikun e rënduar që krijohej në aksin rrugor n...
Ditën e djeshme Policia e Tiranës zbuloi se një 30 vjecar kishte grabitur gomat e rreth 11 makinave në Tiranë. Report TV ka arritur të sigurojë një video ekskluzive të Ervis Zervos, i cili pasi ka grabitur një gomë, i drejtohet makinës së tij për tu larguar. 30-vjecari kontrollonte zonën për kamera sigurie, sigurohej që nuk kishte njerëz dhe më pas duke përdorur një kriko, i merrte gomat e makinës në një karton dhe i transportonte drejt makinës së tij tip Golf. Në këtë video të siguruar nga Report TV dallohet Ervis Zervo i cili kalon mes përmes një pallati me karton në krah, ku dallohet qartë se ka një gomë në brendësi të tij. 30-vjecari qetësisht shkonte te makina e tij, ndërkohë që makinave të cilave u ka hequr gomat, u ka vendosur disa gurë.
Mungesa e shërbimit të pastrimit nga Bashkia Tiranë në fshatin Kasallë të njesisë Zallherr ka krijuar prej 2 vitesh probleme me ndotjen e mjedisit. Nga ana tjetër mungesa e koshave për mbeturinat ka bërë që banorët e fshatit të krijojnë vetë disa pika sporadike për hedhjen e tyre e më pas t’i djegin. Banorët shprehen për Report TV se shërbimi i pastrimit u reduktua mbasi njesia e tyre kaloi nën administrimin e Bashkisë së Tiranës, teksa apelojnë që kjo mungesë të zgjidhet sa më shpejt. “Këtu mbushen kanalet me mbeturina edhe fshati lart mund te jenë mbush rrugicat me mbeturina, nuk kemi një makinë mbeturinash, nuk kemi asnjë akses. I djegin natën, bëhet tym i madh, erë e keqe, ka shumë ndotje. Të vihet ndonjë mjet, të vihen kazanët në pikat që duhen dhe të pastrohen”, shprehen të ir...
Dy grabitesa pasi jan ndjekur nga forcat Shqiponja pasi jan futur ne nje rrugicë kan tentuar te grabisin nje motoçikletë por deshtuan pasi i zoti motoçikletës beri rezistencë dhe neutralizoi nje nga grabitësit me ndihmën e policisë por grabitësi tjeter arriti te ik ne drejtim te paditur.
http://www.vizionplus.tv https://facebook.com/VizionPlusTV https://twitter.com/VizionPlusTV Policia e Tiranës ka nisur zbatimin e një plani masash per te rritur sigurinë. Mësohet se forcat e drejtorisë operacionale ne bashkëpunim me repartin Shqiponja kane ushtruar kontrolle te befasishme ne te gjithë territorin e qarkut. Plani i masave ka si synim identifikimin dhe kapjen e personave qe qarkullojnë me arme zjarri, te atyre me makina te blinduara, te personave te shpallur ne kërkim e qe kane kryer vepra penale. Si rezultat i kontrolleve te ushtruara janë shoqëruar per verifikim ne ambientet e Drejtorisë se Policisë se kryeqytetit 23 persona, ndërsa është sekuestruar nje pistolete sinjalizuese. Nga ana tjetër, patrullat e policisë kane verifikuar dhjetëra makina luksoze, shume prej te cila...
3 rrjete prostitucioni virtuale janë zbuluar në Tiranë brenda një viti nga Policia. Bëhet fjalë për grupe të cilat rekrutojnë vajza të reja, me premtimin se do të fitojnë më shumë se 1 mijë euro në muaj, ndërkohë që më pas i detyrojnë që të bëjnë prostitucion nëpërmjet internetit, me persona nga jashtë Shqipërisë. Deri më tani këto rrjete prostitucioni janë zbuluar në 3 zona të ndryshme në kryeqytet. Policia e Tiranës thotë se zona e Qytetit Studentit është përdorur prej vitit 2015 nga një rrjet prostitucioni, ku punonin më shumë se 10 vajza dhe pagesa për to shkonte deri në 2 milion lekë të vjetra në muaj. Po kështu edhe në zonën e Komunës së Parisit është zbuluar një tjetër grup, i cili i detyronte vajzat të ushtronin prostitucion nëpërmjet internetit. Në këtë rast përdorej një apart...
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Përveçse një qendër pedonale, sheshi “Skënderbej” ka tashmë edhe parkingun nëntokësor me mbi 300 vende, duke i dhënë zgjidhje problemit të parkimit të automjeteve në qendër të qytetit. Kryetari i Bashkisë së Tiranës, Erion Veliaj, i shoqëruar nga deputeti i PS, Fatmir Xhafaj, inspektuan sot ambientet moderne të parkimit nëntokësor, i cili nga mëngjesi i sotëm është hapur për të gjithë drejtuesit e automjeteve. Kryebashkiaku Veliaj falenderoi të gjithë qytetarët e Tiranës për pjesëmarrjen në koncertin e mbrëmshëm, i cili shënoi hapjen e sheshit “Skënderbej”, ndërsa tha se numri i lartë i atyre që e vizitojnë është treguesi më i mirë i suksesit të arritur. “Kishim mijëra njerëz në shesh mbrëmë në darkë që ishte freskët, por kemi mijëra njerëz edhe sot paradite kur ka diell. Ndaj, besoj se ...
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The 3rd stop on our Balkan Road Trip is Albania - in this episode we show you the top things to do in Tirana you can use for you time in the capital! Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/things-to-do-tirana-albania/ --- equipment used to produce this video --- Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b Opteka SteadyCam http://amzn.to/1JCHAeb Zoom H2n Audio Recorder http://amzn.to/1FFVSt4 SDHC Memory Card http://amzn.to/1ygZzWD Waterproof Memory Card Case http://amzn.to/1FFWLCb Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40 http://amzn.to/1ceMOlo The capital of Albania is located in the center of the country. It has been an 8 hours bus ride from Skopje in Macedonia to get here. Beside the typical sig...
I traveled to Albania for the first time in December 2015 to explore this Balkan country that used to be isolated for ages due to communist regime. I started my trip in Shkoder for few hours then Tirana for my whole week-end, I loved the city and I enjoyed walking on its large streets and meeting locals. The Christmas decorations on Skanderbeg Square were particularly beautiful but one of my highlights was the 360 view on top of the spinning Sky Tower Bar! Music: www.bensound.com More: http://inacitynearyou.net/2015/12/16/stories-from-tirana/ ------- SUBSCRIBE! Blog: http://www.inacitynearyou.net Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/omarinacitynearyou Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/volubilis26 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/volubilis26
Top best things to visit in Tirana! Tirana is the capital and largest city of Albania. Tirana, the center of the political, economical, and cultural life, was dubbed the "City of Kiosks” for the many small-scale shops and outdoor cafes always full of people. The Skanderbeg Square is the central and the largest square of the city, named after Albanian hero whose statue stands in the middle. The Square features great buildings, such as: The National Historic Museum, the main museum in Tirana The Opera and Ballet Theater, and the Et'hem Bey Mosque, one of the most impressive mosques in the country. West of Skanderbeg Square is the brand new Resurrection of Christ Orthodox Cathedral, featuring rich interior iconography. South of Skanderbeg Square extends panoramic boulevard with several g...
LEARN THE SECRETS TO BIKE TRAVEL IN OUR BOOK! https://cyclingabout.com/bicycle-touring-book/ The capital of Albania, Tirana, is a must see for those travelling the Balkans. This is the third travel video in a series we're doing called "The Places You Should Go". Alleykat are currently riding bicycles around the world from 2012-2014! For more information check out our website: http://www.cyclingabout.com Filmed on a compact camera and edited on iPad. ;)
An amazing video travel guide about Albania. See its location. Find out about the glorious past and discover the wealthy present. This is about Albanian demography and tells about Tirana cultural heritage and wonderful scenery. And it shows the most important feature - Albania has all the conditions and opportunities for tourists and holiday makers.
Albania Travel Video Guide. Awaking Sleeping Beauty--like in the 1990s from her hardline communist isolation, Albania was a stranger from another time. Her cities weren't choked by car fumes, her beaches were unspoilt by mass tourism, her long-suffering people were a little dazed and confused. While things have changed a lot since then, this ancient land still offers something increasingly rare in Europe these days -- a glance into a culture that is all its own. Raised on a diet of separation and hardship, Albania is distinctly Albanian. You'll continue with Albania Travel Video Guide to find beautiful pristine beaches on parts of the Ionian Coast (try the charming town of Saranda, fascinating classical sites like ancient Berat, and dramatic mountain citadels, but the mad traffic of Tira...
Tirana Most Informative Tour 1, Free walk tour, 10am Tirana tour, Skanderbeg Square, National History Museumm, Et`hem Bey Mosque, Bunk Art, Clock Tower, basic facts Albania, Daniel World Travel. *** ~ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ~ *** At least one new video is posted each and every day! Join Daniel as he travels the WORLD exploring, helping violinists, violin makers and teachers, making and sharing videos that entertain and educate! Go places you’ve never gone before but have always wanted. Find out what it’s like to live like a local in different corners of the earth. What’s next? SUBSCRIBE to find out! Like, Comment and Share on: AV Daniel Violin ~ Facebook Fan Page! ~ https://www.facebook.com/AVDanielViolinFanpage/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC33DZIOL5BhWju6kq1-bqmA?sub_confirmation=1
In the eyes of most, Albania is by far the most mysterious country in Europe. So what is it actually like to be there? After years of isolation, it's not the easiest thing in the world to get to Tirane (the capital), but going there is part of the adventure.
Tirana Most Informative Tour 3, Free walk tour, 10am Tirana tour, Tirana new church, Tirana Pyramid, bunks in Albania, Travel with Daniel, Daniel world travel. *** ~ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ~ *** At least one new video is posted each and every day! Join Daniel as he travels the WORLD exploring, helping violinists, violin makers and teachers, making and sharing videos that entertain and educate! Go places you’ve never gone before but have always wanted. Find out what it’s like to live like a local in different corners of the earth. What’s next? SUBSCRIBE to find out! Like, Comment and Share on: AV Daniel Violin ~ Facebook Fan Page! ~ https://www.facebook.com/AVDanielViolinFanpage/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC33DZIOL5BhWju6kq1-bqmA?sub_confirmation=1
The incredible Capital of Albania, is something you should absolutely see. Discover it with us! Song "Smalls (Feat. Cory Feigen)" by Steady Hussle: https://www.jamendo.com/track/1246451/smalls-feat-cory-feigen Creative Commons Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Visit Albania, communism in Albania, Albania & China, Albania & Yugoslavia, Albania & Soviet Union, European Union, Tirana Castle, George W Bush Street, Modem art, parliament of Albania, Tirana Bridge, communist buildings. Daniel World Travel.
Join SHABL aka Subscribe - http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG A slice of life living in Tirana, Albania. This is my last day unfortunately and go about the business that people usually do before the leave somewhere cool and affordable. Stock up on stuff, eat lots of good food and further explore the area. Tirana has a bad rep like most of Albania and from what I experienced, it's totally unwarranted. I had a fantastic time trying a bit of living in Tirana and living in Albania in general. I say living in as opposed to visiting because I didn't really do much touristy stuff compared to just go about my day to day life while I was there. Tirana and Albania in general are places I'd like to return to one day during the summer to get another taste; cool spot. Alex - http://findingthefreedom.com A trav...
Hello guys! I'm an American girl named Nwando. Welcome to my Tirana vlog / diary. I hope this Tirana vlog can help guide your travel! Besides the Tirana nightlife experience, I didn't really do anything in Tirana! It was just 2 days of chilling honestly. I just wanted to check out the nightlife in Tirana and relax because by the time I arrived in Tirana, I had already been to Norway, Greece, and 2 cities in southern Albania in a matter of 5 days! So I was really exhausted honestly. So yeah, I didn't really do anything. I had plans to visit nearby Kruja/Krujë and I really wanted to make a Kruja vlog, but I was just soo tired and decided to just relax in Tirana and do nothing honestly. I arrived in Tirana from Dhermi and it took about 4 hours. I took an 8 am bus so I arrived around 12pm. ...
www.theredquest.com We fly into Tirana to see the sights in a quick whistelstop tour. Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
Tirana Area: 16 sq mi Population: 421,000 Things to do Gay: Cruising (carefully) Things to do: Sightseeing, Museum Need Cash: Yes Walk: XXXX Bike: XX Public Transit: X Car: XXX Durrës Area: Population: 115,000 Things to do Gay: Cruising Things to do: Beach, Cafe Need Cash: Yes Walk: XXX Bike: XX Public Transit: X Car: XXXX
This week we're taking you on a road trip around Albania! We rented a car and toured the country for 10 days, stopping in Tirana, Berat, Gjirokaster and Saranda. Check it out! Learn more about long-term and indefinite travel on our blog: http://goatsontheroad.com GoPro footage of this video was stabilized using the Feiyu-Tech G4 Gimbal: http://feiyu-tech.com/ Follow our journey! Facebook: www.Facebook.com/GoatsOnTheRoad Twitter: www.Twitter.com/GoatsOnTheRoad Instagram: https://instagram.com/goatsontheroad/
Find a place in Tirana - Albania which matches your interests. If you are travelling to Tirana or live in it, do you need to know what events are taking place this week? Do you want to know which places are popular? Do you want easy contact with bars and restaurants via phone or text message? Would you like to go to a bar but you don’t know the address? You can use our map section to see all details on map, and you can also visit our photo galleries to check out more details about places. Tirana City Guide was created to fit all that you need to know about entertainment. You can discover: - Weekly Events - Campaigns - Recommended Places - Bars - Clubs - Restaurants - Hotels - Hostels - Gym and Fitness - Courses - Entertainment and much more... For Android Version: https://play.google.com/...
If I could ride this slide into forever
What would I give to getaway
That pain that stayed
Seemed like forever
What would you give to getaway
I know this is how I could be over you
You know this is not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
Just come back to me and I am not alone
You had your man your fan but not forever
You should have let him
You should have let him getaway
But your pride made you ride on this slide by his side to his lies
Seemed like forever
What would you give to getaway
I know this is how I could be over you
You know this is not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
Just come back to me so I am not alone
To getaway
To getaway
To getaway
To getaway
I know this is how I could be over you
You know this is not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
And I know this is how I could be over you
You know that I am not another waste of time
All this holding on can't be wrong
If you come back to me so I am not alone