
Protest over Uni of Sydney cuts to courses, staff

Members of the National Tertiary Education Union and the Education Action Group at the University of Sydney rallied on March 16 against the university's proposed cuts to faculties and degrees.

The protest was called in response to Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson announcing, shortly before Christma, that the University senate had passed a plan to restructure the University.

Sanders opposes US interventions in Latin America, praises Cuba's social gains

In a Democratic presidential primary debate in Miami on March 10, against his rival Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders opposed US invasions, coups and interventions against Latin American nations.

The socialist Senator also strongly opposed the ongoing US embargo against Cuba while praising the island for its social gains in health and education.

University of Sydney student activists and the NTEU call March 16 rally in opposition to the University restructure

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) and the Education Action Group (EAG) of the University of Sydney Students Representative Council (SRC) have called a joint rally for Wednesday March 16 at 1pm in opposition to management's restructuring of Sydney University.

Childcare workers demand better pay on International Women's Day

Childcare workers chained themselves to the entrance doors of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's Melbourne office on International Women's Day, March 8 to demand better pay for the mainly women who work in the industry. The protesters said the 150,000 childcare workers nationally were "woefully" underpaid compared with other educators.

National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) UWA Protest

The formal consultation period for the Renewal Project plan to axe jobs is due to end on 7 March.
A recommendation from the Vice-Chancellor for this plan is due to go to UWA Senate 14 March.

The NTEU will be staging a protest action outside this Senate meeting,

starting at 3.30pm on Monday 14 March at Winthrop Hall, UWA campus

Event date: 
Mon, 14/03/2016 - 3:30pm

Fremantle Council to boycott companies locking up refugees

Sam Wainwright, Socialist Alliance councillor on Fremantle Council, successfully moved the following motion at council’s February 24 meeting:

1. Supports the Palm Sunday Walk for Refugees — March 20, 1pm St George's Cathedral;

2. Calls on the Malcolm Turnbull government to let the 267 refugees that it wants to deport stay;

3. Commits Fremantle to stop doing business with companies who are contracted to run the detention centres, such as Broadspectrum and Wilson Security; and

4. Calls for an end to the offshore mandatory detention regime and boat "turnbacks".

India: Modi government declares war on students, democracy

Photo: Kavita Krishnan.

The article below is abridged from an editorial in ML Update, published by the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation.


Staff and students stand up against JCU job losses

James Cook University (JCU) management is proposing to make nearly 40 academic staff redundant in Cairns and Townsville as it starts a third year of job cuts at one of the largest employers in northern Queensland.

Under the proposals, JCU's Division of Tropical Environments and Societies would lose 10% of its teaching and research staff and Tropical Health and Medicine would lose eight workers.

Management's rush to reduce staff numbers, which could see academics sacked in the middle of teaching the semester, shows that this is an inept “balance the budget” exercise.

Carlo's Corner: Thank god Turnbull has abandoned Abbott's politics

I am not sure if I fully understand recent political developments, but the message I am getting from the Malcolm Turnbull government is that we have to send babies to hellish prison camps or else the gay lobby will persecute Christian students.

And we need a big increase in military spending or house prices will tragically collapse, or tragically rise, depending on which tragedy you wish to choose. Say what you will about the Turnbull government, it offers no shortages of tragedies.

Venezuela: Maduro announces new economic measures amid crisis

A whole packet of new economic initiatives are set to take effect in Venezuela after socialist President Nicolas Maduro announced a series of far-reaching measures in response to the country’s economic crisis on February 17.

In a televised five hour address to the nation, Maduro explained the extent of the economic crisis afflicting the country as well as his government’s plan to tackle it. Economic initiatives include changes to the country’s multi-tiered exchange rate, an increase in domestic petrol prices, a new tax system and expansion of community control over food distribution.

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