
Palestinian political prisoner Mohammed al-Qeq ends hunger strike as Israel pledges May release

Palestinians protest in support of jailed journalist Mohammed al-Qeq

Thirty three-year-old Mohammed al-Qeq, a Palestinian journalist who has being held for more than six months in administrative detention without charge or trial in an Israeli prison, ended a 94 day hunger strike on February 26.

Al-Qeq ended the strike — the longest by any Palestinian prisoner — after Israel agreed not to renew his administrative detention order, which ends on May 21, AFP said that day.

The Battle for Justice in Palestine: a public meeting with Ali Abunimah

The Battle for Justice in Palestine: a public meeting with Ali Abunimah

Tuesday, March 22at 6:30 PM
Murdoch Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, The University of Western Australia

Organised by Friends of Palestine WA

Event date: 
Tue, 22/03/2016 - 6:30pm

Protest Israeli War Criminal Benny Gantz!

Protest against Benny Gantz, former chief of general staff of the Israel Occupation Force, speaking in Perth to raise support for Israeli Appartheid.

Perth Exhibition and Convention Centre, 21 Mounts Bay Rd, Perth

Organised by Friends of Palestine WA.

MORE INFO:"We will always live by our sword," declared Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, upon his retirement from the role of Chief of General Staff of the Israel Occupation Forces, twelve months ago.

Event date: 
Thu, 03/03/2016 - 7:00pm
Event time: 
Thu, 03/03/2016 - 7:00pm

BDS campaign makes gains, faces fresh attacks

There has been plenty of heat this Palestinian winter in the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

There have been some important victories, helped by the increased scrutiny of Israeli state violence since October. And equally, the hysteria from Israeli and Western political establishments over the “threat” posed by the BDS campaign has reached new levels.

Palestine: New year, new Israeli violence

While Israel’s supporters in Australia have worked themselves up over stationary shop Typo selling a world globe naming the area inhabited by the state of Israel as “Palestine”, this year has already involved new injustices for those living in occupied Palestine.

The “new normal” of extrajudicial killings, set during the escalation of violence in Occupied Palestine last October, remains firmly in place. Israeli occupying forces have also accelerated their policy of housing demolitions.

Palestinian journalist on hunger strike on verge of death

After 77 days on hunger strike in protest against his arbitrary detention by Israeli forces, Palestinian journalist Mohammed Al-Qeeq is on the verge of death.

Al-Qeeq is currently in detention in a hospital in the northern city of Afula; his petition to be transferred to a clinic in Ramallah has been rejected by the Israeli government.

His lawyer says he refuses to stay in Israeli hospitals and will only accept medical treatment in the West Bank. He was arrested on November 21 last year on charges of being an activist with the Gaza-based Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

Israel: Arrests mark crackdown on human rights groups

Ezra Nawi.

Israel has arrested three human rights defenders amid what appears to be a concerted campaign to sabotage domestic groups documenting Israeli abuses of Palestinians, Electronic Intifada said on January 21.

French activists defy court ruling and back Israel boycott

“Stop the blackmail: Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.” Paris, July 2014.

Palestine: Intensified boycott campaign responds to Israel's intensified repression

Israel has detained at least 1200 children since October 1.

As the latest upsurge in mass Palestinian resistance to Israel's occupation entered its third month, the world marked the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 29.

Palestine: How Israeli occupation trashes the environment

Marda Permaculture Farm in the West Bank. Photo from

Ownership of the land of Palestine is hotly contested, so it is little surprise that the Earth itself is often the first casualty of Israel's occupation.

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