- published: 04 Feb 2020
- views: 444
Muriel may refer to:
Muriel (French: Muriel ou le Temps d'un retour, literally Muriel, or the Time of a Return) is a 1963 French film directed by Alain Resnais. It was Resnais's third feature film, following Hiroshima mon amour (1959) and L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961), and in common with those films it explores the challenge of integrating a remembered or imagined past with the life of the present. It also makes oblique reference to the controversial subject of the Algerian war which had recently been brought to an end. Muriel was Resnais's second collaboration with Jean Cayrol, who had also written the screenplay of Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog) (1955).
Hélène, a widow who runs an antique business from her own apartment in Boulogne-sur-Mer, is visited by a past lover, Alphonse. Her stepson, Bernard, is tormented by the memory of a girl named Muriel whom he has participated in torturing while doing military service in Algeria.
The story takes place over 15 days in September–October 1962. (The screenplay provides specific dates and times for each scene, but these are not apparent in the film.) An extended sequence takes place on the first day (a section lasting about 45 minutes: the introductions of Alphonse and his 'niece' Françoise to Hélène and Bernard, and their first meal together). Another long sequence takes place on the last day (the Sunday lunch and its revelations, and the scattering of the principal characters in their different directions). The intervening days are represented in a series of fragmented scenes, which are chronological but seldom consecutive, and the passage of time is blurred.
Fundicion Tipografica Richard Gans was a type foundry in business from 1888-1975. Founder, Richard Gans was the son of a doctor from Karlsbad, Austria who emigrated to Spain in 1874 where he founded the business in 1888. After his death in 1925 the foundry was led by Mauricio Wiesenthal until 1936. In the 1920s and 30s, Gans types were sold in the United States by Continental Type Founders Association.
Richard Gans' children, Ricardo, Manuel and Amalia Gans Gimeno took over operations in 1936, but Ricardo and Manuel were assassinated in the Civil War only a few months later. During the war the foundry was used to make ammunition. Amalia Gans rebuilt the business after the war, and remained in charge until the business closed in 1975.
Before 1925, the foundry cast almost no original types, taking designs from German foundries, principally those of the Woellmer Type Foundry and Edmund Koch. Later types were designed by a number of people from within and outside the foundry including Jose Ausejo Matute, Antonio Bilbao, the founder's son Ricardo Gans, and Carlos Winkow.
Bande Demo 2020
« LE SOURIRE DE… » Avec Mosco Levi Boucault Auteur du très sérieux documentaire « Ils étaient les Brigades rouges », Mosco Levi a fait le pari un peu fou d’aller filmer des personnalités en train de raconter une histoire drôle, chez eux, dans leur intimité Les histoires drôles sont faites pour être transmises. D’un ami à un autre, en une chaîne infinie…On ne sait pas d’où elles viennent, on ne sait pas où elles iront. Parce qu’on ne raconte pas les mêmes histoires à Bamako, Paris ou Jérusalem, le réalisateur Mosco Levi-Boucault nous offre un tour du monde des histoires drôles, racontées par des artistes, des écrivains ou des personnalités politiques francophones. Partez pour un tour du monde des histoires drôles, et partagez-les, sur : http://lesourirede.tv5monde.com
J’aime les histoires drôles Ce sont des moments où l’esprit se régale, se libère et se donne en partage. Les histoires drôles sont faites pour être transmises. D’un ami à un autre, en une chaîne infinie… on ne sait pas d’où elles viennent, on ne sait pas où elles iront. Elles voyagent, sans droits d’auteur, sans visa, passant les frontières au gré des amateurs, se transformant, s’adaptant aux cultures, aux traditions… essayer de suivre la trace d’une d’entre elles pour découvrir où elle est née, quand… serait une enquête palpitante.
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News Séries TV: Merci beaucoup d'avoir regardé! Si vous souhaitez plus de nouvelles, abonnez-vous à la chaîne! CLIQUEZ ICI POUR INSCRIRE: https://bit.ly/NewsSeriesTV Un Si Grand Soleil : Muriel Combeau (Alicia) bientôt de retour dans la série [SPOILERS] Musique est protégé des droits d'auteur par: https://www.ntmediastudio.com/ Musique de fond utilisée dans vidéo de cette chaîne: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZ8_Xpxgn_lONAp32IEJqA
Muriel may refer to: