- published: 06 Oct 2014
- views: 152931
Thomas Piketty (French: [tɔˈma pikɛˈti]; born on 7 May 1971) is a French economist who works on wealth and income inequality. He is a professor (directeur d'études) at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), professor at the Paris School of Economics and Centennial professor at the London School of Economics new International Inequalities Institute.
He is the author of the best-selling book Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013), which emphasises the themes of his work on wealth concentrations and distribution over the past 250 years. The book argues that the rate of capital return in developed countries is persistently greater than the rate of economic growth, and that this will cause wealth inequality to increase in the future. He considers that to be a problem, and to address it, he proposes redistribution through a progressive global tax on wealth.
Piketty was born on 7 May 1971, in the Parisian suburb of Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine. His parents had been involved with a Trotskyite group and the May 1968 protests in Paris, but they had moved away from this political position before Piketty was born, and a visit to the Soviet Union in 1991 was enough to make him a firm "believe[r] in capitalism, private property, the market".
Paul Robin Krugman (born February 28, 1953) is an American economist, Distinguished Professor of Economics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times. In 2008, Krugman was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography. The Prize Committee cited Krugman's work explaining the patterns of international trade and the geographic distribution of economic activity, by examining the effects of economies of scale and of consumer preferences for diverse goods and services.
Krugman is known in academia for his work on international economics (including trade theory, economic geography, and international finance),liquidity traps, and currency crisis. Krugman was previously a professor of economics at MIT, and later at Princeton University. He retired from Princeton in June 2015 to join the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He also holds the title of Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics, and was President of the Eastern Economic Association in 2010. The Research Papers in Economics project ranked him as the world's 22nd most influential economist based on his academic contributions.
Thomas Piketty: New thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century
Thomas Piketty on Capitalism, Corbyn and why Zuckerberg is getting it wrong - BBC Newsnight
Thomas Piketty - On n'est pas couché 7 février 2015 #ONPC
Thomas Piketty, Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz: The Genius of Economics
Conférence Egalité avec Thomas Piketty : l'intégralité de son intervention
Thomas Piketty's 'Capital' in 3 minutes - Newsnight
Thomas Piketty - 09/02/2015
Thomas Piketty: The dangers of inequality
Piketty sur la même longueur d'ondes que Filoche | France Inter | 01 09 2016
Thomas Piketty Discusses, "Capital In The 21st Century" with Ryan Grim and Alexis Goldstein
French economist Thomas Piketty caused a sensation in early 2014 with his book on a simple, brutal formula explaining economic inequality: r is greater than g (meaning that return on capital is generally higher than economic growth). Here, he talks through the massive data set that led him to conclude: Economic inequality is not new, but it is getting worse, with radical possible impacts. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/transla...
Renowned economist Thomas Piketty sits down for a tête a tête on the world economy with Evan Davis * SUBSCRIBE to get our latest videos http://bbc.in/1iouM30 *
Thomas Piketty, économiste, est l'invité de Laurent Ruquier dans "On n'est pas couché". Il revient sur le succès de son livre "Le capital au XXIe siècle", chez Seuil. 7 février 2015 Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & Aymeric Caron France 2 #ONPC Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité http://www.france2.fr/emissions/on-n-est-pas-couche Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC https://twitter.com/ONPCofficiel Continuez le débat sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/onpcF2
Piketty, arguably the world’s leading expert on income and wealth inequality, does more than document the growing concentration of income in the hands of a small economic elite. He also makes a powerful case that we’re on the way back to ‘patrimonial capitalism,’ in which the commanding heights of the economy are dominated not just by wealth, but also by inherited wealth, in which birth matters more than effort and talent,” wrote Paul Krugman in The New York Times. Krugman and his fellow Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz (author of The Great Divide) join Piketty to discuss the genius of economics. Subscribe for more videos like this: http://bit.ly/1GpwawV Facebook: http://facebook.com/92ndStreetY Twitter: https://twitter.com/92Y Tumblr: http://92y.tumblr.com/ Instagram: http://Instagram.com...
Le 11 avril 2016, Thomas Piketty était l'invité d'une conférence Egalité organisée par la Fondation Jean-Jaurès, la FEPS et L'Obs, à la Maison de la Mutualité.
Our Policy Editor Chris Cook tells you everything you need to know about Thomas Piketty's landmark book on inequality: Capital in the twenty-first century. Follow @BBCNewsnight on Twitter https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight Like BBC Newsnight on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bbcnewsnight
The world is more unequal than ever before, says Thomas Piketty, whose book Capital in the Twenty-First Century created a global sensation. In an exclusive interview with to NDTV, he takes on the big questions: is the rich-poor divide getting worse? How can it be checked? And what are the implications for India? Watch full video: http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/news/thomas-piketty-the-dangers-of-inequality/400315?yt Download the NDTV news app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.july.ndtv&referrer;=utm_source%3Dyoutubecards%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_campaign%3Dyoutube
Gérard Filoche 2017
Thomas Piketty sits down with HuffPost's Ryan Grim, to talk about his new book, "Capital In The 21st Century". The economist also discusses the worldwide wealth gap, the 1%, the problem with large CEO salaries, and offers solutions on how to stop the growing divide between the rich and the poor.
Thomas Piketty tells Jeremy Paxman about the dangers of rising inequality which he sets out in his landmark new book 'Capital in the twenty-first century'. Follow @BBCNewsnight on Twitter https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight Like BBC Newsnight on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bbcnewsnight
The HuffPost Live interview with economist Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the 21st Century, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, author of A Fighting Chance, facilitated by Huffington Post's Ryan Grim, covers economic inequality in the U.S. as well as the historical context of inequality throughout time. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1JUX3Xv Educators: Use this video in the classroom: http://www.bravenewfilms.org/warren-p... Educators: Use this video in the classroom: http://www.bravenewfilms.org/warren-p... SIGN UP for email updates: http://bravenewfilms.org/signup Set up a free screening or house party for any of our films free: http://www.bravenewfilms.org/screenings Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/BraveNewFilms Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/BraveNewFilms Twitter: http://www.t...
Nicolas Poincaré, Axel de Tarlé et Martial You reçoivent Thomas Piketty, économiste et auteur de "Le capital au XXIe siècle" (éd.du Seuil) dans les grands débats d'Europe Soir. Retrouvez tous les Europe Soir présentés par Nicolas Poincaré sur : http://www.europe1.fr/MediaCenter/Emissions/Europe-soir-nicolas-poincare/ |ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos : bit.ly/radioE1 - ► Nos nouveautés : http://bit.ly/1pij4sV ► Retrouvez le meilleur d’Europe 1 chaque jour en vidéo avec des extraits de toutes nos émissions : | Cyril Hanouna dans Les Pieds dans le Plat : http://bit.ly/1AKdWP5 | Nicolas Canteloup dans La Revue de Presque : http://bit.ly/1z0pk7x | Les Chroniques humour de Jérôme Commandeur : http://bit.ly/1wl08eP | L’actu du jour en 30 secondes : http://bit.ly/1xs7yhP | Les portraits de...
Programa #14 - Emisión, domingo 18 de enero de 2015.
Thomas Piketty responds to assertions by the Financial Times that the data in his book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, doesn't match his claims. Airing June 12, 2014. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE Connect with Charlie Rose Online: Visit the Charlie Rose WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseDotCom Like Charlie Rose on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseFacebook Follow Charlie Rose on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseTwitter Follow Charlie Rose on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseInstagram About Charlie Rose: Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, ath...
Thomas Piketty versus André Lara Resende Fonte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pcGuqxyVJs
Thomas Piketty sur la mixité sociale à l'Ecole ou 'l'incroyable ségrégation scolaire en France'
Avec : Thomas PIKETTY, Christine PASSERIEUX. Retrouvez toute l'actualité politique et parlementaire sur http://www.publicsenat.fr Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/publicsenat Twitter : https://twitter.com/publicsenat Instagram : https://instagram.com/publicsenat
Aujourd'hui, Nicolas Sarkozy reçoit le rapport de Jean-Marc Sauvé, Didier Migaud et Jean-Claude Magendie sur la prévention des conflits d'intérêts. Intitulé "Pour une nouvelle déontologie de la vie publique", ce rapport choc préconise notamment de retenir une définition opérationnelle du conflit d'intérêt et d'obliger 4000 acteurs publics à faire une déclaration d'intérêts. Décodage avec l'avocat Dominique Schmidt, auteur du livre de référence, "Les Conflits d'intérêts dans la société anonyme". A suivre, un débat entre l'économiste Thomas Piketty, dont le livre "Pour une révolution fiscale" dénonce l'injustice de l'impôt sur le revenu sous sa forme actuelle et le sénateur UMP Jean-Pierre Fourcade, membre de la Commission des finances. Avec : Thomas PIKETTY, Jean-Pierre FOURCADE, Dominique ...
le pavé dans la mare de Thomas Piketty!!
L’étude de Piketty porte sur un point précis : celui de la mixité sociale. Et tout particulièrement à Paris, un cas absolument édifiant. Dans la capitale, où il y a 175 collèges, la quasi-totalité des enfants dit socialement "défavorisés" – c’est-à-dire dont les parents sont ouvriers, chômeurs, ou inactifs – sont dans les établissements publics. Ces enfants défavorisés représentent moins de 1% dans les établissements privés. C’est ce que Piketty nomme si les mots ont un sens "l’extrême ségrégation sociale".
[Ativar legendas] O economista francês Thomas Piketty, que dá aula na Paris School of Economics, põe em cheque a incoerência do discurso que justifica as desigualdades a partir de uma suposta meritocracia a qual não se encontra nos fatos: para que fossemos uma sociedade de real mobilidade sócio-econômica, onde os cargos seriam ocupados de acordo com o mérito (talento + esforço) de cada um, seria necessário uma situação onde as oportunidades fossem distribuídas de maneira muito mais descentralizada do que como é, de fato, hoje.
Just visit : http://bit.ly/2c37JuI Capital in the Twenty First Century by Thomas Piketty and Ar 80n54y-2016
Le capital au XXIe siècle Réunion-débat avec Thomas Piketty (1h54) Organisée par les Amis du Monde diplomatique de Paris (http://www.amis.monde-diplomatique.fr/) Le jeudi 13 mars 2014 à l'École Normale Supérieure - Paris (http://www.ens.fr/) Vidéo : Lanval Monrouzeau (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW0F5jvBI5q8s6k93VZPvvg) Son : Stéphane Dujardin (http://www.rosa-lux.fr/) __________ Présentation de l'auteur : Thomas Piketty est Directeur d'études à l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) et professeur à l'École d'économie de Paris, Thomas Piketty a notamment publié "Les Hauts Revenus en France au XXe siècle" (Grasset, 2001), avec C. Landais et E. Saez, "Pour une révolution fiscale" (Seuil/La République des idées, 2011) et "Peut-on sauver l'Europe ?" (Les Liens qui l...
On Friday March 6 at Harvard Law School, renowned economist Thomas Piketty, professor of Economics, EHESS and at the Paris School of Economics, visited the law school to debate his bestselling book Capital in the Twenty-First Century with several Harvard faculty, including: Sven Beckert Laird Bell Professor of American History, Harvard University; Christine Desan, Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; David Kennedy, Manley O. Hudson Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; and Stephen Marglin, Walter S. Barker Chair in the Department of Economics, Harvard University.
The Huffington Post Live - Elizabeth Warren & Thomas Piketty Discuss Nature & Income Inequality. Copyright ©2014 TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. "The Huffington Post" is a registered trademark of TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. All rights reserved.