Minute to Win It is an American prime time game show which began as an English language game show that ran on NBC from March 14, 2010 to September 7, 2011, being hosted by Guy Fieri. A Spanish language version of the game show will begin airing on MundoFox in the fall of 2012. Contestants take part in a series of 60-second challenges that use objects that are commonly available around the house.
The show premiered on March 14, 2010, airing the first two episodes back-to-back at 7:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific. On October 6, 2010 Minute to Win It was awarded the C21/Frapa Award for Best studio based game show format at the MIPCOM Television Festival in France. A card game, board game, and video game versions for the Wii, Kinect and Nintendo DS have been made for this show. The U.S. season two finale aired on September 7, 2011. On May 13, 2012, NBC announced that the English version of the show would not be renewed for a third season.
The contestant is presented with the blueprint for the first game and must successfully complete a game within 60 seconds to win $1,000 (in the English version) and advance to the next level. After successfully completing the first, fifth, eighth, and recently ninth level games, the contestant is guaranteed to leave with no less than the cash award for those levels.