- published: 11 Aug 2011
- views: 51501
Fashion in 18th-Century Paris
A perfect menu during the 18th Century
Entertainment in London in the 18th Century - Mike Rendell
All the Russian anthems since XVIII century to today
Unknown author (Russia, XVIII century) - Dances
English Taste: The Art of Dining in 18th Century England with curator Ivan Day
American Harpsichord Music of XVIII Century,Olivier Baumont
American Harpsichord Music in the XVIII Century / The complete album / Olivier Baumont
18th Century Day
Maxwell Barr, designer of period costumes, explores fashion in the prosperous world of 18th-century Paris at this demonstration offered in conjunction with the exhibition "Paris: Life & Luxury" at the Getty Center.
CLICK TO WATCH FULL DOCUMENTARY ONLINE: http://www.docsonline.tv/documentary/let-s-cook-history-enlightenment-dining You can also watch the full documentary (series) at our Vimeo VOD channel https://vimeo.com/ondemand/letscookhistory If unavailable in your territory, or if you are interested in other license requests (feature movie, television, documentary, commercial...), please contact the distributor Java Films at contact@javafilims.fr SUBJECT Lets Cook History is an entertaining and informative five part series exploring the origins of European cooking and eating habits. Each episode reconstructs a famous meal on from a different period in history, depicting the evolution of tastes, customs and world trades that have shaped the contemporary cuisine.
How would a Georgian Gentleman amuse himself and his friends. Mike Rendell discusses the possibilities: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/entertainment-in-london-in-the-18th-century Using extracts from personal family collections, diaries, handbills and other records, the range of possibilities for entertainment available in London will be discussed. From sight-seeing to exhibitions, events which appealed either to the downright curious or to those with more cultured tastes will be covered, including public punishments, prostitution, sporting activities, gambling, the circus, playhouses and exhibitions. Travel and home entertainments (such as music and drinking and other pursuits) will also be covered. The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from ...
1- Preobrazensky march, unofficial anthem of Russian Tsardom 2- God save the Tsar, anthem of Russian Empire 3- Workers Marseillaise, anthem of Russian Republic 4- The internationale, first anthem of Soviet Union 5- Himn of Bolshevik Party, second anthem of Soviet Union 6- Patriotic song, first anthem of Russian Federation 7- Anthem of Russian Federation
Russian music of 18th century. Неизвестный автор - Танцы Камерный ансамбль Владимирской филармонии, Виктор Корначев Запись 1983 г. Vladimir Philharmonic Chamber ensemble Conductor: Victor Konachov 1983 year recording
Full article on CultureMap: http://cmap.it/nxRlWj Rienzi, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's European decorative arts collection, hosts its first curated exhibition. Inspired by the writings of Mrs. Elizabeth Raffald, an 18th century Martha Stewart, food historian Ivan Day walks us through what a special meal would look like at the table of an English aristocrat.
The 18th Century saw the height of The Age of Enlightenment, with Man's triumph over nature giving forth a love of artifice that extended to the human form. Rococo prettiness meshed with this obsession with artifice, giving rise to the panniers, powder and periwigs of this most decadent of fashion centuries. Yet behind the pretty powder the sartorial truth was somewhat grotesque! Enjoy.
info and buy: http://www.amazon.com/Enlightenment-New-World-American-Harpsichord/dp/B000059ZI1
THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE NEW WORLD American Harpsichord music in the XVIII Century ALEXANDER ROBERT REINAGLE (1756 - 1809) from A SELECTION OF THE MOST FAVOURITE SCOTS TUNES WITH VARIATIONS (Philadelphia, 1787) I. Lee Rigg in A major (a Scots tune with three variations and a Gigg) - 0:05 WILLIAM BROWN (Fl. 1783 - 1788) from THREE RONDOS FOR THE PIANO FORTE OR HARPSICHORD II. Rondo III in G major - 3:52 JOHN CHRISTOPHER MOLLER also know as JOHANN CHRISTOPH MÖLLER (1755 - 1803) date: Philadelphia, 1793 III. Sinfonia in E flat major - 8:53 (Allegro spirituoso, Menuetto, Rondo allegro, Menuetto) MR NEWMAN (Fl. 1807 - 1810) from THREE SONATAS, FOR THE PIANO FORTE OR HARPSICHORD: Op. 1 (New York, 1807-10) IV. Sonata III in D major - 12:30 (Andante, Allegro spirit...
A short film from the 18th Century Day at The Wallace Collection. This was a day where the whole family could come to the Wallace to learn and take part in all aspects of 18th Century life. Today is our annual day in the 18th-century at the Wallace Collection. It's a popular event that we run every year, attracting over 2,000 people, all different ages. The Wallace Collection is very well known as a Collection of 18th-century works of art and this was a very famous 18th-century town house in its heyday. And we are hoping to make people feel a little bit closed to that era. There are lots of ways in which families can engage with the Wallace Collection today, from dressing up and getting their photo taken, to learning some songs and dances from the 18th-century, to making a puppet fro...
Фрагмент фильма "Эрмитажный театр. Золотой век" A clip from documentary "Hermitage Theatre. The Golden Age".
Existem pessoas que morrem de medo de estudar PROFECIAS. Talvez o principal motivo de tuo isso seja a linguagem simbólica que o APOCALIPSE trás dentro de sí. Acompanhe no vídeo, 4 profecias que já se cumpriram depois do século XVIII, espero que gostem. Pode crê? 1° BESTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_8MCa1leZI Inscreva-se aqui: http://bit.ly/1GHww2k - Curta a página no Facebook: https://www.fb.com/pdccanal Contato: vlogpdc@gmail.com
Curatorial Summer School | VAC Foundation Moscow Oriental Art Museum A project by Karen Vestergaard Andersen, Chiara Ianeselli, Larion Lozovoy For all happiness that has ever thrilled the heart; all greatness that has nearly destroyed us with its force; every broad, transforming thought ~ was once nothing but the pursing of lips, the raising of eyebrows, the shadows on a face: and this expression on the mouth, this line above the eyebrows, this darkness on a face ~ perhaps they were always there in exactly the same form, as a marking on an animal, as a crack in a rock, as a bruise on a piece of fruit. Auguste Rodin, Reiner Maria Rilke, 1907 A bruise on a piece of fruit hides the cave of the worm that has grown its habitat inside that juicy planet since it came to life. Phidias' Zeus ...
Manour House of the XVIII century in Porto – Águas Santas Manour House of the XVIII century with eigth rooms, five of wich with private bath. The house is completely restored, offers all modern facilities, and is decorated with antique furniture. Its baroque chapel and box-tree garden with Camelias deserve to be admired. The Manour House Quinta da Granja is at 16 km from the OPorto airport, and only 5 kilometers away from the city limits. Beaches, swimming pools, tennis courts or horse riding are within 15 km (Porto, Matosinhos, Leça da Palmeira). Miramar (20Km south of Oporto) has a beautiful and complete Golf course. Your stay at the Manour House Quinta da Granja can be the starting point for an unforgettable journey to the beautiful Douro Valley where the universally known Port w...
Manour House of the XVIII century in Porto – Águas Santas Manour House of the XVIII century with eigth rooms, five of wich with private bath. The house is completely restored, offers all modern facilities, and is decorated with antique furniture. Its baroque chapel and box-tree garden with Camelias deserve to be admired. The Manour House Quinta da Granja is at 16 km from the OPorto airport, and only 5 kilometers away from the city limits. Beaches, swimming pools, tennis courts or horse riding are within 15 km (Porto, Matosinhos, Leça da Palmeira). Miramar (20Km south of Oporto) has a beautiful and complete Golf course. Your stay at the Manour House Quinta da Granja can be the starting point for an unforgettable journey to the beautiful Douro Valley where the universally known Port w...
Część 6 wykładu na temat europejskich tkanin jedwabnych w XVIII wieku, tym razem na temat tkanin z wzornictwem w dojrzałej fazie 1725 - 1730 Jest to wnikliwe kompendium wiedzy skierowane do rekonstruktorów ubiorów z XVIII wieku, konserwatorów tkanin, historyków sztuki i ubioru, a także wszystkich wielbicieli sztuki. Bibliografia: 1. Thornton Peter, "Baroque and Rococo Silks", Londyn 1965 2. Rothstein Natalie, "The Victoria & Albert Museum's Textile Collection – Woven Textile Design in Britain to 1750", Londyn 2002 3. Browne Carle, "Silk Designs of the Eighteenth Century", Londyn 1996 4. Miller Lesley Ellis, "Selling Silks. A Merchant's Sample Book 1764", Londyn 2014 5. red. Regula Schorta, "Abegg Stiftung – Riggisberger Berichte. Seidegewebe des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Industrien in Engl...
Download links: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Musica_Sacra_Canti_Per_La_Liturgia_Vol_1_A_Compreh?id=B7535losh4cj2jedpkwukz2peka https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Musica_Sacra_Christian_Hymns_Vol_1_A_Comprehensive?id=Bgs5wvpnj7j5m6t65ct27ayzhfm https://play.google.com/store/music/album/The_Christian_Hymnal_Society_Christian_Hymns_Organ?id=Bhilvrqbjakjzijtg23n2sfrfq4
Download links: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Musica_Sacra_Canti_Per_La_Liturgia_Vol_1_A_Compreh?id=B7535losh4cj2jedpkwukz2peka https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Musica_Sacra_Christian_Hymns_Vol_1_A_Comprehensive?id=Bgs5wvpnj7j5m6t65ct27ayzhfm https://play.google.com/store/music/album/The_Christian_Hymnal_Society_Christian_Hymns_Organ?id=Bhilvrqbjakjzijtg23n2sfrfq4
Download links: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Musica_Sacra_Canti_Per_La_Liturgia_Vol_1_A_Compreh?id=B7535losh4cj2jedpkwukz2peka https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Musica_Sacra_Christian_Hymns_Vol_1_A_Comprehensive?id=Bgs5wvpnj7j5m6t65ct27ayzhfm https://play.google.com/store/music/album/The_Christian_Hymnal_Society_Christian_Hymns_Organ?id=Bhilvrqbjakjzijtg23n2sfrfq4 https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Musica_Sacra_Canti_Per_La_Liturgia_Vol_2_Canzoni_d?id=Bfn5ker7llhz3ovktgz3noeukv4&hl;=en
[PL] http://odkrywcahistorii.pl/ Przygotowując się do wypraw z użyciem wykrywacza metalu korzystamy z różnych źródeł – książek, Internetu, przekazu ustnego i różnych map. To właśnie mapy są bardzo dobrym źródłem wiedzy o dawnym miejscu. Pokazują nam wiele, nieistniejące zabudowania, układ dawnych dróg, ciekawe miejsca, które nie zachowały się do dnia dzisiejszego. Na tej podstawie możemy wybrać miejsce na wykopki i znaleźć ciekawe pamiątki regionalne. Tak również było w tym przypadku. Miejsce zostało wybrane na podstawie analizy mapy. Na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. pracujący dla pruskiej armii kartograf Daniel Reymann stworzył serię map obejmujących tereny Niemiec i krajów sąsiednich. Dzisiaj są one niezbędnym narzędziem każdego poszukiwacza. Poszukiwania przy użyciu detektora metalu prow...