- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 1045556
Amazon Redshift is a hosted data warehouse product, which is part of the larger cloud computing platform Amazon Web Services. It is built on top of technology from the massive parallel processing (MPP) data warehouse ParAccel by Actian. Redshift differs from Amazon's other hosted database offering, Amazon RDS, by being able to handle analytics workloads on large scale datasets stored by a column-oriented DBMS principle. To be able to handle large scale datasets Amazon is making use of massive parallel processing.
Amazon Redshift "is based on PostgreSQL 8.0.2. [...] PostgreSQL 9.x includes some features that are not supported in Amazon Redshift. In addition, there are important differences between Amazon Redshift SQL and PostgreSQL 8.0.2".
In principle Amazon Redshift is able to handle all connections from other applications based upon ODBC and JDBC connections. Amazon has listed a number of business intelligence tools as partners and tested tools.
In physics, redshift happens when light or other electromagnetic radiation from an object is increased in wavelength, or shifted to the red end of the spectrum. In general, whether or not the radiation is within the visible spectrum, "redder" means an increase in wavelength – equivalent to a lower frequency and a lower photon energy, in accordance with, respectively, the wave and quantum theories of light.
Some redshifts are an example of the Doppler effect, familiar in the change of apparent pitches of sirens and frequency of the sound waves emitted by speeding vehicles. A redshift occurs whenever a light source moves away from an observer. Another kind of redshift is cosmological redshift, which is due to the expansion of the universe, and sufficiently distant light sources (generally more than a few million light years away) show redshift corresponding to the rate of increase in their distance from Earth. Finally, gravitational redshift is a relativistic effect observed in electromagnetic radiation moving out of gravitational fields. Conversely, a decrease in wavelength is called blueshift and is generally seen when a light-emitting object moves toward an observer or when electromagnetic radiation moves into a gravitational field. However, redshift is a more common term and sometimes blueshift is referred to as negative redshift.
Enter Shikari - Redshift
Introduction to Amazon Redshift
Cubed - Red Shift
Robert Chacon - Redshift (feat. Robertha Sepulveda) [NCS Release]
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (DAT201) Introduction to Amazon Redshift
Building Your Data Warehouse with Amazon Redshift
Redshift - Halo full album
Red Shift and Doppler Effect
Redshift VI - Faultline Live
[MIKU-LUKA] Dekat di Hati (REDSHiFT Remix)
http://www.entershikari.com http://www.twitter.com/entershikari - - - - ‘Redshift’ on iTunes: http://po.st/redshiftitunes ‘Redshift’ on Spotify: http://po.st/shikarispotify - - - - Let’s be friends on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/entershikari Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/entershikari Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entershikariofficial/ Add us on Snapchat if you feel like it, we post stuff: ‘entershikarisc’ Directed by Mike Tyler http://vevo.ly/Sm9Qbn
Learn about Amazon Redshift key concepts. See a demo of Redshift basics and then go practice with a free lab at https://run.qwiklab.com/focuses/1583?locale=en&search;=15238
NoCopyrightSounds, We Upload. You Listen. • NCS Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyNCS This release from Robert Chacon has been a long time coming. 'Redshift' is only one of the tracks included in the 'Redshift' EP released by Robert Chacon independently. Free Download @ http://bit.ly/1Vvn4U9 • NCS Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyNCS NCS ➞ SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds ➞ Facebook http://facebook.com/NoCopyrightSounds ➞ Twitter http://twitter.com/NCSounds ➞ Google+ http://google.com/+nocopyrightsounds ➞ Instagram: http://instagram.com/nocopyrightsounds Follow Robert Chacon: https://soundcloud.com/robertchacon https://twitter.com/Rob_Chacon http://www.last.fm/music/Robert+Chac%C3%B3n http://robertchacon.net/ NCS Playlists: http://bit.ly/NCSdrumstep http://bit.ly/NCSchillst...
Learn how Amazon Redshift, our fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse, can help you quickly and cost-effectively analyze all your data using your existing business intelligence tools. Get an introduction to how Amazon Redshift uses massively parallel processing and scale-out architecture to ensure compute resources grow with your dataset size, and columnar, direct-attached storage to dramatically reduce I/O time. Learn how top online retailer RetailMeNot moved their largest Vertica cluster on Amazon EC2 to Amazon Redshift. See how they gain insights from clickstream, location, merchant, marketing, and operational data across desktop and mobile properties.
In this presentation, you will get a look under the covers of Amazon Redshift, a fast, fully-managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service for less than $1,000 per TB per year. Learn how Amazon Redshift uses columnar technology, optimized hardware, and massively parallel processing to deliver fast query performance on data sets ranging in size from hundreds of gigabytes to a petabyte or more. We'll also walk through techniques for optimizing performance and, you’ll hear from a specific customer and their use case to take advantage of fast performance on enormous datasets leveraging economies of scale on the AWS platform.
"Halo" is Redshift's fifth album release. An entirely studio-based recording it was performed solely by Mark Shreeve. It showcases a darker sensibility to the music than previous Redshift albums, a theme continued by many subsequent releases. The violence of tracks like "Panzer" and "Savage Messiah" contrast with the more ethereal pieces such as "Leaving". The title track, also the longest, begins in the most minimal style before slowly building and layering towards an almost bombastic climax. Tracks like "Leviathan" and "Turbine" demonstrate the darker and more industrial emotions of rhythmic electronic music. 01 - Leviathan 02 - Rhode Kill 03 - Panzer 04 - Different Light 05 - Halo 06 - Savage Messiah 07 - Rise and Shine 08 - Turbine 09 - Leaving
A basic description of red shift and the Doppler Effect for GCSE Physics class
Recorded live at the Hampshire Jam 2 festival, Liphook, England, 9 November 2002 Line-up / Musicians James Goddard: electrixc piano, sampler, mono and polysynths Rob Jenkins: electric guitar, modular synthesizer and sequencers Julian Shreeve: sampler, mono and polysynths, modular synthesizer and sequencers Mark Shreeve: modular synthesizer and sequencers, monosynth, tape delay All tracks composed and performed by Redshift
Please do NOT mirror / reupload this video without permission. Thank you very much. -redshift Inikah Cinta Remix (2014) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NnpftZCrDE Cintaku Remix (2016) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUQvewVLme4 ...looks like it's that time of the year again, Happy Valentine guys! - - Original Song: RAN Performed by Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka MP3: https://www.toneden.io/redshiftvocaloid/post/dekat-di-hati-redshift-remix Arrange, Mixing: crash Guitars : Helmi VSQ: rikuu Illust: Kuroha Ai - http://ai-illust.daportfolio.com Produced by REDSHiFT *holy crap YT, stop messing with my mixdown please* - - Lyrics: Dering telefonku membuatku tersenyum di pagi hari Kau bercerita semalam kita bertemu dalam mimpi Entah mengapa aku merasakan hadirmu di sini Tawa candamu mengh...
There's something in the air that greets me
There's something in the air
I don't know where I belong
Or where does it go from here
See my dreams
They're not like anyone's, anyone's
There's something in your stare that greets me
There's something in your stare
That tells me where I belong
And where it all goes from here
I don't know where I belong
Or where it all goes from here
See my dreams
They're not like anyone's, anyone's
There's something in the air that greets me
There's something in the air
I don't know where I went wrong
Or where does it go from here
See my dreams