Monday, April 04, 2016

A Casino Will Save The Day

One day I will figure out why people think casinos are incredible draws and economic development engines. Is it corruption or stupidity? I really don't know.
National Harbor opened eight years ago in the middle of a recession. Today, it’s an economic and entertainment center for Prince George’s County. Now, some experts and officials say the arrival of the MGM National Harbor casino complex later this year could bring the waterfront community to a new pinnacle.

I'm actually not all that against gambling, just the notion that it's some wonderful attraction.

CoT: :Madman


And exegesis.

Morning Thread

Here's an understandable explanation of statistics and how pollsters work by Echidne. Give it a try, it's really very reachable for the less math inclined such as myself.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Sunday Night

Surprising lack of things to make me cranky today, which means that blogging is sucky.

Evening Thread

Between the new falafel(SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP BILL O'REILLY)/gyro/etc. cart and new banh mi place around the corner, my bargain lunch options have improved recently.

Otherwise, I got nothin'.

Afternoon Thread


America's Worst Humans

Kevin Johnson.

Oversleeping Again

Well not by this much, had some things to do this morning. But we had crazy howling winds here all night last night. Did not make for easy sleeping.

How Exactly Would That Work

I gave a talk at a college the other day, and a young somewhat upset Muslim student talked to me afterwords about just what the hell Trump's "Muslim ban" would mean. I said that "we" (including Trump!) do business with lots of rich majority Muslim countries, so of course "the right" Muslims (the rich ones) would be allowed in. And boom, there it is.

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Saturday Night

It's alright.

I Could Be Wrong On The Internet

It wouldn't be the first time. But the reason I harp on what I consider to be the ridiculousness of self-driving cars is that I think the only way they'll "work" (and even then, not well enough) in my lifetime is if an absurd amount of money is spent on building public infrastructure to make them work, instead of building more sensible things like mass transit. I also don't buy the various pro-urbanism arguments for them, which amount to "we won't need urban parking lots or to own cars" because you still have the commute problem. In a car-centric world, you have to have enough cars so people can go to work by car if you don't have that lovely mass transit system.

If they really do work as promised without upgrading the technology of our entire road network, maybe that would be a good thing. I just don't believe they'll work well enough. Of course in the future we might all upload our brains into robot bodies and finally get our jetpacks. When I say it won't work, I mean it won't work in anything resembling the timeline that boosters say it will. I don't think it'll work in my lifetime, and I plan to live at least a few more years.

No One Listens To Atrios

They aren't going to work.
Volvo's North American CEO, Lex Kerssemakers, lost his cool as the automaker's semi-autonomous prototype sporadically refused to drive itself during a press event at the Los Angeles Auto Show.

"It can't find the lane markings!" Kerssemakers griped to Mayor Eric Garcetti, who was at the wheel. "You need to paint the bloody roads here!"

What The Hell Is The Internet Doing

The number of sites I just can't bother with anymore because of the popover ads and the scrolling text that makes it impossible to actually read any of the content without getting seasick keeps increasing. Trying to read a damn article is like playing frogger now. It's making me wish for the golden future when facebook just eats all the content because whatever its flaws, facebook doesn't do that. Yet, of course.

Put the Damn Lights Back

During my recent visit to the suburbs I had to cross a 4 lane street at a place with no traffic light. They did have the "beacons" where you push a button and a yellow light flashes which is suppose to tell the drivers to stop. And there's a big crosswalk painted on the street. Basically, it was frogger. The cars would not stop. It does not work.

Lunch Thread

Gonna run some errands. Play nice. Or not as is your wont.


Because it's been a while.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Friday Evening

Your favorite candidate is a lying piece of shit.

Hacks to the Left of Me, Hacks to the Right

It's long been observed that the Democratic party has a bit of "hack gap" in that the Republicans just have more and better hacks, and more media outlets willing to let them be hacks. At least in this primary season, the Dems have caught up somewhat in the "more" part but not in the "better" part. I honestly can't figure out who anyone's message is aimed at. I'm sure there still are persuadables in this primary, but no one seems to be interested in actually persuading. I AM RIGHT. YOU ARE WRONG. YOUR VOTERS ARE OLD AND OUT OF TOUCH. YOUR VOTERS ARE YOUNG AND STUPID. Good luck with that.