Learn Spanish With Audio Programs

December 19th, 2009

Look Up ‘Learn Spanish Audio’ Material Spanish is one of the most spoken languages throughout the world. Some reports say that there are more than four hundred thousand people the world over speaking Spanish. It is a very easy language to learn and since it is spoken in many countries across the globe, it can be very useful for you. Spanish language is very close to English.  It is based on Latin like the other romance languages and it is written in the same alphabet as English. If you know English there are many words and phrases that are similar. And there are many automated traffic bot  phrases and words which you can very easily guess accurately; some words are even written and pronounced the same. Learn Spanish Audio Book One of the easiest ways to learn Spanish, is with the help of learn Spanish audios. What are these learn Spanish audios? Well, these are audio tapes (audio cassettes) or audio files, which are sent through the Net when you enroll with any online course available. There are also many audio books that include “learn Spanish” programs that can be downloaded to your MP3 player or computer. It is very easy to learn any language – not only Spanish – when you have the lessons spoken to you. These ‘learn Spanish audios’ usually teach you step by step how to speak Spanish. Try Out the ‘Learn Spanish Audio’ Material You can buy such ‘learn Spanish audios’ from many audio book sites, such as, http://www.YourAudioBookHQ.com .

 There are also many online courses, rocket spanish review which have their lessons divided into audio modules for your easy absorption. Through these lessons, you will not only learn Spanish grammar and vocabulary, you will also learn commonly used phrases and how to dialogue correctly. There are more advantages in choosing to learn Spanish through audio lessons: 1. You can hear the correct pronunciation, which is very important while learning a language; this is something you miss out on when you learn Spanish with the help of books only. 2. We are all used to multi-tasking now, and when you learn Spanish through audio material you can study your lessons while doing something else, like jogging, household chores, driving, etc. By using otherwise idle time you will not have to take additional time away from other activities. This will fast-forward the time taken for mastering the language. 3. Learning through audio books or programs will give you confidence to talk with Spanish people faster. People who learn through conventional classroom methods tend to be a little shy of the way they speak their newly learned language. However, the audio lessons will make you very familiar with the pronunciation, so that you will be confident to start a conversation, and secure in the knowledge that you speak correctly. 4. You can learn the local jargon – often, people learn Spanish, only to find that the language spoken by the seo services london common person in the street, is quite different. The audio lessons more often than not throw a good light on the local (street) jargon as well and help you to be familiar more common terms and phrases. Debbie Flores http://www.articlesbase.com/education-articles/learn-spanish-with-audio-programs-137361.html

How to Speak Spanish Fluently

December 16th, 2009

It is never too late to learn a second language and just think of the possibilities. Want to speak Spanish fluently now? It is not hard as your imagination, just learn it now. But how to speak Spanish fluently? In the past learning Spanish through textbooks were the only way to learn how to speak Spanish, but not anymore! You can learn to speak Spanish fluently through a variety of ways: you can learn it from watching videos on the television; you can learn it by studying in a book; and, you can learn Spanish through the online adventures. In fact, you can even purchase programs to help you with each aspect of learning the language. By using these programs, you will need to expose yourself to the language daily while learning how to speak fluently .Try to devote 10 minutes every day to a bit of study or revision, instead of doing 1 hour one day but then not finding the time to look at it again for a couple of months. With 10 minutes of study each day, you probably won’t feel like you are making progress because the progress is so gradual. However, the progress will also be steady, and in 2 to 3 months time when you look back on how much you have learned, you’ll probably impress yourself. Not matter how well you learn languages I have to say that I agree with the school of though that says the best way is through immersion. To truly learn to speak Spanish fluenlty a nice combination of all the above mentioned methods would be nice. To watching videos on the television, read books, use software, and practice it every day would be ideal and probably very successful. As a result of it, what you need to do now is just choosing a way and do it day by day, and you will find you could speak Spanish fluently in a very short time. Find more information and tips about learning Spanish by visiting learn to speak Spanish. lana wei http://www.articlesbase.com/languages-articles/how-to-speak-spanish-fluently-116049.html


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What are the advantages of learning Italian ?

December 14th, 2009

What can I gain if I learn this language? Share your views. Someone says learning Italian is a waste of time. I feel so sad because I love Italian culture. What should I do? Extra Question ) My Chinese parents say , ” You are not living in Europe. Therefore, learning italian is useless for you. ” They say I am a loser “You don’t know distinguish what is good or bad to you . ”
OMG, italian is NOT A WASTE OF TIME!!!!! but i totally believe you that someone on here would say that. everytime there is a question like ‘how do you say this in any language?’ or ‘what language do you speak?’ when me or other people say italian, people will thumb us down for no reason! italian is NOT a waste of time, they assume that because it is very close to latin, that italian is dead like latin. NOT SO!!!!!! and i went on vacation to california and i came into contact w/ many italians that spoke it!!! i swear!!! not to mention, i speak it!!! and i have italian family living in california (more in italy though). but also another misconception is that italian is only spoken in italy. italian is spoken in italy, switserland, the us, canada, argentina, france, germany, greece, even a little in africa and austrailia!!! it is only MOSTLY spoken in italy. but you should find SOME italian speakers evrywhere you go in the world. for crying out loud i found some in california!!!!! 70 million italian speakers in the world are still a lot of people to talk to! lol italian is beautiful!!! whoever said it is a waste is just jealous because they know everyone wants to vacation in italy or learn the language. not very many people WANT to learn say like spanish, they just do because they need it. ITALIAN IS JUST AS BEAUTIFUL AS CHINESE, SPANISH AND FRENCH!!!!! it is no less! it is beautiful, it is cool, and hip and chic, and wonderful, how dare they call it a waste of time!!!!!! it is not the worst language on earth!!!!!!!!!!!! i dedicate this song to italian: Non è giusto, non è vero Non è un mostraccione solo un poveraccio ma in italiano se di più, l’italiano ha molto più! OHHH!!!! and also, consider this: if italian is such a waste of time, why is it the 3rd or 4th most commonly taught language in the u.s.? do tell me!!! ANDDDD, if you know italian, you can actually get some!!! oh and PS!!!: dude, you seriously need to call child services on your abusive parents!!!! regarding marla’s answer: NEVER…..EVER use spanish as a substitute for italian. never ever just assume you can speak streight spanish in italy and italians will understand you 99%. they are not THAT similar. they are similar, but there are more differences than similarities. marla’s answer is the equivalent of saying “well, english and german are both germanic languages and are very similar. so i guess that means when i go to germany this summer, i’ll just speak english to the germans, and they’ll understand english 99%.’ italian and spanish are NOT the same language, neither are they almost the same. think i’m bulshìtting?: let’s compare! english: My head hurts. italian: La mia testa fa male. french: Ma tête fai mal. spanish: Mi cabeza duele. Put it on the table. Mettelo sul tavolo. Mette-vous sur table. Ponelo en la mesa. Look at my face. Guarda la mia faccia. Reguarde-vous ma face. Mira mi cara. My sister is beautiful. Mia sorella è bella. Ma soeur est belle. Mi hermana es hermosa. more più plus más again ancora encore otra vez too much troppo trop demasiado cousin cugino cousin primo etc. italian and french are SO MUCH closer: 1. italian and french share 89% lexical similarity 2. italian – catalan: 87% 3. italian – sardinian: 85% 4. italian – SPANISH: 82% 5. italian – rheto-romance and portugues: 78% 6. italian – romanian: 77% don’t just assume spanish italian are practically the same. spanish is only the FOURTH closest to italian, AFTER french, catalan, and sardinian!


Will learning Spanish help me learn Italian and Portuguese?

March 10th, 2010

Hello, I am a high school sophomore and am currently taking a Spanish class. I want to become a doctor who travels to different countries, and I heard that by learning Spanish, the other Latin-based languages will be easier to learn. Is this true? If so, I definitely want to try learning those languages too, but I should take it one language at a time…right? Any information will be useful to me, thanks in advance!

Basically, yes
All of the romance language do the sound the same, but are very different when spoken or written. Confusion often occurs, which is why you want to learn each language separately at its own time.

I suggest you learn Spanish completely
Then take Portuguese, the closest language to Spanish
Then finally Italian
If you would like to French is also similar to the rest of the romance languages, and you could take that into consideration hence the use of French in the continents of North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and certain Asian countries

What is an easy way to learn/assist with learning German?

March 10th, 2010

I am a foreign exchange student and am really behind. The headmaster at my new german school didnt like my limited vocab. any place that can help me out?

I’m half German, and I do speak it well. The best thing to do is get a one on one teacher so he/she can test your pronunciation and you can ask questions and talk with him/her in German and practice. That help a lot. Maybe get a German computer CD so you can learn is faster by doing games. If you get a teacher, ask to give you a big list of vocabulary. That’s what my teacher did(mostly just verbs).

Here are some websites that might help you. I hope you learn German fast! It’s tricky, but fun!

Auf Wiedersehen!Hoffnung das hilft!


http://www.serve.com/shea/vocab2.htm(this site gives links to other sites)

I found another website. I’m not sure how much German you know. But I’ll just give you the link anyways.


Here’s also another site.


How to Learn Italian and French Online?

March 10th, 2010

I want to lear Italian and french but I want ot do it online, I don’t want to go to a classroom, and pay hundreds of dollars, I want something easy that I can use whenever I have some spare time. I am looking for a program that would teach me even if I am a beginner, I know I can learn I just need a good program, thanx

you’re lucky i saw your question

google "grammaire de l’absurde" , you will be delighted !

How difficult is learning Italian?

March 7th, 2010

I’m a native English speaker, and I would like to learn Italian.
I can already speak French, Thai, and stumble my way through Russian.

How difficult would learning italian be? I’m especially concerned about the grammar (that’s my weak point in languages)

sorry my dear, i can speak english, a little spanish, bahasa indonesia, now i m also studying french, in fact i bought a french english book. my sister have a friend who happen married to italian, once they took a vacation, her italian husband spoke italian and it amazed me, i said to myself, italian language has a little bit of some spanish, just i noticed it. go my dear study the italian language its really great, like french, a tongue twister one , for me. lol

How should I go about learning German on my own?

March 7th, 2010

I really really want to learn the german language but it’s not offered at a time I can take the clas at my school do to scheduling (we’re only allowed to take seven classes and my schedule is already full, i’m in high school) but I still want to learn german very much so,
does anyone know a way in which i could teach myself the language???
that would be SUPER!

In iTunes there’s a language section of the podcasts. Look for "My Daily Phrase German". This can help. Also try asking and answering questions on Y!A to test your self. I hope I helped! Thanks for always answering my questions! =) Happy Easter

Oh yeah, and at some places you can buy german books. You might be able to get cheap ones from like Good Will or somewhere.

whats a good site to learn french online? (i want to improve french)?

March 7th, 2010

i take french but i want to improve it
no downloading if possiable
i searched up learn french online but theres alot of them so im wondering which is the best
around gr8-10 lvl highschool

Try about.com

How can I get a jumpstart on learning German?

March 4th, 2010

I am taking German next year in school but I am very anxious and want to get a head start. Any pointers or ways to get ahead?

Na gut! Jeder soll Deutsch lernen, oder?

I’ll second the recommendation for livemocha.com. They have pretty good lessons, it’s totally free, and you can talk to other people on there who are also learning or who know more than you do. You can also help people learn the languages you already know if you get tired of studying and want to help someone else out.

Oh, and you’ll need to know http://dict.leo.org if you need an online dictionary. I use that one all the time and it’s helped me through some really tough academic German, so it’s got everything you’ll need. Plus, it’s linked in with canoo.net, which has tons and tons of conjugation and declination charts and all kinds of other awesome grammar stuff that’s helpful in a pinch.