Privacy Campaigns

EPIC's important privacy campaigns include:

Data Protection 2016

Data Protection 2016 image

Noting widespread concern about the state of privacy in America, EPIC has launched "Data Protection 2016," a non-partisan campaign to make data protection an issue in the 2016 election.

Algorithmic Transparency

Algorithmic Transparency image

In 2015, EPIC launched a project on algorithmic transparency, urging companies to show us the code that makes judgements about us.

Stop Body Scanners

Jan. 6 Body Scanner Event

EPIC filed a lawsuit to suspend the deployment of body scanners at US airports, pending an independent review.
Details on EPIC v. DHS
EPIC Body Scanner Incident Report
EPIC's Body Scanner Facebook Page

Privacy & Google Books

Google Privacy?

Google Books Settlement & Privacy
Google Books Policy
Google Books Litigation

Privacy and the 2010 Election

EPIC's 2010 E-Deceptive Campaign Practices Report

National Opt-Out Day

National Opt Out Day

Internet Privacy

Infographic Button

Internet Privacy Infographic


Privacy and the 2008 Election

Privacy 08 image

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EPIC relies on support from individual donors to pursue our work.

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EPIC Champion of Freedom Awards Dinner 2016

Dinner image

National Press Club
Washington, DC
June 6, 2016
