Online Dating is King

April 1, 2016
Online Dating is King

Here’s why we need to talk about and really understand online dating: Since 2009 that Online number has increased to a firm 25%. Michael Rosenfeld, a sociologist at Stanford, is conducting a longitudinal study of over 3,000 subjects on dating: How Couples Meet and Stay Together. He’s acquired a wealth of useful information, particularly around the […]

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Respect the Chemistry of Attraction

March 30, 2016
Respect the Chemistry of Attraction

I was catching up with my young friend Cara yesterday and she mentioned that she’d had brunch with a college acquaintance who recently moved to town. Cara spoke admiringly of this young woman, who teaches in a tough city school. She described her as thoughtful, gracious and attractive in every way. Yet she felt that […]

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Trends in the US Marriage Market

March 24, 2016
Trends in the US Marriage Market

Contrary to some erroneous impressions, recent research using longitudinal data from almost 10,000 subjects has revealed some interesting patterns with regard to marriage. Specifically, who goes for it. It turns out that the most attractive males and females marry at the highest rates. In addition, increasing female wages offer women the opportunity to delay marriage while holding […]

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The Nice Guy Strategy

March 22, 2016
The Nice Guy Strategy

The Nice Guy ™ is one of the internet’s most ridiculed characters. He is slammed for his sense of entitlement, the ways in which he misrepresents himself, and his capacity for self-delusion. He is notorious for blaming women for his own lack of attractiveness. And he’s creepy. Example: This open letter was posted in a dorm lobby a couple […]

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Brene Brown on Boundaries

March 17, 2016
Brene Brown on Boundaries

We’ve been talking a lot about setting boundaries recently. Here’s a new Brene Brown video on why they’re not only helpful, they’re a prerequisite to being empathic and compassionate towards others. And to receiving compassion as well. A must see for both genders.

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