WIRED Science

News for Your Neurons
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Want to know which way the wind blows? IBM's new Deep Thunder tool combines the Weather Channel's data and forecasting with analytics for business applications.

Deep Thunder Can Forecast the Weather—Down to a City Block


Soon we'll have science to shape gun violence policy, and it's about damn time.

Congress Refuses, So California Funds Its Own Gun Violence Research Center


When a patient is shot by an AR-15, it looks like a grenade went off in there.

What an AR-15 Can Do to the Human Body


The National Science Foundation is right now undertaking a phenomenally risky and rare evacuation from the middle of the Antarctic ice sheet.

The Mission to Rescue a Scientist From the South Pole—in the Middle of Winter


What is the three body problem and how do you solve it? Really, the only way to solve this problem is with a numerical calculation.

This Is the Only Way to Solve the Three-Body Problem


Biotechnology can work just fine in Silicon Valley, as long as companies know when to pump the brakes.

Hot Tips For the Next Disruptive Blood Testing Unicorn


The 23rd satellite of the BeiDou satellite navigation constellation is in orbit. It's probably time to start paying attention.

The Chinese version of GPS is almost done, and it could rewrite the map of global commerce.


What happens to a person who talks for hours on end?

Here’s What Happens Inside the Mind of A Filibusterer


About 1.4 billion years ago, the universe gave scientists a Christmas present.

LIGO Has Detected Gravitational Waves for the Second Time


Drought, sudden oak death, and bark beetle are turning the Golden State's forests into kindling.

Even Indoor Kids Should Worry About California’s 30 Million Dead Trees


As we mark the 25th anniversary of the Pinatubo eruptions, volcanoes in Colombia, Russia and Nicaragua keep rumbling.

Volcanoes Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Pinatubo’s Eruption With Some Epic Rumbles


If Zika were so dangerous that the Olympics should be canceled, no one would be traveling in and out of Zika-affected areas.

Why Zika Is No Reason to Cancel the Olympics


If they do, I'm pretty sure I heard Elon promise he's buying everyone a drink.

SpaceX Is Totally Gonna Land a Rocket on a Drone Boat Again. Right? Right?


Everyone, including doctors, is confused about the patient privacy law.

Nobody Waived the HIPAA Privacy Law in Orlando After All


Mockingbirds are master mimickers who evolved to copy the calls of their fellow birds. And sometimes car alarms.

Can You Teach an Old Mockingbird New Songs?


Doctors worried the patient privacy law would prevent them from talking to families of victims.

HIPAA Privacy Regulations Didn’t Need to Be Waived After Orlando. Here’s Why They Were Anyway


That fish that attaches to sharks is called a remora, and while it may be a parasite, it's actually got a lot going for it.

Absurd Creatures: That Fish That Suctions to Sharks? It’s Actually Pretty Righteous


Nobody cares how much water anybody else is using until there's not enough. That leads to some interesting legal predicaments.

Fun Fact: Lots of California Isn’t Metering Its Water


A new series of papers has settled a long-standing question related to the popular game in which players seek patterned sets of three cards.

A Simple Proof From the Pattern-Matching Card Game Set Stuns Mathematicians


Advocates for plastic bag bans often neglect to ask what will replace plastic bags and what the environmental impact of that replacement will be.

Banning Plastic Bags Is Great for the World, Right? Not So Fast

핀 출처:

You share the planet with creatures that can smell veins, see colors you can’t imagine, and communicate through their feet.

The Weirdest Senses Animals Have That You Don’t


If you know anything about NASA, you know that missions just don't get launched that fast.

The Unknown Lab of Millennials Fast-Tracking NASA’s Missions


Shell spilled nearly 90,000 gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico last month, and you probably didn't even hear about it.

Bet You Didn’t Hear Shell Spilled a Bunch of Oil in the Gulf


Carbon dioxide is a problem. And everyone knows the best thing to do with problems is bury them deep in the ground and forget they ever existed.

A Power Plant in Iceland Has Turned Its CO2 Into Stone
