
Golden Retriever Lifetime Study

Update v16-1

Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Update v16-1

Everywhere we look today, the threat of emerging contagious diseases has captured our attention. Movies, books, and video games about out-of-control diseases have piqued society’s interest in how diseases arise and spread. Epidemiology is the study of how diseases affect populations. Epidemiologists study data in order to describe disease distribution, and to quantify risk associated with potentially disease-causing or disease-preventing factors.>

Health Tip

Although it is said, “a penny saved is a penny earned” — make sure your golden retriever isn’t becoming your doggie bank. One-cent coins minted after 1982 are made of copper plating around a core of potentially toxic zinc, which can cause kidney failure and damage red blood cells. Your golden retrievers are worth more than a penny, so keep them priceless by keeping your loose change out of reach!


Dr. E.J. Ehrhart

researcher & mentor

By Sharon Albright, DVM, CCRT, study veterinarian

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is happy to introduce E.J. Ehrhart, DVM, PhD, DACVP. Dr. Ehrhart is a board certified veterinary pathologist workingin the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, and the Flint Animal Cancer Center at Colorado State University.>


Coming Soon:

biopsy kits

By Erin Searfoss, study director

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is excited to announce a new process for distributing biopsy kits. A standardized biopsy process will help ensure prompt evaluation of abnormal tissues. Additional tissue samples from a biopsy also are requested for long-term storage and future analysis.>



mast cell tumors

By Sharon Albright, DVM, CCRT, study veterinarian

Mast cells are a type of white blood cell that participate in local immune function. They contain granules that release histamine, heparin, and other enzymes involved in allergic reactions and fighting off infectious agents. >

Health Tip

Although it is said, “a penny saved is a penny earned” — make sure your golden retriever isn’t becoming your doggie bank. One-cent coins minted after 1982 are made of copper plating around a core of potentially toxic zinc, which can cause kidney failure and damage red blood cells. Your golden retrievers are worth more than a penny, so keep them priceless by keeping your loose change out of reach!

Orvis Cover Dog Photo Contest

Since 2009, the Orvis Cover Dog Photo Contest program has raised more than $1.1 million for Morris Animal Foundation’s fight against canine cancer. For each vote for your favorite dog in the Orvis Cover Dog Photo Contest, Orvis will make a donation to Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. The contest runs until March 31, 2016.

Learn more about how easy it is to enter the contest from Morris Animal Foundation supporter Betty White.


Meet Hero #807

Every month, the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study team highlights a study dog in our online blog. Because every dog matters — in case you missed it, meet Hero Dog #807.

You’ve got a chance to win!

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study team is excited to announce a new incentive for our participants. Each calendar year, dogs that have completed study requirements will automatically be entered in a drawing to receive a valuable prize. >